Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 932: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (4)

On weekends, Yan Nian asked Ding Baoyi to go shopping.

The agreed time between the two was 8:30, which was quite early.

For some reason, today's words and thoughts are very talkative, so I paid Ding Baoyi for her hair, bought her clothes, and bought lipstick.

It was almost lunch time, and Yannian took Ding Baoyi to a high-end western restaurant.

To consume here, it costs about 8,000 for a meal.

Ding Baoyi was surprised while taking off her coat, "What day is today?"

"It's not a day, what's the matter?"

"Oh, someone wanted to die for Jiang Beiyuan before, but today is he so generous?"

"Oh, you are my good sister, it's okay for me to buy you a meal."

After saying this, she said she was going to order food, got up and left.

Ding Baoyi was still wondering, isn't all the waiters in western restaurants come to ask you what you want to eat, do you need to order food in person?

The sound of footsteps in my ears gradually approached.

The moment Ding Baoyi's eyes met, Ding Baoyi didn't wonder for an instant.

Good for you!

Said she was a good sister, she actually pitted her!

Xu Kuangjie coughed twice and sat down, overlapping long legs, "Why are you?"

"I should ask you this."

"Lao Jiang asked me out."

"Yan Nian asked me out."


Xu Kuangjie and Ding Baoyi are not children, two sentences are enough to make it clear.

Ding Baoyi lowered her head to drink coffee and flicked her little finger at random, "They seem to be wrong."

"Yeah, I mean nothing to you."

"It's a coincidence, it's the same for me, it's difficult for the couple to match up!" Ding Baoyi put down the coffee cup, and didn't smile.

Xu Kuangjie waved his hand: "All are here, we will leave after dinner."

"Yes! AA system will do, I don't want to owe you anything."

Ding Baoyi took a circle from her bag and **** her loose hair.

She was sitting against the light, hiding in a cloud of light and shadow, with the movement of tying her hair, there was a rose scent between her gestures. She wore a tight black sweater today and she was in good shape.

Xu Kuangjie clenched a fist with one hand and coughed sharply.

"Cough cough cough cough cough!"

Special, has his self-control ability become so bad now?

It's not that I haven't seen a beauty!

Ding Baoyi: "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't worry about it!"

He didn't want to be looked down upon by her, it would undermine the dignity of a man.


The waiter began to serve.

Start with appetizers, then steak, foie gras and caviar on the back.

Ding Baoyi raised his eyelids: "You don't want to eat?"

Xu Kuangjie is still in the mood to eat now, waved his hand, "You eat first, I'm not hungry!"

Ding Baoyi ignored him and cut the steak with her head down.

Along with her bowing gesture, a strand of broken hair fell down, hooking her delicate collarbone.

"Cough cough cough!"

Xu Kuangjie coughed again, like a patient with tuberculosis!

Ding Baoyi's steak was cut, and he saw the man who coughed and blushed.

"What happened to you today?"

"I do not know!"

The tone was very impatient, as if someone owed him.

Ding Baoyi snorted twice, "A man like you deserves to be unable to get a wife."

After eating, Ding Baoyi got up and left after paying for his meal.

Xu Kuangjie watched her back.

Graceful and charming, she looks a lot like European and American stars, a little cold, but very sexy.

Xu Kuangjie narrowed his eyes slightly...

He sat in a chair for an hour before he calmed down his restless mood.

What happened to him today?

Why do you think Ding Baoyi is particularly appetite?


Three days later, at Ding Baoyi's new product launch conference, Xu Kuangjie came to join him.

He was holding the chairman's field, not Ding Baoyi's field.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't come, and sent the vice president of the company to show up.

When Xu Kuangjie came in, she saw Ding Baoyi standing on the right side of the hall with champagne in her hand, talking and laughing with a man.

Today, she has loose hair, waves curling like seaweed, wearing a black tube top dress, red high heels, earrings and necklaces, as always.

Xu Kuangjie found that Ding Baoyi seemed to like to wear tight clothes.

She is deliberately letting men not know that she is in good shape, right?

"Mr. Xu, you actually came in person, our AK is really brilliant!"

The vice president of Ding Baoyi warmly welcomed Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie came back to his senses and turned his attention to talk with the other party.

Soon, the press conference officially began.

Ding Baoyi is the person in charge of the sales department, standing aside, leaning against the wall, making notes with a pen in hand.

Xu Kuangjie sat diagonally behind her, looking at her from time to time.

However, Ding Baoyi did not notice him from beginning to end.

Beside Ding Baoyi, there was the man Xu Kuangjie saw at the beginning talking and laughing with her.

The man has clean eyebrows and good-looking bones, around 180, not too tall, and looks like a little white face.

She likes this type?

Xu Kuangjie sneered.

What vision?

At the end of the press conference, Ding Baoyi met with Xu Kuangjie.

She nodded at him slightly, politely, and a little bit alienated, "Mr Xu is here too."

Xu Kuangjie was speechless, "I have been here for a long time."

"Well, I didn't pay attention."

"Bao Yi!"

The little white face just came over and hugged Ding Baoyi's shoulder very naturally.

Xu Kuangjie narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Xiao Bai Lian's hand...

I thought Ding Baoyi would break free, but no, the latter just smiled and looked at Xu Kuangjie, "Then let's go first, Mr. Xu."

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

"Mr. Xu, are you leaving, I will ask the secretary to see you?" Ding Baoyi's chairman came over and said.

"No, I drove here and didn't drink."

After speaking, Qingfeng left.

Xu Kuangjie got into the car and saw Ding Baoyi and Xiao Bailian, who were sitting in the same car and slowly driving off the main road. He always felt that something was wrong.

After thinking about it, Xu Kuangjie took out his mobile phone and called the assistant.

Asking straight to the point-

"I haven't arranged this afternoon, am I?"

"Um, you have two meetings, what's wrong with President Xu?"

"What do you say you can die without arrangement?"

"Oh, then you have no arrangements, Mr. Xu."

The assistant was frustrated and confused.

Xu Kuangjie said with satisfaction, "Since there are no arrangements, I won't go back to the company for something this afternoon. The bureau pushed me tonight. I'll talk about anything when I go back."

"Okay, Mr. Xu."

After hanging up the phone, the assistant monk Zhang Er was puzzled, and did not understand the meaning of Xu Kuangjie's call!

In fact, Xu Kuangjie himself didn't know the purpose of his call.

Maybe just to give yourself an excuse to keep up with the car ahead!

He wanted to see if Ding Baoyi's woman was frigidity, and where did he go with that man!

This curiosity disappeared after he graduated from college, and now it is rekindled!


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