Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 916: The past of the outside (10)

After school, Yan Nian went out of school with Ding Baoyi and He Huaiguang. Several people were talking and laughing, discussing what movies to watch this weekend and eating teppanyaki.

When we reached the corner, three girls in high school uniforms suddenly appeared.

The one in the middle, Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi both know each other, Cui Linlin.

Cui Linlin was still watching Yannian with her arms under her arms, and snorted, "The girl Jiang Ting is carrying on the back of the playground is you!"

"Ang, it's me, what's wrong?"

Yannian stopped and looked at Cui Linlin without fear.

"It's okay! I have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes. I want you to have a long memory today. The man I like is not something a hairy girl like you can covet!"

Middle school is usually the place with the most violence in school.

Fighting for wind and jealousy, getting together and fighting, happen from time to time.

Yan Nian glanced at Ding Baoyi next to him, "Can it work?"

Ding Baoyi threw up the lollipop, "It should be okay, she is an old lady in the third year of high school, she is not as tall as the two of us."

"Hey, who do you say about the old lady?!"

Cui Linlin raised her neck and stared at Ding Baoyi ferociously.

He Huaiguang: "I won't intervene in the matter between you girls. I think of the gas leak in my cousin's house. I'll go over and take a look!"

After speaking, he ran away.

Yannian yelled at He Huaiguang: "——You are not righteous!"

Ding Baoyi took Yannian and patted her on the shoulder, "Forget it, he just sees people's beauty and can't bear to do it."

"Cut, do I look pretty?"

"Of course not as good as you!"


Cui Linlin couldn't listen anymore.

This is in a hutong, there are not many people around, so I just want to go.

"We are three on two, you two have time to surrender now!"

Hearing that, Yannian, the violent man, directly dropped his schoolbag on the ground.

"Who surrenders whose grandson!"


Jiang Ting was dragged by Xu Kuangjie to the playground to play basketball in the afternoon, and it was a bit late to leave the school.

After passing the corner and preparing to part ways, Xu Kuangjie pointed at a passing police car with sharp eyes:

"The one sitting inside seems to be the girl who teaches you."


Jiang Ting frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Well, it should be, but I might have seen it wrong!"


Jiang Ting said nothing, and walked across the street, beside a small supermarket.

Jiang Ting bought several bottles of yogurt, and when he lined up to check out, he calmly asked the shopkeeper in front of him: "Auntie, what happened to the police car just now, what happened?"

The owner is a woman in her thirties. Seeing Jiang Ting's handsome eyes and delicate features, she is naturally delighted, "Little handsome guy, you call me auntie, I don't like to hear that."

Jiang Ting hooked the corner of his mouth and hurriedly changed his words, "Sister, tell me."

Xu Kuangjie's chin was about to fall behind him.

It was a historic scene to see Jiang Ting going to please someone for the first time in his lifetime.

The other party smiled contentedly and explained, "Several teenage girls were fighting, and they were beaten to death. Passers-by couldn't pull the fight off, so they called the police and sent them to the police station."

When Jiang Ting heard the words "head broken blood flow", his brain buzzed, as if he had been knocked on by something, and he threw his schoolbag to Xu Kuangjie without saying anything.

"Help me take my schoolbag back!"

"Hey—Lao Jiang, where are you going??"

However, Jiang Ting has already ran away.

Xu Kuangjie took two schoolbags and wanted to leave, but the owner smiled and pulled him.


Xu Kuangjie was ashamed: "Sister, I'm still young, I'm not interested in mature women."

"Where did you want to go? The little handsome guy just didn't pay for the yogurt. You pay for him!"

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

Jiang Ting.

Your uncle.


Police station.

Jiang Ting ran all the way, his hair was messed up, and the broken hair on his forehead glanced to the two sides, panting, looking around, and then quickly found the target.

Cui Linlin saw Jiang Ting and immediately waved at him.

"Jiang Ting!!!"


Yannian heard the sound and looked over.

Four eyes face each other.

Jiang Ting, who was rushing over by the dust, stared at her at this moment, for a moment, there was no other person in his eyes, let alone Cui Linlin.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Yannian, except that there was an inconspicuous scratch on his forehead, his hair was a bit messy, and it was not as **** as the shop owner said, Jiang Ting was relieved.

Stepped forward and walked to Yannian's.

Yannian blinked, "You also committed a crime?"

Jiang Ting was speechless and looked at the police directly, showing a respectful look.

"Sorry Uncle Police, I'm Yannian's brother, who came to bail her."

The police raised an eyebrow, "Boy, are you an adult?"

He was born so handsome, unlike an adult.

Jiang Ting is not fast and slow: "I just turned 18 this year."

He took out his ID card from his pocket and showed it to the police.

The police checked his ID card, half-trusted, and looked at Yannian, "Is he really your brother?"

"Huh? Uh... Uh, yes."

Words stammered.

She is not good at lying and stumbles easily.

The police still didn't believe it, "Why is your last name Yan, his surname Jiang?"

Before this question could be answered, Jiang Ting methodically: "She takes her father's surname, and I takes her mother's surname."

"Okay, take it home and take care of your sister. If you don't learn well at a young age, you will know how to fight."

The police no longer doubted, and asked Jiang Ting to sign and let him take Yannian away.

Even with that, Ding Baoyi, the "accomplice", was released on bail.

Cui Linlin stared at Jiang Ting's back in surprise and resentment.

From beginning to end, he never looked at her directly, his eyes were always at Yan Nian!

Moreover, he actually released Yannian on bail, but did not bail her! ! !

"Linlin, what's going on, didn't you say that Jiang Ting was rushing to receive your love letter last time?"

"That's right, didn't you say that Jiang Ting has a crush on you, and wants to be with you?"

"how could I know?!"

Cui Linlin's face was sour.

"Jiang Ting likes the one called Yannian just now!" One of them said again, in a sentence.

"Hehe, are you blind? Didn't you hear him say that he is your brother?"

Cui Linlin was so jealous that she clutched her fingernails severely.

If Jiang Ting is really Yannian's biological brother, thinking like this will at least make her feel better!

She obviously studies well, has a good family, and looks beautiful. Jiang Ting has no reason not to like her!


Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi's home didn't go the same way. When they reached the fork in the road, Ding Baoyi left by herself.

Jiang Ting and Yannian walked side by side, his pace was slightly faster than hers, one hand was in his pocket, his figure was tall and straight, looking forward like a green bamboo.

As the setting sun went down, the brilliant golden light shone diagonally, Jiang Ting and Yan Nian's shadows crossed together, like the moon is full and missing, they will eventually meet and overlap.

Until Jiang Ting's sleeve was pulled by someone beside him, the shadow also changed.

"Brother Jiang Ting...the best..."

"Say something."

He glanced down at her.

Stupid, it's no good to please him.

"Hey, don't tell my parents about this matter today!"

"……depend on mood."

depend on mood? ?

Yannian snorted.

If you are too soft, you have to eat hard!

"Obviously it was you who killed me. That old woman came to me to trouble me, so you can't get rid of this matter! If you dare to sell me, you are dead and I will tell you."

"I killed it?" Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows.

"Ang, it's all because of your sports meeting that this old woman will bring people to come to me!"

"Then why not explain it clearly to her?"

"Hmph, I thought she was not pleasing to my eyes, so I just took this opportunity to teach her a lesson and let her know that school girls are not easy to bully."

"Why don't you look at her?"

Jiang Ting asked again, watching Yan Nian, not wanting to let go of any subtle expressions on her face.

Facing Jiang Ting’s aggressive questioning, Yannian was a little puzzled, but he still told the truth:

"Because her three views are not correct! Didn't I tell you earlier that she stepped on several boats and found a lot of spare tires in the outside school. You are not allowed to say bad things about her, cut it, this lotus, I don't know you like it. What is her?"

"Who said I like her?"

"Oh? Don't you like her?"

Yannian was a little confused, and scratched her hair, "I thought you were getting ambiguous."

Who knows, when he heard this, Jiang Ting's brows darkened.

"I don't have time to be ambiguous, not to mention, I never liked her, and didn't care about her."


Hearing Jiang Ting's clarification, Yan Nian felt like a small flower bloomed in his heart.

Very happy.

I don't know why I am so happy.

She has always been a careless person with a lot of emotions, but she later realized that she didn't understand it at the time, and would not consider so much.


Jiang Ting didn't tell Yan Yuming about Yannian's fight and entering the police station.

Yannian was so grateful to him that when he was writing his homework tonight, it was rare for the scumbag to sigh.

Jiang Ting had already finished his homework. From his perspective, he glanced at it and saw the scratch on Yan Nian's smooth forehead.

He knows a thing or two about fighting between girls, either by scratching his hair or scratching each other's face with his nails.

However, being so close to her, I didn't see any scars on her face.

This face is smooth, fair, clean, and clear, with a faint pink color, and the eyes are moist and wet, always with a seductive brilliance.

"It's finished!"

Yan Nian did her homework very fast today. After finishing the exercises in her hand, she passed the book in her hand, only to find that Jiang Ting was looking at her directly.

That kind of stare, as if looking at her, as if looking through her, thinking about other things.


The girl waved a hand in front of him.

Jiang Ting returned to his senses, coughing twice, and the roots of his ears became slightly red, "Well, what's wrong?"

"I'm done, you can check it!"


Of the ten questions, she got seven wrong. Although the error rate is still high, it is still better than before.

"What did you just look at my face? There is something dirty on my face?"

"You got a scratch on your forehead, obviously."

"Ah? It's true, why didn't I pay attention!"

I was impatient and looked for band-aids from the drawer.

Jiang Ting took a Band-Aid and grabbed Yan Nian's arm to keep her from panic.

"It's not serious, you sit down first."

"What are you doing?"

"I'll post it to you, or how do you post it yourself?"

"I, I can go to the bathroom to look in the mirror sticker."


He lowered his eyes, slender and clean fingers, and tore open the band-aid packaging.

Immediately after getting close to Yan Nian, the fragrance of clear mint fell.

Yannian raised his eyes, where he looked at Jiang Ting's high nose and dark peach eyes.

His eyes are long and narrow but not evil. Maybe because he doesn't like to laugh, he always looks serious, but the eyelashes are very long, like two thick fans, which are covered down and cover the eyelids.

His eyelids are double eyelids, not thick, just right.

Well, it's handsome.

But Yannian felt that Jiang Ting hadn't opened yet.

In the future, he will be older, around twenty-eight, especially when he is thirty, he will be more handsome and more temperamental!



Jiang Ting lowered his eyes and faced her clear eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.

He raised his hand and covered Yannian's eyes.

"From now on, don't look at people with these eyes."

While talking, he calmed down the feeling of heart when he saw these eyes.

He has a pair of clear and moving eyes to girls, and he really can't resist.

It seemed that it was only for her, as if being looked at by her now, the deer bumped into it, is it because he hasn't been in contact with the opposite **** for too long.

Yan Nian didn't know what Jiang Ting was thinking, so she flicked away his hand out of breath.

"I have just such a pair of eyes, don't use this to see people, can it be that I use my nose to see people?"

"...Do the problem."

"I'm done!"

"Do you understand if you correct the mistake?" Jiang Ting pretended to be cold.


The little girl was angry, don't open her eyes.

"I don't like you anymore."

Jiang Ting was stunned suddenly.

"You still like it?!"

"Hmph, whoever treats me well, I like whoever, when you carried me before, I thought you were pretty good, and I was very moved, and now I feel that you are not good."

It turned out to be so.

Jiang Ting couldn't laugh or cry.

A little girl, do you know what to like and dislike?

Thinking about this, Jiang Ting opened his schoolbag and took out the yogurt he bought today.

Strawberry oatmeal, yellow peach oatmeal, original flavor, blueberry flavor, vanilla flavor, etc.

"Do you like this?"


Yannian's eyes lit up, and she hugged yogurt in a hurry.

"Like it!"

Seeing her smile with crooked eyebrows, he also tugged and smiled.

The smile has a sense of confusion that the dust has settled down, so gentle that it can melt all the snow and ice, and the spring breeze is less than a minute.


The next day, when I went to school, Ding Baoyi pointed to the band-aid on her chin to show Yan Nian.

"Yesterday's mark!"

"To each other, I also have a piece on my forehead!" Yannian pointed to her forehead.

Ding Baoyi glanced at her, "Shit, you are obviously getting better!"

"Ah...I don't know, maybe I have better recovery ability."

"But that Cui Linlin is not so good, I scratched her left cheek!" Ding Baoyi said.

Yannian laughed.

"Coincidentally, I also scratched her right cheek!"


The two high-five and hit it off.

Meng Ziye came in with his schoolbag and looked at the sisters curiously.

"What are you doing, laughing so happy?"

"What's your business?" Yannian glared at him.

Meng Ziye: "..."

It seemed that he wanted to walk into Yannian's heart, and he had a long way to go.

After the second class, it was a big break, and the rest time was up to half an hour.

Naturally, Yan Nian couldn't sit still for so long, and took Ding Baoyi to the high school to see Cui Linlin's virtue today.

Standing at the door of the classroom, she stretched her neck and glanced at her. Seeing Cui Linlin, who was sitting in the first row, put two large band-aids on her left and right cheeks, and a bruise on her cheekbones, she could see clearly.

Yannian pointed to Cui Linlin's face and laughed with Ding Baoyi.

This laughter was too gloating, Cui Linlin was not deaf, her eyes turned into razor blades, she wished to poke two big holes in the faces of Yannian and Ding Baoyi!

Especially Yannian!

Seeing that her face is clean and there are no scars, she is angry!

A few silly boys in high school saw Ding Baoyi and Yannian at the door.

One of them whistled maliciously, "Little beauties, who are you looking for?"

Yan Nian shook his head, took Ding Baoyi's arm, turned his head and ran.

Suddenly hit a wall of meat, and Yannian's nose was red.

Rubbing his nose and raising his eyes, he met Jiang Ting's handsome face, his thin lips, the lip line was lightly pressed, and the curve was soft.

At this moment, he was standing in a backlit position, and the large rays of sunlight behind him made his face flicker and darker.

Jiang Ting folded his arms, bending his eyebrows without any traces, "Come to show off his power?"

"Yes indeed!"

A certain woman thought it was a very honorable thing, proudly raised her small chin.

Jiang Ting: "Can you do something to highlight your IQ?"

The implication is that she has no brains!

by! !

"I'm happy! Can you control you?"

After speaking, she took Ding Baoyi and ran away.

Ding Baoyi was dragged by Yannian, stumbled, and accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." She apologized to the other party.

Xu Kuangjie waved his hand: "It's okay."

After speaking, she passed him by, and something passed along with it.

Jiang Ting stared at Yannian's back, and smiled with a frowning lips.

Xu Kuangjie hum: "One kid."

Jiang Ting rarely has a good temper, "Yes, the hair doesn't grow even."

Xu Kuangjie: "The hair doesn't grow well, so it won't prevent you from being tempted!"

"Why am I?"

"Pretend, the dead duck has a hard mouth, and someone's mouth is about to grin into outer space, and the smile is too ecstasy!"

"I laughed, is it in your way?"

After speaking, Jiang Ting turned and went back to the classroom.

Then in the afternoon, Jiang Ting, who was the representative of the physics class, sent out the workbooks of the whole class, but Xu Kuangjie did not.

Xu Kuangjie: "Where is my workbook???"

Jiang Ting sat back where he was innocent and turned his pen casually, "I don't know, I brought them all back."

Xu Kuangjie hates him to death...

"You must be hiding, don't pretend to be innocent, quickly return if I heard it!"


Jiang Ting did not deny it either.

"If you can find it, I will give you 100 million."

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

Then the sadly reminded student Xu Kuangjie went to buy another homework book and it took an afternoon to copy all the previous homework!

As it turns out, don't mess with classmate Jiang!

He will leave you dead without a trace!


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