Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 915: The past of the outside (9)

In the afternoon, a new classmate was transferred to Yannian class.

Meng Ziye.

Because there are no more seats in the class, Meng Ziye sits with Yannian for the time being, and waits until the next time he re-arranges his seats.

Yan Nian glanced at her new classmate, then lowered her head without saying a word.

This is from the stubbornness of a Yan dog.

"Hello, my name is Meng Ziye, please advise me a lot in the future."

Yan Nian raised her head and gave a perfunctory hum.

"What's your name?"

"Yan Nian."

"Yan Nian..."

Meng Ziye chewed the name, and then asked, "Is it Yan Zhenqing's face?"

"do not know!"

Yannian dropped her head immediately afterwards.

go to bed.


I originally thought that Meng Ziye was a scholar, but he didn't realize it, but also a scumbag.

During class, this person stared at Yannian intently, with a rather wretched look in his straight eyes.

When the bell rang after class, Yan Nian slapped the table and roared over: "You always see what I do?!"

"You look good," Meng Ziye smiled, scratching his hair, "white skin, just like Barbie dolls."

Obviously she was complimenting her, and she became angry when she didn't even think about it.

"You are Barbie! Your whole family has Barbie dolls!"


The second monk Meng Zi Ye Zhang couldn't figure it out, and didn't know what he said to make him feel unhappy.

Ding Baoyi turned her head and smiled and explained: "She has hated Barbie since she was a child. She is a King Kong Barbie."


Although I don't understand what King Kong Barbie means.

"I just want to praise you for your good-looking!"

"Don't look!" Yannian covered her face with one hand.


"You are ugly, so you are not allowed to look at me!"

Meng Ziye: "..."


The sports meeting of Zhicheng Affiliated Middle School is coming soon.

The night before, while doing homework, Yannian told Jiang Ting that he would have a 1500 long-distance race tomorrow.

"Are you coming to cheer me up?"


The latter turned the black signature pen skillfully and gave her a calm look, "No time."

He answered coldly, Yannian had already guessed it.

"Forget it, do you love it!"

"You want me to go?" There was an imperceptible expectation in his eyes.

"Either way, one more person cheer for me, I am proud and proud!"

Sure enough, this answer.

Jiang Ting's mouth twitched, and then he said nothing.


the weather is nice today.

The autumn is high and the sky is clear.

The high school field is on the left playground, and the junior high school field is on the right.

The stands are full of students in school uniforms. Whether you want to watch the game or not, you have to sit here, otherwise the Disciplinary Inspection Department will inform the head teacher if they find you.

Jiang Ting didn't report any items, he was obviously a spectator, but from the beginning, Xu Kuangjie beside him obviously felt that his old Jiang was uneasy.

"What's wrong with you? Absent-minded." Xu Kuangjie hit him with his arm.

Jiang Ting didn't speak, he sat in the last row and suddenly got up and walked towards the front stand.

Squad leader Zhang Fan coughed twice, "Lao Jiang, go back and sit down soon, and the Disciplinary Inspection Department will check people later!"

"To the restroom."

"Oh, then you go and come back!"

Zhang Fan didn't dare to yell at him, no one in the class would be afraid of Jiang Ting.

Xu Kuangjie, who was sitting in the back row, looked at Jiang Ting, not the men's room.

It's the junior high school.

Yoha, interesting.

As a best friend who grew up wearing the same open pants as Jiang Ting, there is no reason not to follow him.


The Junior High School Girls 1500 is about to start.

Today, Yan Nian wore a pair of white sneakers, black T-shirt and shorts, standing on the first track.

Her face is very recognizable, Jing Run is white, standing out among the crowd, and the spring breeze and vividness between her eyebrows are very eye-catching.

Today, Yan Nian had a loose ball head, broken bangs, and a small face. His eyes were confident and invincible. The two legs exposed to the air were straight and slender, very eye-catching.

"Come on!!!"

"Come on, Yannian!!!"

"Come on for the second and third classes!!!"

Most of Yannian's classmates shouted and cheered for her.

But Jiang Ting couldn't say such a thing.

He was standing in the highest stand, condescending, and watching the girl calmly.

Seeing her brows and eyes are simply confident, smiling slightly, the corners of her eyes are showing a playful arc like a crescent.

Seeing her showing a small white tooth, she posed a confident scissors hand at the students.

Seeing her murderous actions, that delicate face like a jade slap, I don't know how many male classmates' eyes were attracted.

While frowning in dissatisfaction, Jiang Ting twitched his thin lips...

"Come on."

I'm afraid he alone can hear such a weak voice.

But then again, won't she run in long pants? !


In one minute, when he was about to start running, Jiang Ting watched as a boy sprang out of the Yan Nian class.

I saw that boy squatted in front of Yannian and tied her shoes.


The class sighed ambiguously. Jiang Ting's brows were twisted so that he could kill a fly. In the noisy crowd, he vaguely heard the words "Meng Ziye".

Yannian kicked Meng Ziye impatiently.

"Can you stay away from me?"

After being kicked, Meng Ziye didn't feel annoyed, but winked at Yannian, "Come on, I can't hold it, I'm still there."


"..." Then Meng Ziye really rolled back.

He can't delay the competition.


With a gunshot and a "swish", the referee saw Yannian take the lead, walking like flying, completely throwing the second place out of the circle.

Jiang Ting had long expected Yannian to be at the forefront.

She has always been reluctant to admit defeat, proud and eager to win. At the beginning, she was stubborn enough, regardless of her three-seven-twenty-one, she was right to run ahead.

After I got to the back, I gradually lost my strength, and it was strange if I was not dumbfounded.

After Yan Nian took the lead for a lap and a half, as expected, after the second lap, the speed was significantly slower.

"Idiot, this is a long-distance running, I don't know how to keep my energy."

He said to himself, no one heard his voice, Jiang Ting didn't care, his eyes kept falling on Yan Nian, and some concern and anxiety flashed in the cold eyes.


A sudden hand slapped him on the shoulder.

Jiang Ting looked at it displeasedly, Xu Kuangjie smirked and looked like "I can see you through".

"Why did someone go to the bathroom in a good manner? It turned out that watching a little girl game came. Why, really tempted?"

Jiang Ting did not answer this question, and turned his eyes to the runway.

There was only a small figure in his dark eyes, his eyes flickering and dimming, the faint light like a firefly, but the tenderness of Sui Sui Rongsheng.

Xu Kuangjie changed from joking and ridicule to dumbfounded, "You, you are not real, that little girl... is so young, six years younger than you!"

Jiang Ting: "So what?"

", no, don't blame me for not reminding you anyway, just don't do anything inferior to the beast!"

"Don't think boys are as nasty as you."

Xu Kuangjie: "???"


On the 200-meter track, when Yannian ran to the fourth lap, she couldn't hold it anymore and sat on the ground.

She has a leg cramp!

It was really smoked, not her pretend!

Meng Ziye in the third row of the stands pointed to Yannian, "Yannian seems to be cramping!"

"Oh, she pretended it!" Ding Baoyi grunted.

"But—she pretends to be like!"


Ding Baoyi signaled Meng Zi to stay calm and flicked her fingernails lazily, "Let's leave her alone. I guess it will be fine to go home and lie down for ten days."

As soon as the voice fell, a slender figure passed by her side, but Ding Baoyi did not pay attention.


Seeing that the classmates behind were all chasing up, Yannian gritted his teeth and moved to the outermost circle to make way for those who later followed.

It's over. Now she can't move her left leg at all. She knew that she should have listened to Ding Baoyi at the beginning, so she should warm up before the game.

This time is good, shameful.

She lowered her head and was about to rub her calf, and one hand first covered her calf.

Yannian raised his eyes.

It was against Jiang Ting's obsidian eyes.


"Um... why are you here?"

Jiang Ting didn't answer, but instead asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Of course it hurts!"

The little girl sniffed, pitifully, her tears were already rolling in her eye sockets, because of the pain, and on the other hand, she was embarrassed. She had known that she had resolutely refused to run for 1500 at the beginning.

Seeing her aggrieved look, Jiang Ting felt soft and rubbed her calf with lower eyebrows.

His hands are warm, well-proportioned, clean, with slender fingers.

At that time, I couldn't think of it. After ten years of marriage, it was normal to rub her legs, because she fell on her feet or her legs because she couldn't move.

"It hurts... It hurts..."

She grinned, tears were coming out, and her long eyelashes were glimmering.

It hurts.

Jiang Ting felt that she was almost rubbed, and looked up at her, "Is it right?"

"You really are—"

"Come up."

He turned around, turned his back to her, and patted his not-so-wide shoulder.

"No, so many people, it's shameful!"

"Don't you be ashamed to sit here?"

"Hey, a different nature!"

Yannian was actually afraid that Zhang Tianzhu would see her and scold her.

Jiang Ting: "Come on, over with your head teacher, I will explain to him personally."

Is he the roundworm in her belly?

Yannian pursed her mouth, and then climbed up without any worries. Two soft little hands clung to Jiang Ting's shoulders.

Jiang Ting lifted her up, holding her two calves, carrying the little **** his back and walking towards her class.

This was the third time Jiang Ting carried her back.

Once on a rainy day.

She had a fever once.

Now I have a cramp.

Yan Nian buried Jiang Ting's face strictly on his back, fearing that he would be seen embarrassed.

Close to him, close enough to smell the washing powder from him, similar to the aroma of mint and orange.

It smells very good, it is clean, and has a sense of security inexplicably.

The bright sun shone, every step he took, he was steady, not impatient or anxious, just like carrying his own wife on his back, so he was not embarrassed and strange to be looked at.

Jiang Ting put Yan Nian in the first row of the audience.

The little girls in the front row stared at Jiang Ting with bright eyes and whispered "So handsome, so handsome".

The latter copied it in his pocket with one hand, his eyes calmly looking at Yannian's class teacher-Zhang Tianzhu.

"Teacher Zhang."

Jiang Ting knew Zhang Tianzhu. He was taught by Zhang Tianzhu when he was in junior high school.

"This girl—"

"Okay, you don't need to explain to me, I know everything."

Zhang Tianzhu waved his hand and interrupted Jiang Ting, "You must be boring to her, I understand."

The words were intact and got into Yannian's ears.

The words that were drinking water almost came out, "Teacher, what do you mean???"

"People Jiang Ting ranks first in the school. Can you look at you?"

As soon as these words came out, a few students who were not too troubled by the excitement laughed happily.

Lost face and face, squeezed his mouth and squeezed the mineral water bottle, "If you don't study well, will you be looked down upon?!"

"Don't say a few words."

Ding Baoyi got down from the third row and pulled Yannian's sleeve.

It's no wonder that Yannian sits at the back all the time, so she doesn't know how to subdue and fights with the class teacher all day long, so it would be strange if she didn't adjust her to the last row.

"I heard that this girl has made a lot of progress in the mid-term exams. If she studies hard, she is a plastic talent."

Jiang Ting suddenly spoke.

He looked at Zhang Tianzhu's eyes, suddenly mixed with three-point sharpness, and the chill was unexpected.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will go back to my class first, Teacher Zhang."


Zhang Tianzhu waved goodbye to Jiang Ting enthusiastically, without caring about words.

"Is that Jiang Ting interesting to you?" Ding Baoyi smirked.


"He came back with you on his back, and he just helped you speak, maybe he fell in love with you, hahaha!"

"how is this possible."

Yannian disapproved, now full of resentment.

"Didn't the old class say that they are the first in the school, so it's strange to be interesting to me."


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