Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 917: The past of the outside (11)

This afternoon, it was Yan Nian's turn again.

The **** duty with Yannian is named Gao Jingxiang, of medium height, mushroom head, big eyes, and a little curling hair. She is one of the best schoolmasters in Yannian class.

"Why did you run away last time?" Yannian asked.

Gao Jingxiang lowered her head to sweep the floor, pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and faltered, "I... I had something at home last time."

"Don't lie! You just watched it rained outside, so you ran away. I was worried to go to the women's toilet on the whole floor to look for you. Are you embarrassed not to be on duty and let me stay here alone?"

Yannian was indignant.

"They are all in the same class, and the duty is equally divided. Even if you study well, you have to do duty. You can't be too selfish!"

"I'm sorry, I won't run away this time..."

Gao Jingxiang said sullenly, a strange light flashed under her eyes, but Yan Nian did not see it.

Everyone apologized, and Yannian is not an unreasonable master, unless she does something that violates her bottom line, then she will repay it twice.

"Then be on duty now, if you run away again, I will tell the class teacher tomorrow!"


Seeing that the duty was almost done, the sky outside became dark and cloudy.

Yannian looked at the gray sky and felt anxious, "Sure, it's going to rain again!"

She can be taken with an umbrella!

Moreover, this time, she may not be as lucky as last time, meeting classmate Jiang Ting!

Gao Jingxiang pulled Yannian's sleeve, "I want to go to the bathroom. Come with me."

"Do you need me to accompany you in the toilet?"

Yan Nian only accompanied Ding Baoyi to the toilet.

But that's because Ding Baoyi is her best friend.

Gao Jingxiang bit the corner of her mouth, "It's dark... I'm scared by myself..."

"Okay, okay, why are you so troublesome!"

Yannian put down the eraser and accompanies Gao Jingxiang to the bathroom. She doesn't know if people who are good at studying are busy.

When he arrived at the bathroom, Yannian also went to the toilet.

As soon as she came out, she discovered that Gao Jingxiang had disappeared.

Even with that, the door of the women's toilet was locked from the outside.

Words and words were speechless, "Boom Boom" knocked hard!

"Gao Jingxiang, are you sick?!"

"Open the door for me!"

"I know you must be outside!"

"Open the door quickly! Did you hear that!"

In the end, Yannian's voice rose three degrees, and it is estimated that the entire teaching building has echoes.

In the next second, Gao Jingxiang's faint voice came from outside...

"I'm sorry, a senior sister instructed me to do this."

Senior sister?

When Yan Nianzheng guessed that this senior sister might be Cui Linlin, he heard Gao Jingxiang speak again:

"Also, I never liked you."

"Damn, if you don't like me, can you just shut me up? Then if I don't like you, can I kill you?!"

Boom! Boom!

Yannian knocked on the door harder, wishing to smash the door.

"I warn you, open the door for me now! Otherwise tomorrow I will really beat you so that your mother can't recognize you!"

"Hehe...I really don't understand. You have such a bad temper and you have a arrogant look all day. Why do boys like you? Isn't it just looking better, but appearance is really so important."

"At least I am more upright than you, more magnanimous than you, and I won't pretend to be a good girl like you, secretly playing tricks, you are a green tea watch that is a thousand times more white than Cui Linlin!"

Yan Nian was furious, and as she spoke, her eyes were red. If Gao Jingxiang stood in front of her now, she would pinch her neck, cut off her hair, and beat her face into a pig's head. !

I'm so mad at her!

"You curse, it's okay to leave you overnight anyway, so you have a long memory, and-if you dare to do something to me tomorrow, I will tell Teacher Zhang and see if the teacher is facing you or me."

"Your uncle! Are you really sick, Gao Jingxiang? You think it's great to study well? Open the door to me quickly—"

However, there is no movement outside.

The answer to her was wave after wave of feeble silence.

It's over.

Yannian sat decadently on the ground.

She is going to sleep here all night.

I had told Yan Yuming to buy her a mobile phone. This was fine. She had no choice but to sleep here all night.

It's getting dark, everyone in the teaching building must be gone, and Jiang Ting can't come to rescue her!

Ugh! ! !


at the same time.

Jiang Ting had arrived at Yannian's house, but Yannian was nowhere to be seen.

Yan Yuming and Ma Xueyan were ready to go out.

Yan Yuming raised his wrist and looked at his watch, then looked at Jiang Ting.

"Niannian is on duty today. You should come back later. You can sit on the sofa and wait."

Jiang Ting nodded his head.

"Hey, you should buy a mobile phone for Nian Nian, so you can contact me if you have any problems." Ma Xueyan said on the side.

"Which cell phone did I buy for her? She has just started her studies now, and she bought a cell phone and tossed about it every day, and she returned to the pre-liberation night for the final exam."

"Good, don't buy it, don't buy it."

Ma Xueyan followed Yan Yuming's breath. Anyway, she was not her biological daughter, she was just making a suggestion.

Yan Yuming walked away sternly.

A minute later, he came back sternly.

Looking at Jiang Ting on the sofa, there was concern for his daughter in his eyes.

"Jiang Ting, if my girl comes back, she must call me!"

"Well, don't worry, uncle."

Yan Yuming then left home.

Jiang Ting sat on the sofa and waited for almost half an hour, but he didn't even read it back.

It stands to reason that it is not a general cleaning, and it does not take too long.

Could it be that you were trapped in school like the last time?


It was dark all around.

Yannian squatted in front of the women's bathroom, covered her mouth and yawned.

By the way, she wanted to lie down and sleep, but the floor was so cold that she felt cold after sitting down.

But just squatting like this, she can't sleep. If there is a bed, it is best to be an electric heating bed or a water heating bed.

There was a rush of footsteps outside, gradually getting closer, and then further away, squatting back and forth.

Yannian was stunned for a moment, and then tentatively shouted—

"anyone there?"

"Yan Nian?"

It was Jiang Ting's voice.

With a little panting voice, deep, anxious, and extraordinarily heavy, it makes people feel at ease.

Yannian was suddenly relieved.

"I'm inside! I'm locked up!"

"Okay, you wait."

Across the door, next to Jiang Ting was the uncle security guard from the school, who opened the bathroom door with the key.

There is light coming in.

Bright, golden, shines into every crevice of darkness without reservation.

Yannian squatting on the ground squinted slightly...

I have been in the darkness for a long time, so that it is difficult to adapt to the light for a time.

In the dimness, only a tall and thin figure can be seen, walking in firmly with the wind and rain.

Jiang Ting knelt down, trying to pull her up from the ground, the little girl suddenly jumped into his arms.

Those two small, soft arms passed under his creak and hugged his waist firmly.

"I thought I was going to this night!"

A very strange thing.

Yannian couldn't figure it out.

She was not afraid of anything, even before opening the door, she was not so scared, but now facing Jiang Ting, like a frightened rabbit.

Jiang Ting curled his lips.

I felt a soft spot in my heart being hit.

It hurts, it's warm, and it's sweet.

Raising his hand, patted her thin shoulders, and touched her hair with the palm facing up.

"I'm here, it's okay."


"Carry you."

He turned his back, knowing that her legs must be weak now.


The little girl sniffed, and unceremoniously climbed on his back like last time.

Jiang Ting's back is not particularly spacious, and the two bones behind him panic, but it is warm, giving Yan Nian a solid feeling.

The uncle security guard couldn't help but remark: "I didn't go home at night, and went to the bathroom to hide. I really don't understand what you little girls are thinking all day."

"I was locked from the outside," Yannian retorted unconvinced, "It's not that I don't want to go back."

Jiang Ting raised Yan Nian upwards, turned his eyes to signal her to be safe, and then looked at Uncle Security.

"Since there is nothing to do, I will take her away first, and thank you, uncle."

The uncle security nodded, said nothing, and left soon.

With words and thoughts behind his back, Jiang Ting walked through every step of the teaching building, passing through the corners, walking calmly.

The quiet teaching building is so quiet that you can hear the sound of two people breathing intertwined.

Before that, Jiang Ting had never thought that one day, after 8 o'clock in the evening, he would come to school, not because of his own business.

It seems that after meeting this girl, many things in his life, including plans, deviated from the original track.


He doesn't seem to hate this change.

He didn't know what Jiang Ting was thinking. He looked down at the moonlight at his feet, and he was taken aback when he heard the sound of raindrops tapping on the glass in his ears.

"It seems to be raining outside."

In a word, Jiang Ting's thoughts were pulled back.

It's really raining, it's not too rainy.

In fact, there was already Yuxingzi on the road just now, and it's raining more than before. It should be a thunderstorm. I don't know when it will stop.

"Have you brought an umbrella?" Yannian asked.


"Then what should I do now? My home is so far away from the school, I will be drenched!"

Jiang Ting thought for a moment.

"I live near the school. Go to my place first."


Waterside garden.

Here are all high-end villas. A rich second generation in the Yannian class lives here. I heard that it costs more than 100,000 per square meter, which ordinary people cannot afford.

As soon as I walked in, the smell of money came to my face.

Yan Nianxiu frowned, "Is this your home???"


Jiang Ting took a pair of his own slippers and threw them in front of her.

"Oh! No wonder!"

She felt that if the house belonged to Jiang Ting's family, he wouldn't need to come to her house to work as a salary of several thousand yuan a month.

"Isn't it cheap to rent a house here?" Yannian looked around at the spacious and bright home while changing shoes.

Jiang Ting smiled indistinctly, with obvious teasing, "Two hundred yuan a day, how much do you say a month?"

"Cut, don't underestimate people! I'll take care of the multiplication problem!"


Jiang Ting did not follow her blindly, and pointed to the direction of the bathroom.

"You go take a shower and stop catching a cold."

"But, I don't have a change of clothes!"


The latter went back to his bedroom, took a black T-shirt from the closet, and a pair of home trousers he was wearing at home.

This is his most self-cultivating clothes, but it must be too big for Yannian.

But there is nothing wrong, the situation is special.

Yan Nian carried Jiang Ting's clothes into the bathroom.

There is a mint scent on his clothes, which is clean and refreshing.


Girls take a bath much slower than boys.

Jiang Ting came out after taking a shower for ten minutes in the bathroom next door, and Yan Nian was still daunting.

He is wearing black long sleeves, his sleeves are half-curled, his hair is about to be dried, and he can't even read his words.

I was about to knock on the door to ask if she was lacking oxygen inside, and the bathroom door slowly opened from the inside.

Under the goose-yellow light, shrouded a smooth and white face, delicate eyebrows, two distinct black and white eyes, a small and straight nose, and two full cherry lips.

Yannian is a very righteous girl, with exquisite features, from childhood to most of the beauty of the embryo.

At this time, the little girl was wearing Jiang Ting's T-shirt, holding his long pants in her arms, her legs were white and symmetrical, and she kicked his big slippers under her feet.

Jiang Ting stared at her, raising his hand to gently press his temple.

This is crazy.

"Do I show you the pants?" His voice was hoarse.

"Your pants are too long to wear!"

Yannian frowned to retort.

"You can see that your T-shirt has grown into my thighs. I look like a troupe, hahaha!"

Can you still laugh?

Heartless girl.

Jiang Ting didn't open his eyes, he didn't want to look at her, but he couldn't control his gaze to look over there.

"Fortunately, it was me who took you in today, not Xu Kuangjie's kind of person."

"Who?" Yannian did not hear clearly.

"...No one."

She just stood here and made up a painting for herself, her gestures were very agile and vivid, so that he couldn't stop looking at her or caring about her.

He is going crazy...

"Go and change your pants too, don't catch a cold."


"Don't but, go and change it!"


Fierce hammer.

Yannian turned around, squashed her mouth, and then entered the bathroom again.


Yan Nian came out by stepping on Jiang Ting's trouser legs.

In this way, it really looks like an opera singer.

She tossed her long sleeves to show him, "I said your clothes are big!"


Jiang Ting's brows stretched out, walked over, squatted in front of her and pulled her trouser legs.

It is too long.

Yannian kicked him gently.

Jiang Ting: "Free?"

"Hehe, I'm happy."

"Where are the dirty clothes I changed, take them out to me."

"What are you doing?"

"I will wash it for you, dry it and wear it tomorrow."

"Ah? Am I going to stay with you for one night?"

"Otherwise, it will rain so heavily outside, who will send you back?"

"Oh... Then I'm going to call Dad."

In this regard, Yan Nian is still very persuasive.

Jiang Ting nodded lightly and stood up.

He also forgot to call Yan Yuming, "Give me the clothes and I will give you my cell phone."

"it is good."

Yannian didn't suffer at all in this deal.

Jiang Ting himself is a person with a habit of cleanliness, from childhood to most.

He went to middle school and lived by himself, but his clothes were always washed once a day. He had no habit of letting the clothes stay overnight.

At that time, I was washing clothes for Yannian, but I couldn’t think of it--

From now on, he will wash her clothes for a lifetime.

Moreover, it is also sweet.


After Yan Nian called Yan Yuming, he lay on the sofa and played with Jiang Ting's cell phone.

In fact, Yan Yuming wanted to come and pick her up.

However, he was also afraid of the heavy rain, and he couldn't go back outside.

Jiang Ting came out after washing his clothes, his pupils sank as he looked at Yannian.

Because when he was washing clothes, he was really surprised. He didn't expect that the girl would actually take off the wet clothes inside.

Is she so careless to other boys?

Thinking of this possibility, he suddenly got a breath.

"Yan Nian."

He called her dumbly, with one hand in his pocket, condescendingly.

Yan Nian turned his head and looked over, and then reacted to Shang Jiang Ting's displeased eyes, "Ah sorry, I saw that there is Xiao Xiaole in your phone, so I played it, don't you mind?"

"Did you call your dad?"


"What did Uncle say?"

"He said he trusted you, and asked you to send me back tomorrow."

Jiang Ting: "..."

Smart as he is, his words are simple and simple, implying a warning to him:

I believe you once, if you dare to do anything to my daughter, you will not spare you!

In an instant, all the crooked thoughts in his mind were gone.

Yes, the young girl's film, ignorant and ignorant.

He didn't want to be a wretched person like Xu Kuangjie.


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