Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 930: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (3)


"Don't get me wrong, what I mean is, since you both have psychological problems, and there is nothing wrong with your body, it looks like you have a good relationship, why not—"

"Extremely ridiculous!"

Xu Kuangjie already understood what the doctor meant.

I want him and Ding Baoyi to be together as each other's angels.

However, it is impossible for him and Ding Baoyi.

He knew better than anyone that there was no future between him and Ding Baoyi, because he could not abandon some vested interests like Jiang Beiyuan, and he did not love Ding Baoyi.

Xu Kuangjie turned around after speaking.

Ding Baoyi also stood up, folded her arms and shook her head to look at the doctor, "You disappointed me too much, doctor."

I left after speaking.

This hospital, she will never come again, this doctor, she will never see again.

The doctor sighed, "Scientific research shows that the person you most hate now will often end up being your favorite person, or even your favorite person..."

Neither Ding Baoyi nor Xu Kuangjie heard what Dr. Naihe said.


After coming out of the ward, Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie left separately, and Yannian was also taken home by Jiang Beiyuan.

Ding Baoyi felt that she and Xu Kuangjie should not have an intersection in the future.

As a result, the reality gap between the two of them, she knew that impulse has never been love, let alone marriage.

Secondly, although she is frigidity, it does not mean to find a PE male to live.

What's wrong with a woman who is single, the more single she is, the better she is. Could it be that she can't live without a man?

Life still has to go.

Now Ding Baoyi is the head of the company's sales department, and it is common to go out to socialize.

There was a dinner in the evening, it was all big celebrities from shopping malls, she had to go out in person.

Black uniform, stockings, high heels are standard equipment, hair is coiled up, meticulous, but charming.

When the men in the box saw Ding Baoyi, they all focused on her, all of them clear.

Ding Baoyi was not surprised at this kind of scrutiny. She smiled and sat down in the empty seat. She sprayed Dior's perfume today, exuding a fragrant rose fragrance between her gestures.

"Minister Ding is a beautiful woman as always!"

A boss looked up and down Ding Baoyi, boasting.

Ding Baoyi smiled, "I'm old and not pretty anymore. President Wang is still not open?"

"A big boss hasn't come yet, wait a minute!"

"Oh? Who else?"

As soon as the voice fell, the box door opened.

"Sorry everyone, the traffic jam on the road is late."

Ding Baoyi is no stranger to this unflattering voice.

She just glanced in Xu Kuangjie's direction, then calmly retracted her gaze, and took a few sips of the coffee cup in front of her.

"Mr. Xu, long time no see!"

"Yes, Mr. Xu, it is not easy for you to come over for dinner today during your busy schedule!"

Several bosses stood up and shook hands with Xu Kuangjie, showing their flattering attitude.

In front of so many faces, the one who should be polite is still polite, Ding Baoyi bit the bullet and stood up, shook hands with Xu Kuangjie without a smile.

"Mr. Xu, admiration for a long time."

Long admired the name?

Xu Kuangjie sneered secretly, and when he pulled back his palm, he suddenly made a meaningful joke: "Minister Ding is full of femininity today."

"Does Mr. Xu and Minister Ding know each other?"

A boss noticed the mess between the two and asked curiously.

Xu Kuangjie shrugged, "It's not a acquaintance, it's just a bit of intersection before."

"Yes, there was just a bit of intersection."

Ding Baoyi agreed.


Everyone came, and the waiter began to serve food.

In fact, today is the birthday of the boss of a real estate company, so he called his business partners to celebrate.

The famous name is to celebrate the birthday, and between pushing the cup and changing the cup, it is also to talk about cooperation that is beneficial to each other.

Except for Ding Baoyi, all present here are big lords.

In other words, except for Xu Kuangjie and Ding Baoyi, the rest are old men in their fifties.

Ding Baoyi has a face and a figure, and a group of old men will not let her go, drinking glass by glass.

Ding Baoyi has long been accustomed to this kind of occasion, her drink volume is not bad, and she will not refuse anyone.

When the sixth cup was reached, Xu Kuangjie, who had not spoken much, suddenly said:

"The little girl, don't keep the big guy out of her."

Little girl?

Ding Baoyi couldn't help but glanced at him, her heart moved slightly.

It's been a long time, no one has called her little girl.

One of the bosses raised his eyebrows and grinned: "What's wrong with Mr. Xu? Are you moved?"

Xu Kuangjie seemed to hear a joke, "How is it possible."

Yeah, how is it possible.

Ding Baoyi didn't think much about it, her heart was strange, and she nodded slightly:

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Xu, but I think I drink pretty well, and I can drink ten more glasses."

Ding Baoyi said so, those old men didn't take it seriously, so they should drink.

But because of what Xu Kuangjie said, fewer people poured Ding Baoyi wine.

Xu Kuangjie suffocated his breath throughout the dinner.

Stupid woman!

He helped her, she still doesn't appreciate and speechless, this kind of woman knew she wouldn't help at first.

The meal was over. Ding Baoyi drank more than ten glasses of white wine. Except for the red cheeks, there was nothing unusual about walking.

Xu Kuangjie followed her out of the box, "I didn't expect you to drink well."


Ding Baoyi didn't speak up.

From a distance, her walking posture was a bit unstable.

Seeing Ding Baoyi walked straight towards her red Volkswagen, Xu Kuangjie grabbed her arm.

"Drunk driving you want to die?"

"Don't pull my arm, you have not been compensated for the dislocation last time."

After speaking, the impatience cast off Xu Kuangjie's shackles.

Xu Kuangjie was able to drive without a drink during the whole meal.

However, if the drunk woman in front of him drives, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Well, I will drive your car and take you back."

"no need."

"Don’t behave at this time. Drunk driving is not a trivial matter. If you have any accidents, Yannian will definitely be sad. If Yannian is sad, Lao Jiang will feel unhappy in his heart. He didn't take it easy."

This is the domino effect.

Suddenly Xu Kuangjie felt that this effect was good. At least he could drive Ding Baoyi back to find a suitable reason.

Ding Baoyi hooked the corner of her mouth.

"I found that Mr. Xu, on the surface, emphasizes love and righteousness, but in fact he is just using your good brother as a shield."

"What are you talking about?" Xu Kuangjie squinted slightly.

"I mean, you know in your heart, everyone is grown up, why bother to make mistakes?"

After that, Ding Baoyi staggered into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Xu Kuangjie sighed, thinking not to care about her, and immediately got into Ding Baoyi's car.


As the car was driving on the main road, the night air became cold.

Ding Baoyi opened the window of the car and opened two-thirds. The cold wind from outside blows in and blows away her tied hair. She put her cheek in one hand and looked out the window, wondering what she was thinking.

Xu Kuangjie told her to close the window several times, but she didn't listen, and it seemed that she didn't care at all.

Xu Kuangjie simply ignored it.

Anyway, he caught a cold in the end, it wasn't him who caught a cold!

Wordless all the way.

When the car turned from South Road to Beihuan Road, Ding Baoyi said, "My family lives in Dongfang Community."


Xu Kuangjie glanced at her.

"My family remembers so clearly, it seems that I am not drunk."

"I don't want to be drunk today, so I can't get drunk."

Ding Baoyi turned her face sideways, and there was loneliness leaning out of her eyes. This strand of sadness was like a vine with feet, which wrapped her whole body and couldn't move.

From Xu Kuangjie's perspective, I can't see the expression on Ding Baoyi's face, but Xu Kuangjie couldn't stand the boring atmosphere and turned on the music in front.

Dynamic DJ music, rock style, Xu Kuangjie drove with one hand, and couldn't help but snap his fingers to the music with the other hand.

The next second, the music stopped abruptly.

Xu Kuangjie looked at the culprit of Guan Music and stared, "You are sick, I can't listen to songs?"

"This is my car, I don't want to listen now."


She choked a few words tonight, he was suffocated and couldn't help but shook the sentence:

"A woman has less socializing and drinking less, and less mixing with men. If you don't cherish yourself, don't expect men to cherish you."

Time suddenly stiffened.

Before putting it on, Ding Baoyi would definitely say something to him.

But now, Ding Baoyi didn't say a word.

As the car drove to an area where there were no street lights in front, her face was shrouded in shadow, dim.

Dongfang District is here.

The car stopped.

Xu Kuangjie cleared his throat: "You are home."

"Men don't have a good thing, just die!"

Ding Baoyi yelled, slammed the door and got out of the car.

Xu Kuangjie:? ? ?

What did he say to him?

Why is this woman so good?

But, the moment she got out of the car, he seemed to see her crying, with tears hanging in the corners of his eyes.

Was the advice he just gave too much?

Regardless, anyway, his kindness to send him home is already the best.

Xu Kuangjie drove back to his community.

It didn't happen until I stopped. This was Ding Baoyi's car.


He seems to have to get involved with her recently!

I have to send her a car another day!


After work the next day, Ding Baoyi went directly to the bar to drink.

Nowadays, Yannian is restricted. In places like bars, Yannian won't even think about coming over for the rest of his life. So Yannian was not there and Ding Baoyi was drinking alone.

She likes to sit at a forty-five-degree angle on the bar counter, which is a place where light and shadow alternate, half bright and half dark, so conspicuous, but not so conspicuous.

The bartender handed over a cocktail.

Because Ding Baoyi often comes to this bar, the bartender recognizes her.

"This is a cocktail made by mixing Blue Enchantress, Red Bomb, and Tequila Sunrise. Try it."


Ding Baoyi served the wine and drank it with his head up, with red lips coquettishly.

The bartender raised his eyebrows, "Why are you alone today?"

"Who stipulates that women cannot come to the bar by themselves?"

"That said, what's wrong with you, in a bad mood?"

Upon hearing this, Ding Baoyi smiled suddenly.

"You are a man, right?"


"If it's a man, get out—"

She looked grimace and pointed at the door with Dankou's fingers, "I am disgusting when I see men."

Bartender: "..."

The bartender did not move, angering Ding Baoyi, who slammed the table to stand.

"Don’t you understand human words? Men don’t have a good thing, they are black sheep, thinking that the world is dominated by men, right, heh, when all men in the world are dead, that day is the coming of a new era !"

The bartender shook his head and sighed. He had a good temper and did not reason with the alcoholic, so he quickly turned and left.

Ding Baoyi was nine minutes drunk, took out a few hundred dollars from the wallet and threw it on the table, staggering out.

She is dizzy now, she wants to vomit!

But can't find the trash can!

No, she is Ding Baoyi and cannot vomit in public.

"Beauty, how many play with brother?"

As soon as he walked out of the bar, he was caught by a few gangsters.

Ding Baoyi looked disgusted, "If it's a man, let the old lady go!"

"Oh, shouldn't you be a homosexual? It's okay, I love treating homosexuals like you the most!"

The leading **** winked with the brother next to him, and was about to pick up Ding Baoyi and leave. With three punches, the three of them fell directly to the ground, holding their stomachs and calling mother.

Condescendingly, Xu Kuangjie raised his resolute eyebrows: "If you don't leave, the police will arrive immediately."

The three **** couldn't help but helped each other to walk away.

Xu Kuangjie's eyes fell on Ding Baoyi.

Seeing her disheveled hair, she sighed silently, "Return your car keys."


Ding Baoyi still lowered her head.

Xu Kuangjie took a step forward and shook the car key in his hand, "Your red Volkswagen——"


A heart-piercing vomit.

The birds were so startled that they flew, and passers-by stayed away.

However, it was very happy to spit it out.

The trash can in front is very clean, with the smell of mint water on my body, very comfortable.

Ding Baoyi couldn't help but inhaled the refreshing smell a few times, then pulled on the tie of the trash can and wiped his mouth.

Xu Kuangjie resisted the urge to beat her up, "You are so special--!!!"


I wanted to scold her, but the woman who had thrown up all over him suddenly lay on his shoulder and started crying.

Like a kid no one wants.

While crying, he beat him **** the shoulder.

"Men don't have a good thing, they are scumbags. I deserve no one to love me. Whoever makes my life bad, I am the only one. In this life, I will die alone."

Xu Kuangjie's eyes moved, "I didn't mean what I said yesterday."


The only response to him was the whimpering and crying of women.

If there is a man who can lean on her shoulders, is there any woman in this world who is willing to hold on for so hard.

Strong and high cold are both forced out.


It was late at night, and the moon was obscured by clouds.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped abruptly, and Xu Kuangjie had already taken a shower and came out refreshed.

Seeing the drunk and unconscious woman in bed, Xu Kuangjie had a headache.

Ashamed, he is 36, but this is the first time he has taken in a drunk.

Oh no, except Jiang Beiyuan.

Based on the fact that this female drunk is a good girlfriend of his best friend...

Well, good things are done to the end, he has done good things several times before, not bad this time.

Who made him such a good-tempered person?

But her clothes are all dirty. What if she accidentally turns over and soils his clean bed?

Thinking of this, Xu Kuangjie hurriedly turned over a shirt of his own from the closet, intending to change it for Ding Baoyi himself.

He swears that he just changed clothes simply and simply.

That's it.


At ten o'clock the next morning, Ding Baoyi finally woke up.

As a result of the hangover, I have a splitting headache and a broken heart.

The strange black big bed, the strange ceiling, the strange room, and the clothes on the street.

She is not in her own home now.

"you're awake!"

Xu Kuangjie walked in from the outside, wearing brown home clothes, casual and clean.

Ding Baoyi sat up, "This is your home?"

"Otherwise? Since I am awake, I will drive your car back later. I have put the car key in your bag."

Ding Baoyi couldn't care about cars or cars, and pointed to her white shirt.

"My clothes, did you change them for me?"

"Ang, what's up?"

"What's wrong? You still have a serious face to ask what's wrong?"

Ding Baoyi was about to laugh at him.

"Mr. Xu is a cheeky man. I have been so proficient in the past few years. I have a long experience."


Xu Kuangjie was unhappy when he heard this.

"Sister, think about it with your few brain cells. You threw up on me last night, and your own clothes are dirty. I won't change your clothes. Do you want to dirty my bed?"

"Who knows if what you said is true? I didn't have any consciousness last night. I'm afraid you know what the truth is. But I see a lot of people like you, a high-sounding hypocrite. Fortunately, you are a PE. Male, I'm relieved."

Hearing this, Xu Kuangjie's anger suddenly rushed to the top of his head.

"You kind of say it again?!"

"Am I wrong? The doctors have identified you as a PE man, a 36-year-old man who has never had a girlfriend. Do you have any questions about yourself?"

"Okay, I will let you see if I have any problems!"

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