Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 913: The past chapter outside the fan (7)

Between classes.

Yannian fell asleep on the table.

"Next month is the midterm exam, and I'm still sleeping!"

Ding Baoyi turned around, took the book, and knocked Yan Nian's head.

Yannian snorted, rubbing her sleepy eyes, her voice was a little sleepy, "Even if I sleep all day, there will be men who will support me in the future."

"Hahahaha-are you confused? Who can support you, what do you want to do?"

"So many boys write love letters to me, there is always one to support me." Yannian said ignorantly.

Ding Baoyi patted her forehead speechlessly and gave her a blank glance.

"What do those boys picture? You are good-looking, and you are young, otherwise you should study well? This kind of play is tired and won't last you forever."

"How did you know?"

"Ethical dramas are performed like this!"


Yannian narrowed her mouth and yawned greatly.

When it was over, she remembered that Jiang Ting had also asked her a few questions that she had to finish before tonight.


This is the sad reminder of the Student Party!

Sit up straight, cheered up, and plunged into the sea of ​​questions.


In the afternoon, Yannian was about to go home. A classmate came over and told her that she was looking for her on the playground and had been waiting for her for more than an hour.

Ding Baoyi winked, "I must confess to you, believe it or not?"

"I don't believe it, maybe Zhang Tianzhu wanted to talk to me."

Whose old class asks students to talk to the playground?

Pull it down!

Ding Baoyi snorted, "Should we make a bet!"

"I don't! I won't bet with you!"

Remembering the last time she bet Jiang Ting, she lost a piece of chess in three games, but this time she was smarter, she would not bet such a boring bet.

Carrying a schoolbag to the playground, I saw a tall and thin boy from a distance, with white skin and a sophomore uniform.

The boy beckoned at his words, first introduced his name and class, then said he would invite her to dinner, and asked her if she would have time for the weekend.

Yan Nian already understood the boy's intentions, "Senior, sorry, my parents won't let me fall in love early."

The other party was stunned.

"It doesn't matter, we can start with friends first."

"My parents won't let me make friends with strangers, so I'm sorry."


The other party was suddenly embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, this girl refused so simply, but he was obviously handsome, and there were almost no girls he couldn't capture.

"I don't mean anything else. I just want to get to know you. Really, don't treat me as a bad person and don't resist me so much, okay?"

"Then I don't study well, I have no brains and no ability, will you support me?"


Yannian lowered his eyes and squashed his mouth: "Look, you don't even mean to raise me. Sure enough, boys are all big pig hooves."

"As long as you want, I will have no problem raising two of you!" The boy said hurriedly.

Hearing Yan, Yannian raised his eyes again, a pair of clear apricot eyes staring at him, and his long eyelashes slowly fluttered like butterfly wings.

"Then how much money do you have now?"

"Two hundred, what's wrong?"

"Oh, then give me the money!" Yannian stretched out her hand.

The boy couldn't laugh or cry, "You little girl, how come you still reach out and ask people for money."

"Didn't you say you want to support me, but now you don't even give me two hundred dollars."

"No... the two hundred dollars I have on hand are my food expenses for this month. I'll give it to you. What do I eat and drink this month?"

"Forget it, since you have no money, don't be friends with me. My friends are all rich people."

After speaking, he left, his clear eyes turned around, and the small fox's narrow eyes flashed through the bottom of his eyes.

She just wanted to let the other party back away.

The boy stood there with his hands on his hips, always feeling that Nizi had put his hands on his hips, but the person had already left, so he could only touch his nose and walk away in a humble manner.


Yan Nian walked for a while, passing the basketball court, and saw Jiang Ting leaning under a tree.

He was wearing a school uniform, one-handed pocket, the zipper of the uniform gown was opened, a pair of black canvas shoes, white laces were spotless, and there was no dust at all along with the upper. At this moment, being shone by the setting sun, her short black hair showed a soft aperture.

Yannian stopped.

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows and stared at her, "Give you two hundred dollars, and you just left with others?"

"What's the matter with you, I just don't like that guy. If I meet someone I like in the future, I will follow him if he has no money."

Jiang Ting curled his lips and sneered, "The little girl doesn't know what it's like to have no money. If he doesn't have money, you won't follow."

"What does it matter to you in the end??"

Yannian looked up at him with her neck up, her eyes widened, like an angry little squirrel.

"Why do you like to preach to me? You think you are great when you study well, don't you?"

As soon as the voice fell, I didn't know which word hit Jiang Ting's anger.

"I'm only six years older than you, nothing more."

"Ha, what does it mean to be six years older than me? Didn't your teacher teach you rounding? Six years old is ten years old, okay? Who will follow you in the future and listen to you all day long. I really sympathize with your future wife. What a bad luck!"

Yannian finished speaking and left proudly.

Who made him useless to scold her last time!

When the little girl became venomous, she also didn't care about the three seven twenty one.

Jiang Ting carried his schoolbag across his shoulders and followed behind her.

She is 160, he is 180, there is a height difference of 20 centimeters between the two.

From Jiang Ting's angle, I saw the back of Yan Nian's black head.

Today, she tied two tall double ponytails. Accompanied by the walking posture, the ponytails are also flicked, which looks playful, vivid and cute.

The corner of Jiang Ting's mouth bends.


Leaving school, passing by a dessert shop, Yannian went in.

Little girls like to eat sweet things, and Yannian is no exception. She likes strawberry cake and matcha biscuits.

But Yannian didn't like to eat chocolate very much. She ordered a strawberry cake with a large fresh strawberry on it, and bought a new bottle of charcoal-flavored yogurt, and then happily carried it out.

As soon as I went out, I saw two shiny hundred-yuan bills on the ground directly in front of me.

Huh? !

Yannian rubbed his eyes.

Well, that's right, it's real money!

Look around, no one!

Jiang, who followed her along the way, didn't know where he went!

Quickly stepped forward, picked up the two pieces of money and copied them into the pocket.

She was so lucky today!

Jiang Ting walked slowly from behind a big tree nearby.

"Whose money?" he asked pretendingly curiously.

"Mine, of course mine!"

After speaking, he quickly turned his back to him and touched his pocket again.

Well, the money is still there.

Jiang Ting's eyebrows curled, and a light flashed, "If the owner is a man, exactly two hundred yuan is enough for you to agree with you."

"The owner, I said it's my money, is it still yours?" Yan Nian glared at him with side eyes.

Regarding this question, Jiang Ting did not explain, and walked in front of her by himself.

"It's getting late, if you don't go back, your father will criticize you again."

"I know, you don't need to tell me."

This time the change of words followed him.

He was tall and had a straight back, so that he blocked her from the setting sun.

But what about him, she made 200 yuan for nothing today, happy~

Walking to the corner, Jiang Ting suddenly looked back at Yannian.

Seeing that she was reluctant to think about it, pursing her lips like a little mouse who only stole butter.

He never knew that a smile would be contagious, otherwise why would he want to laugh too?


Today's homework is finished, Yannian drags Jiang Ting to stop him, and accompanies her to the next chess game.

In the end, she lost miserably again.

Don't mention too much anger in Yannian's heart.

Why can't I win this person? !

Jiang Ting: "If you advance at least 5 places this mid-term exam, I will let you win."

"It's a matter of time before you win. I have been slack off recently and haven't played much chess!"

The duck's mouth is so hard that he will not admit that his chess skills are not as good as Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting was a little curious, "You are good at chess, why is your study so bad?"

"Is there anyone who stipulates that playing chess is good, and learning must be good?"

"I'm serious with you, no kidding, this time the midterm exam, you must move forward."


"If you don't improve, you won't see me in the future."

Yan Yuming had approached him and said that if the mid-term exam stayed in place, he wouldn't waste her money by finding a tutor.

"Really? Great!"

Yannian clapped her hands and applauded, not to mention more happy.

Her reaction caused Jiang Ting to frown.

"You hate me that much?"

"I don't hate you, I hate studying, whoever lets me study, I hate anyone!"

The implication is that as long as she doesn't talk about studying, she is still very happy to live with him peacefully!

"I heard that after the mid-term exam, there is another large-scale youth chess competition in the city. If you improve this time, I can let you get the first place."

"Liar! How did you let me get first? I went to elementary school and lost twice to a sixth grader! He ate my general twice, twice!"

Yan Nian stretched out **** and dangled in front of Jiang Ting.

Facing her righteous indignation, the latter lowered his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, she still remembered.

But, I remember the chess game, but I can't remember him.

"Do you want to beat him once?" Jiang Ting asked.


Yannianxin said of course I want! However, the opponent was not Jiang Ting.

"Do you have any secrets?"

"Well, your grades are up this time, let me tell you."

"Well, I can barely believe you once, you go, I want to learn!"

Yannian took the initiative to ask to continue learning after finishing homework for the first time.


Yan thought has been studying so hard.

And the enthusiasm for learning continued for a whole week.

Even Ding Baoyi couldn't help falling asleep during the boring math class, but she didn't even think about it.

When the teacher said he was going to calculate the problem, Ding Baoyi looked back at Yan Nian.

She thought she would fall asleep on the table, and the scene of rushing to write in front of her made Ding Baoyi's chin drop.

"What's wrong with you? Have you been possessed by a ghost?"

"You have been possessed by a ghost, go and go-go on the side, don't stop me from studying."

Yannian is doing calculations while reading the formula on the blackboard. Although she is sitting in the last row, she has good eyesight and can see clearly without glasses. There are a few tall people blocking her sight, so she I need to stretch my neck to look at it, very tired.

Ding Baoyi stretched out a hand and waved it in front of Yannian, "Yannian classmate, wake up, this is an evil math class——"

"Oh, don't stop me from looking at the formula!"

Yan Nian flicked away Ding Baoyi's hand, muttering numbers in her mouth, for fear that she had made a mistake.

Ding Baoyi couldn't laugh or cry, and glanced at He Huaiguang across the aisle.

"Do you know what happened to her these days?"

He Huaiguang shrugged his shoulders, "It's probably because I want to be at the same table with me, so I'm working hard!"

"Your face is so big!"


Between classes in the morning.

Jiang Ting sat in the last row, with one hand on his cheek, watching the university's "Advanced Mathematics".

He has started to study the subjects of the university by himself, such as calculus. It took him half a day to understand all of them, and it felt no difficulty.

After a while, Zhang Fan yelled at the back again——

"Jiang Ting, someone is looking for it!"

Hearing that Xu Kuangjie smiled, turned his head, and stroked his chin pretendingly, "You have been looking for someone lately. Obviously I look like you, so why is no one looking for me."

Jiang Ting didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of ridicule, got up and walked outside.

Zhang Fan sat in the first row, looking at Jiang Ting passing by, and pulled him, "It's the same elementary school girl last time. She looks good. If you are not interesting to others, I think I can."

Jiang Ting frowned in an instant, "She is still young."

"It's okay, child brides-in-law are popular these days."

"She despised you."

When the hard state left this sentence, Jiang Ting went out.

"Cut..." Zhang Fan stroked his injured little heart, "If you want to swallow it, just say it."


Yan Nian handed Jiang Ting the exercise question in her hand.

"The question you gave me last night, I have done it, and you can give me some goodbyes!"

"Really done?" Jiang Ting was dubious.

"If you don't believe me, see for yourself."

Then Jiang Ting glanced.

Her thin lips were pursed.

"Six questions, you are five wrong."

"Impossible! I always follow the formula, how can I make a mistake?"

"The formula lacks arms and legs. Either you forgot to add parentheses or you forget to pass. Can you idiot use snacks?"

Jiang Ting felt that even if he was the last in his class, he was not so stupid.

This girl is very clever and clever. In fact, she is not stupid in her head, just too bluff.

"Then, you can give me a few more words, I promise that the error rate will not be so high next time!" Yan Nian was not convinced.

"You go back and correct these five questions first. Ask for quality but not quantity, idiot."

"Got it! What do you always call me an idiot? The idiot didn't eat your rice!"

Yannian turned around and left after speaking.

I originally wanted him to guide her. Someone would be fine. He kept calling her an idiot and kept laughing at her. Isn't she destined to be looked down upon if she doesn't study well?

Jiang Ting looked at her with a sullen face, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Yan Nian's arm.

"At lunch, I will tell you about these wrong questions. When the last class is over, you come to the high school to find me."

"Forget it! You can tell me about it tonight!"

Yannian didn't flick his hand away, so why did this happen?

Jiang Ting stared at her, "Come to me."

Not to be beaked, a bit domineering.

"Oh, got it!"

Class was about to start, and Yannian ran away without saying much.

Her figure disappeared from his sight, until he couldn't see it, Jiang Ting turned around and returned to the class.

Xu Kuangjie looked at Jiang Ting and was smiling again, his smile was inaudible, but he was very ecstatic.

Ask him what's wrong, if he doesn't say anything, he likes to hang his appetite.

Xu Kuangjie got angry, "Just wait, I will know what's wrong with you sooner or later!"

"Then I wait."

Jiang Ting leaned back with his arms still arms, his peachy eyes narrowed slightly.

Those eyes, with a kind of calm sword and sword shadow, seemed to say, if you dare to intervene in my affairs, the end result will be a dead end.

Xu Kuangjie shivered with that murderous intent.

"I, I don't want to know for the time being! But don't blame me for not reminding you, we are all people who want to go abroad, except for a few brothers in the country, who can communicate for a long time, the rest will not be in contact in the future!"

Will there be no contact anymore?

An unspeakable ripple appeared in Jiang Ting's heart, slightly bitter, he turned his head and looked out the window, saying nothing more.


At noon, Yan Nian came to the high school to find Jiang Ting, Cui Linlin was talking to Jiang Ting.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, Jiang Ting nodded lightly, his expression cold.

With a glance at his eyes, Jiang Ting saw Yan Nian.

Yannian walked over: "You and your classmates go to dinner, I don't want to be a light bulb!"

Jiang Ting frowned, "What light bulb?"

Cui Linlin hurriedly looked at Jiang Ting, "I happen to have a few physics problems, let's go to the cafeteria for dinner together, you can tell me about it!"

With that said, Cui Linlin dared to pull Jiang Ting's sleeve, as if acting like a baby.

Unwilling to see the two of you, you and me, Yannian rolled her eyes silently, "You can go to dinner with others, and you can give me tutoring at night!"

Jiang Ting had already left Cui Linlin's hand when he finished speaking, and grabbed Yannian's arm to prevent her from leaving.

He looked at Cui Linlin blankly.

"I have something important to tell her, so I'm sorry."

After talking with Cui Linlin, she took Yannian and left.

Standing in place, Cui Linlin was embarrassed and annoyed, and chopped her feet twice angrily!

It shouldn't be!

Jiang Ting wouldn't like a little girl who was just in the second grade of junior high school, right?

When it comes to the cafeteria, there are still a lot of people, and they need to line up.

This is the first time Jiang Ting has lined up.

"What do you want to eat?" He looked down at the girl who was a head shorter than himself.

"You don't have to worry about me, I can order it myself later."


Jiang Ting didn't say much.

He made rice one step ahead of Yannian, made two copies of curry rice, and handed her one with yogurt.


"Served! You really are!"

Yannian didn't want to owe him, and after sitting down, said: "Go back tonight, I will pay you back the meal."

"No need to."

He brought the yogurt, put a straw in her, and then handed it to her.

Yan Nian: "I still have to pay you back, I know your family is not very good."

"There is no shortage of money for a meal. If you really want to pay me back, take the mid-term exam and pay it back."



Hard work pays off.

This time, Yannian advanced eight places in the class, and his math score improved by more than 40 points, almost passing the pass.

The happiest thing is that Yannian's father, Yan Yuming, praised Jiang Ting for teaching well.

Jiang Ting said nothing.

Yan Yuming laughed heartily.

"You are too modest, and you have done a lot. I will continue to trouble you next time. I hope my naughty girl can make progress in the final exam!"

"Good uncle, I will do my best."

"Well, then you can continue to come tonight. Don't relax after the mid-term exam. As long as my girl relaxes, her grades will drop immediately."

After Yan Yuming finished speaking, he paid Jiang Ting the tutoring money for this month, and after a few more words, he went out with Ma Xueyan.

He has a dinner tonight and will be back later.

"Leave Nian Nian alone at home, don't you worry?" Ma Xueyan asked him.

"Jiang Ting has a good character, I can't believe it." Yan Yuming put his arm around Ma Xueyan's shoulder.

Ma Xueyan leaned in his arms, silently enjoying his rare warmth.

He would take the initiative to hug her shoulders.

But she never took the initiative to hug her waist.

As soon as the parents left, Yannian immediately looked at Jiang Ting with bright eyes.

"Brother Jiang Ting!!!"

Nothing is good, nothing is good.

Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows: "?"

"The previous bet, you said it would make me first."

"The game hasn't started yet, what's the hurry?"

"Hey—you are swindling again! Say yes to teach me some secrets!"

"The secret needs to be played on the court. Now is not the time."

"Cut! You really lied to me! I don't want to study today, I have a headache!"

"You don't have a headache any day?"

"No matter, it hurts more today! Don't talk to me!"

After that, he turned to take a bath in the bathroom.


Yannian is a real headache.

She started to have a headache this afternoon.

I originally thought that taking a bath would be refreshing, but I didn't expect it to have headaches and dizziness.

In a blink of an eye, it was already raining outside.

The pattering, and the sky dimmed.

During the rainy season in July, there are many rains, and Yannian doesn't like such humid weather, which makes people feel boring and uncomfortable.

But where did Jiang Ting go?

His schoolbag is still on the table.

Yan Nian went out and saw the delicious food on the table.

Braised eggplant, fried pork with taro, fried small crispy pork, and a tomato and egg soup are all there.

Jiang Ting: "After eating, I will study hard."

"What do you cook???"

"Otherwise you did it?"

"Oh, the children of the poor are in charge."

Yannian just said casually, without ridicule, Jiang Ting handed her the chopsticks and the bowl.

"Cooking has nothing to do with having money or no money. Not everyone is dressed like you to reach out and open their mouths."

"How can I stretch out my clothes and open my mouth? I am also very independent, okay! In the future, I want to start a company as a designer or a florist, but it is you. You should be a good school age and work and earn money. Do your parents know you do this? Anyway, none of my friends are like you."

"I say you, do you choke me so many sentences?" Jiang Ting looked at her helplessly.

"My pleasure!"

Yannian hasn't said enough yet.

"My mother said that in the future, a man who is incapable and ambitious will be a son-in-law who has fallen in the door. He is content with the status quo and cannot earn much money in his life. Such a man must not be followed."

Jiang Ting hooked his lips, "If you are like this, I guess you can only find someone who can insert the door upside down."

"What's wrong with me?! You don't look at people with your eyelashes all day long, wait, I will find a husband in the future, he must be several times handsomer than you, richer than you, better than you to me, I will especially love He, I want to give him so many monkeys!"

Jiang Ting raised his brows, "Can't stop your mouth even after eating?"

"Cut!! You don't like it in cooking, it's terrible!"

just wait.

In the future, she will definitely find a man who loves her very much, take her to care of her treasure, hold her in her hand for fear of falling, and hold it in her mouth for fear of melting.

However, that person is definitely not Jiang Ting!


Yannian ate this meal very slowly.

On the one hand it is because she does not want to learn.

On the other hand, she really has a headache.

But she told Jiang Ting once, and Jiang Ting didn't believe it.

Jiang Ting circled the wrong questions on the math and English test papers with a red pen, and analyzed them.

When I was about to tell her one by one, I saw this girl fell asleep on the table.

On the right side of the head, the facial features are carved in pink jade, the long eyelashes, the delicate and straight nose, the full lips are gently pressed, the fair skin Saixue, just looking at it is enough to make a pleasing picture Picture.

Jiang Ting watched her quietly for a few seconds.

Then I found that Yan Nian's face was not right.

It's red.

It's not the kind of normal white and red.

Jiang Ting frowned, "Hello, girl?"

Yannian closed her eyes, "I have a headache...Don't bother me, can you..."

She just sat down and said she had a headache. He didn't think it was an excuse to avoid studying.

but now……

Jiang Ting reached out and covered her forehead.

The scorching heat made him wake up all at once.


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