Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 931: Extraordinary Family Gathering

Xu Kuangjie wrapped Ding Baoyi's arms with both hands and raised it above her head.

"It's too late for you to apologize to me!"

Ding Baoyi frowned. A man with scarlet eyes is dangerous and cannot be provoke.

"Apologize for what? Don't do it! Avoid embarrassment for the first two people!"

Taking 10,000 steps back, what if Xu Kuangjie is not a PE?

All of the boyfriends she had made a long time ago scolded her because of her physical problems. The unpleasant words came and went one after another, and after hearing too much, she felt that it didn't matter.

Thinking about...

The handsome face with thick eyebrows and big eyes was enlarged and flashed in her pupils.

Ding Baoyi reacted and pushed him away impatiently.

"Enough trouble! Get out if you don't want to be embarrassed!"

She wiped her mouth, but Xu Kuangjie stammered, "What embarrassing me..."

"Give me my clothes!"

She doesn't want to talk to him now.

"I threw it away. I will give you my clothes. You can make do with them and go."


Wearing Xu Kuangjie's shirt and trousers, Ding Baoyi left directly.

Obviously everyone is gone, but Xu Kuangjie feels that there is still a woman's fragrance in the air.


He was really excited just now, and he didn't know if he was **** off by her or something else.

But the man has already left.


A few days later, Ding Baoyi went to the company with a clean suit on her desk.

Thinking of it, this was the day when she went to a bar to drink, threw up Xu Kuangjie, and even brought her own clothes dirty.

It has the aroma of laundry detergent and the smell of mint.

Ding Baoyi couldn't tell how she felt.

Didn't he say throw it away?

Did she wash her?



A few days later, Chun He Jingming’s fourth birthday arrived.

The birthdays of the two little guys and Yannian are two days away. Yannian’s birthday did not invite so many people. He and Jiang Beiyuan lived in the two-person world, but the child’s birthday is always a lively event, so Invited friends over.

Ding Baoyi came early. She took a day off with the company today. Seeing Jiang Qingchi and Jiang Jingming on the sofa, she couldn't put it down, holding one in one hand and sitting on her lap.

Then Jiang Jingming smiled at Ding Baoyi.

Very obvious smirk.

Ding Baoyi looked at Yannian speechlessly...

"Your Jiang San'er would smirk at such a young age?"

Yan Nian: "I don't know, I've been like this since I was a child, just let his father go."


Following Jiang Beiyuan's ability, outfit, and comparison.

Soon Xu Kuangjie also came, Ding Baoyi pretended not to see him, teasing the two children.

Xu Kuangjie also saw Ding Baoyi, thinking of the embarrassing scene that day in his mind, he even kissed Ding Baoyi by a ghost, and couldn't help coughing several times.

"Um, Yannian, Zhang Fan and Chen Shuo are not coming, something is up!"

Obviously speaking to Yannian, his eyes were aimed at Ding Baoyi.

All the tediousness, words and thoughts are in sight, I always feel that these two people are getting something more and more!

"Yo, cousin, you are here too."

He Huaiguang also arrived soon.

He Huaiguang dressed very sunny today, with a dark green jacket and jeans, and his hair was neatly trimmed, fresh and clean.

Xu Kuangjie didn't say anything and pulled him over for a fat beating.

"Why is my cousin hitting me?!"

"You are ashamed to ask! Lao Tzu's secrets are leaked out through your mouth!"

"What's the secret? Could it be that your illness has not been cured?"

"Dare to say it! Shut me up!"

Then Xu Kuangjie chased He Huaiguang and ran all over the house, taking off his shoes with anger, and threw it towards He Huaiguang, but he didn't want to hit Jiang Chunhe, Chunhe cried, Xu Kuangjie hurried to coax the children, three in one head. Big.

Ding Baoyi hooked the corners of her mouth, her smile was not obvious, her eyes swept across the entrance at random, and she was stunned in the next second when she wanted to take it back.

At the entrance stood a strange female doll, three or four years old, with big eyes, white skin and small cherry mouth, and a Nezha head, very cute and aura.

Ding Baoyi read the words and pointed at the child to show her.

Yan Nian hurriedly talked about He Huaiguang, "Where is the kid from?"

He Huaiguang: "I picked it up on the road."

"Tsk, to be serious with you."

"Really picked it up from the road. She was sitting on a chair in the park, and when she saw me, she pulled my sleeve and called to her brother. I thought she was too cute, so I couldn't help but hug her."

Saying: "..."

Ding Baoyi: "..."

Xu Kuangjie coaxing the child: "..."

"He Huaiguang, do you know if you are kidnapping a child? Quickly send it to someone else! The parents of the child should worry if they can't find the child!"

Yannian yelled. Before He Huaiguang could respond, the little girl looked at Yannian with big eyes and yelled softly, "Sister!"

A sweet elder sister, beggars the heart of Yan Nian...

"Little friend, what's your name?"

"My name is Lu Jingxi."

With a marshmallow-like voice, Yan Nian couldn't help bending over and hug the child. Then she could see clearly that there was a mole under the corner of her left eye. She must be a charming master when she grows up.

"Jingxi, what a nice name, where are your parents?"

"I don't have parents..."

No parents?

Could it be an orphan?

Words and thoughts are speechless.

The poor child was white and tender, just like the little white rabbit, without parents.

But the child's skin is good, fragrant, grandma's, Yannian pinched the girl's face and refused to let go.

"Hey, Saner."

Yannian hugged the little girl and leaned close to her youngest son.

"My name is Jingxi, and your name is Jingming. How good are you two, right?"


Jiang Jingming had no expression on his face and opened his eyes, playing with the Rubik's Cube in his hands, and didn't want to see this outsider.

"I'm taken, let's not be so cold, do you see how cute the girl is, do you like it? It just happens that you are celebrating your birthday today, or you should be a baby kiss."

Speaking of words, he stuffed the little girl into Jiang San'er's arms and asked him to hug.

Jiang Jingming frowned and let go, and the child fell directly to the ground while pushing.

"If you don't hug, don't hug, don't throw the child!"

Aunts Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi rushed to hug Lu Jingxi.

"Little boy, are you hurt?"

Lu Jingxi glanced at Jiang Jingming.

His eyes flashed.

Then, shook his head and said sweetly that he was not injured.

"San'er, apologize to my little sister!" Yan Nian educates her son with a straight face.

Jiang Jingming lowered his head, thinking about something, Jiang Beiyuan walked out of the restaurant, Jiang Jingming immediately walked over, without a word, hugged his father's leg and rubbed it.

It's rare to act like a baby once.

Jiang Beiyuan picked up his son and looked at Yannian with a helpless expression.

"Well, you, San'er is still so young, what kind of baby kiss?"

"I'm not kidding! Who knows that he is so cold, and he is so mad at you!"

Yannian is very worried that Jiang Jingming will not be able to find a wife in the future!

Because this year starts with a true appearance, but it also has to end with three views!

To be in harmony with Jiang San'er's three views, it seems that there are, points, difficulties, and difficulties!


Jiang Beiyuan made all the dishes at noon today.

This man can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, no smoking, drinking, gambling, no bad habits, loving his wife, children, and doing housework.

A good man of the world, somehow it was picked up by Yannian, and it has stuck to her for a lifetime like brown candy.

Yannian hugged Lu Jingxi and fed the little girl with vegetables.

Jiang Beiyuan held Chunhe, but Chunhe suddenly asked his mother to hold him.

Yannian: "You have your father holding you, still not satisfied?"

Yannian gets jealous occasionally.

Take your daughter's jealousy.

As long as Jiang Beiyuan is particularly fond of his daughter, Yannian will have the feeling of seeing a rival in love, and then will be particularly entangled with Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan was naturally willing to be entangled by her, his wife was pampered, and his daughter was pampered. They were all treasures he held in his heart.

The daughter held her mouth and looked at her father, "Dad, I want my mother to hold it!"

Jiang Beiyuan really did not say anything to his daughter: "Niannian, you hug Chun'er, and Xu Kuangjie holds the child in your arms."

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

He came to see the children, right?

He doesn't need to eat, right? !

Yannian refused: "No, I will hug Jingxi today, this is my future daughter-in-law!"

Jiang Jingming: "..."

Jiang Beiyuan looked at Xu Kuangjie who was eating: "You hold that child."

Xu Kuangjie was speechless: "Why do you always call me? What did I owe you in my previous life? You have been call me since I was a child."

Jiang Beiyuan was not angry but smiled, "There is a sentence, it seems that I haven't said it for a long time."

Xu Kuangjie: "!!! Can I hold it?"

Ding Baoyi burst into laughter, tears coming out of her smile.

Receiving Xu Kuangjie's cow-like gaze, Ding Baoyi barely held back.

"Ms. Xu is lonely and widowed. It's okay to be bullied. Who makes Mr. Xu helpless."

"Hehe, each other, we are both alone."

Listening to Xu Kuangjie and Ding Baoyi's quarrel, Yan Nian feels that these two are having a play!

He Huaiguang was playing with Jiang Qingchi, far away from the battlefield of gunpowder smoke.

He Huaiguang likes Qingchi the most.

On the one hand, it was his godfather who had saved this kid's life before.

On the other hand, he feels that Qingchi has the wildness and unrestrainedness that boys should have. This is good, but Jiang Jingming is a bit reserved. Such children will grow up and be mature than their peers.

Of course, maturity is also a good thing, each has its own advantages.

Jiang Jingming said that he just wanted to have a quiet meal, and hoped that his mother would not mention his name again.

He doesn't like Lu Jingxi, nor does he want child brides-in-law.

Nowadays, the biggest difference in my heart is Jiang Chunhe.

She is the little princess of the Jiang family. Today is her birthday. She should be the most popular one!

Jiang Chunhe felt that this was all harmed by Lu Jingxi!

The little girl especially resisted a person for the first time, jumped off her father's lap, and walked to Yannian's side.

The adults don't know what she is going to do.

Jiang Chunhe raised his paw and scratched the back of Lu Jingxi's hand.

"Hate you, hate it, and give it back to my mother!"

There was a not deep red mark on the back of Lu Jingxi's hand.

Yan Nian: "Chun'er, it's wrong to scratch people, apologize to them."

"No, mom doesn't care about me anymore...well, dad!"

The little girl turned to look at Jiang Beiyuan, her wet apricot eyes, tears as her weapon.

Jiang Beiyuan stood with his daughter-in-law this time, "Your mother is right. I have to apologize."


Still a little reluctantly minor.

But the little girl would definitely listen to what Jiang Beiyuan said, and there was no need for Jiang Beiyuan to say it a second time.

Lu Jingxi smiled, her eyes filled with maturity that does not belong to her age, "It doesn't matter, this is your mother, and you want your mother to hug you, so it should be."

After speaking, let Yannian put herself down.

Yan Nian looked at Lu Jingxi, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Boom boom boom", a little impatient.

The visitor was a middle-aged man with gray hair in a suit.

"Excuse me, Jing—"


Before the man had spoken, Lu Jingxi ran over, and the man bent over to pick up the child.

"Why are you running around, Jingxi?"

Lu Jingxi pointed at He Huaiguang——

"This brother said that he has chocolate at home, so I will follow him, but Dad, they are all good people."

He Huaiguang was taken aback.

He never said that he has chocolate at home!

"President Shen."

Jiang Beiyuan stood up.

He is like a luminous body, scorching its blossoms, with a gorgeous temperament, and his gestures are full of maturity that makes people unable to move their eyes.

As soon as the man saw Jiang Beiyuan, he immediately smiled, "It turned out to be President Jiang, hahaha, sorry, my little daughter is causing trouble to President Jiang."

"No, this kid is very well-behaved."

"Then I won't bother Mr. Jiang eating, I will take Jingxi home!"

After a few greetings, the man hugged Lu Jingxi and left.

Yan Nian is still a bit confused.

"Didn't Jing Xi say that he has no parents?"

He Huaiguang: "I'm more wronged, okay, I didn't even say to give her chocolate, she came with me by herself."

Ding Baoyi on the side:

"Obviously, the little white rabbit is not so white. You two, one is silly for three years, and the other is that your brain has not developed. Don't be fooled by her."

"Who do you think has not developed a brain?"

Xu Kuangjie is not happy anymore, he does not allow anyone to slander the descendants of Xu's family!

Yan Nian looked at Jiang Beiyuan, "Do you know Jingxi's father just now?"

"Well, there is some business dealings."

"But how do you call them President Shen, his surname is Shen, why is his daughter's surname Lu?"

Jiang Beiyuan's eyes sank.

"The Shen family's affairs are not simple, it is not clear in a few words."

"Well, then I'll find another one for our family Jiang San'er!"

Yannian sighed.

She doesn't like her son dealing with Shui Shen's family!


After eating, Yan Nian chatted with Ding Baoyi and asked her and Xu Kuangjie where they were.

Ding Baoyi said that he hadn't reached any step.


Ding Baoyi is 30 years old, a watershed for women. If you don't get married, getting married will be even more difficult.

She has three children, but only Ding Baoyi is a best friend. I hope to see her happy and happy. If the other party is Xu Kuangjie, it's not a big deal.

Because Xu Kuangjie is Jiang Beiyuan’s brother, everyone knows his disposition, his nature is not bad, but the dog can’t spit out ivory.

So Yannian wanted to be a matchmaker.

Be the matchmaker of Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie.

Yannian also planned to let Jiang Beiyuan be with her.

After taking a shower at night, lying on the bed, Yannian looked at her husband pitifully.

Jiang Beiyuan knew that there should be nothing good for the kind of pleading starry eyes.

"what happened again?"

"What do you mean again?!"

"Okay, what's the matter?" immediately changed his words.

Yan Nian: "Husband, you also want to see good brothers find happiness!"


"Let's match Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie together!"

Speaking of three points, Jiang Beiyuan has fully understood the meaning of words and thoughts, and he randomly copied a magazine on the bedside and read it.

"Mrs. Jiang, your husband is not a matchmaker."

Media master? !

Yannian laughed hahahaha.

"Just do it, the matchmaker and the matchmaker are a good pair!"

"Don't do it."

Jiang Beiyuan was very determined.

He doesn't have the mind to take care of other people's affairs. His three children and one older child can't manage it.

Yan Nian snorted, "At the beginning of our relationship, Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie did a lot of effort. Even if there is no credit, there will be hard work. We can't be so ungrateful."


Seeing Jiangbei Yuanzhen's first thoughtful, Yannian continued to work hard, leaning over and bit his chin that smelled of soda water.

"Don't do it? A good husband?"

Jiang Beiyuan: "Do."

Yannian always feels something is not right.

But it's okay, it would be great for him to be a matchmaker!


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