Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 933: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (5)

The Red Volkswagen stopped in front of the bank.

Ding Baoyi and Xiao Bailian both got out of the car.

Xu Kuangjie squinted slightly, sitting in the car staring at the back of the two people.

It’s normal for sales and financing to come to the bank.

After waiting for about half an hour, two talents came out.

The destination of the next stop is -

Five-star hotel.

Xu Kuangjie's heart is mixed.

Women really don't have a good thing! This is her self-cleanliness?

Thanks to him, he has taken care of her several times and rescued her several times. It seems that this kind of woman, what makes him worry about it.


He is not worried.

He was just curious, curious, curious.

Xu Kuangjie shook his head, tossed away the messy thoughts in his head, and then started the car.

His curiosity had been shattered by the truth before him, and he never wanted to stay any longer. He was about to drive away when he saw Ding Baoyi walking out of the hotel.

She came out by herself, her complexion was impermanent, and she was still wearing that black slim dress.

Xu Kuangjie was stunned.

So fast? !

Just thinking about it, his eyes met and he saw the right eye, Xu Kuangjie hurriedly bent down, and when he didn't exist, he meditated over and over again in his heart, you didn't see me, you didn't see me...


The sound of knocking on the window three times sounded.

Xu Kuangjie: No.

Huh huh!

There were three more beeps, like the three hits just now, hurried and impatient.

Xu Kuangjie: If you can't open it, you can't open it. There is no one inside.

"Jingle Bell--!"

The phone rang!

is his!

And the ringtone is big!

Now Xu Kuangjie was gone, pretending to be straight up, coughing and answering the phone.

"Hey, what do you want to do with your grandpa?"

Ding Baoyi: "You follow me."

"Ha, who do you think you are, national treasure or veteran, what do I follow you for?"

"If not, why are you guilty, hiding in the car and dare not speak?"

Hearing her sarcasm, Xu Kuangjie was secretly unhappy, but there was no way he could open the door reluctantly.

Ding Baoyi from the side looked at him with her arms folded, "Mr. Xu, what do you want to do?"

"What did I do to me?"

"I ask if you think about it."

Xu Kuangjie was stunned for a moment.

"Ding Baoyi, do you know you today—"

"Well, I know."

Ding Baoyi lowered her head and flicked her hair. She did not have bangs. With such a flick of her hair, she flicked all the hair scattered on her forehead behind her ears.

Obviously it was a natural movement. Looking at Xu Kuangjie's eyes, she felt that she was very charming and enchanting, and she had the charm of a white fox.

Ding Baoyi: "Get off."

Then Xu Kuangjie parked the car and got off.

Ding Baoyi walked into the five-star hotel again, took her ID card, and walked to the front desk.

The front desk looked at Xu Kuangjie with weird eyes...

The look in his eyes seemed to say, "How can you make a woman pay for staying in a hotel?"

However, Xu Kuangjie doesn't care about this at all now.



Come in.

close the door.

All the actions were done in one go.

The goose yellow light fell down, and Xu Kuangjie pinched Ding Baoyi's chin.

Ding Baoyi suddenly looked away at the critical moment.

It's like a rejection.

It was like the same basin of cold water splashed on Xu Kuangjie's face.


Today she is very wrong.

How can a person who hates men so much that he will bring him over?

Xu Kuangjie calmed down, holding both hands on her side, staring at the woman's face for a moment.

"Who is that little white face?"

"It's none of your business."

"I thought we were friends."

Xu Kuangjie straightened up.

Because he feels boring.

He is Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie!

She thought of other men in her heart, what was it to bring him over, what did she take him for? !

"That man is my ex-boyfriend."

Ding Baoyi's voice was ethereal.

"To be precise, it was my first love."


Xu Kuangjie didn't speak, he stood with his back to Ding Baoyi, his tall back was strange.

"Is there any smoke?"

Sometimes when I came up for a while, I really wanted to smoke, even with a bite. Ding Baoyi was not addicted to cigarettes, but now I really want to smoke.

Hearing this, the man in front turned around, frowning, "Women don't smoke."

"It's okay, no one wants me anyway."

Ding Baoyi spoke casually, called the front desk and asked for a box of ladies' cigarettes.

After taking the cigarette, she paced to the window sill, took one out of it, and lit it in her mouth.

Smell the clouds.

The bluish white smoke ring is like a hairspring, entwining her.

She vomited smoke rings, her movements were unskilled, and under her enchanting eyeliner were a pair of battered eyes.

"Today is the day he returned to China. We haven't seen each other for several years. I and him were separated because of parental pressure. He was the only man who didn't cheat me. But today I know that he is married. Up."

After saying this, Ding Baoyi said nothing.

He lowered his eyebrows, smoking was more fierce and urgent than before.

Her skeleton was not so thin, but her shoulders were perfect, she didn't slip away, and her collarbone was sunken in one piece, so hard that only bones remained.

Xu Kuangjie looked at her so surely for a while.

Suddenly pulled her over.

The smell of tobacco is pervasive.

This is the kiss that Xu Kuangjie feels the most so far.

Feeling is a momentary thing, and I believe Ding Baoyi can understand his feeling.

"The woman who smoked for the first time."

"Oh, what then?"

"Then, you smoke less, it's not good for your health."

"I rarely smoke, do you think I am very social?"

"Never feel so."

Xu Kuangjie watched her.

"On the surface you look like a big sister, but in fact, sometimes you have no brains."

"You have no brains!"

Xu Kuangjie smiled.

He couldn't tell how he felt, but he didn't feel like listening to her just now and seeing her smoking.

"Hey, or else, let's try it!"

Ding Baoyi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately twitched the corners of her mouth as if hearing a joke, "The doctor said you--"

"I didn't mean that! The doctor said let us run in and see, and Lao Jiang and Yan Nian also brought us together. We are not children anymore, you can consider it."

Ding Baoyi understood what Xu Kuangjie meant.


A woman who has been hurt by a man many times, and a woman who refuses to believe in love easily, how can she easily start a new relationship?

What's more, Xu Kuangjie's family status is determined by his family status, and he is not someone who can bring her a sense of security.

"Don't try."

Word by word, simply and neatly, clearly there is no room for maneuver.

"OK, when I didn't say it."

Xu Kuangjie was not cheeky either. After speaking, he picked up his coat on the ground and left directly.


From that day on, Xu Kuangjie felt that he was sick.


He finally contracted Jiang Beiyuan's disease back then.

There is no way to find the cause. When he knew it, the disease was like an ant, gnawing his heart little by little, making him itchy.

After a while, the assistant came in and reported today's itinerary with Xu Kuangjie.

Originally Xu was ill and uninterested.

When the assistant mentioned Ding Baoyi's company, Xu Kuangjie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Put the meeting with the AK boss until the afternoon, preferably at four or five in the afternoon."

"But Mr. Xu, it was ten thirty in the morning when you met with the president of AK."

"Where is so much bullshit? Just let it go."

"Oh... good President Xu."

The assistant touched his nose and went out.

I think Xu Kuangjie is a bit weird these past two days!


Crippled! ! !


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Kuangjie drove to the AK Group.

From the lobby to the office, Ding Baoyi was not seen along the way.


When she didn't want to see her before, she always came out from time to time to let him look twice, making him impatient.

Okay now, want to see her, she is not here again.


Xu Kuangjie sullenly entered the living room and talked about cooperation with the AK boss.

The other party obviously felt that Xu Kuangjie was a little absent-minded, and asked him several times if he was too tired and needed a rest.

Xu Kuangjie waved his hand, overlapping his long legs.

"Why don't you let Minister Ding come over, to tell you the truth, I always had a heartache before, but every time I see Minister Ding, my heart doesn't hurt anymore."

The other party was a bit calm, "Which Minister Ding?"

"Cough, Ding... Baoyi."


The boss knew what he knew, so he hurriedly asked the secretary to call Ding Baoyi over.

Ding Baoyi saw Xu Kuangjie and wanted to leave!

But all came, and the boss was here, so naturally she couldn't leave.

Soon the boss asked her to sit down and chat with Xu Kuangjie, and went out on her own.

Seeing that the boss was gone, Ding Baoyi naturally wanted to leave, but Xu Kuangjie stopped her.

"Can you die with me for a while?"

"I'm very busy, not as free as President Xu."

"How do busy people know that idlers want busy people?"

Ding Baoyi rolled her eyes silently in her heart.

Slightly pursed red lips.

"What do you mean?"

"How are you doing these days?" Xu Kuangjie's tone was stiff, and there was no gentleness in his words of concern.

"Very good, Xie Xu always cares!"

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

Look at her, radiant, and think about it to know that she is doing well!

However, the more he thought about it, the more angry Xu Kuangjie became.

"I'm having a good time too!"

"...Awkward chat is a waste of time, if it's okay, I'll go busy."

The strangers with Ding Baoyi's face don't enter, and don't want to be in the same room with him.

Xu Kuangjie did not hold back.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't find a suitable reason at all.

She had just shaken her face with cold water, he is also a big man with strong self-esteem.

Staring at Ding Baoyi's back, she was not reconciled to leave so soon, until the woman in front of her gave her an abrupt foot and Xu Kuangjie's lips rose slightly.

The opportunity is here.

"Doesn't your feet hurt if you wear such high heels?"


Ding Baoyi turned a deaf ear.

Her heel broke, and she felt it was about to break this morning, but she didn't care.

He took off his shoes, took two high heels in his hands, and started walking.

Xu Kuangjie was defeated by her, and he stepped forward and grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the sofa, asking her to sit down.

"I can be considered temperamental to you."

He was rubbing her ankle.

It's pleasing to the eye.

When Jiang Beiyuan rubbed Yannian's feet before, Xu Kuangjie always sneered.

What a great man, what to do with a woman bowing his head, nothing good, not ashamed!

It turns out that nothing can be said too full.

He never thought that one day he would rub the feet of a woman.

"Don't wear high heels anymore. The newspaper said that women wearing high heels are not good for the cervical spine."

"The man is fine with high heels?"

In a word, Xu Kuangjie chuckled, not annoyed, "You talk a lot with me."

"Don't dare."

Ding Baoyi didn't open her eyes, staring out the window, a smile spreading around her eyebrows.

The warmth of her ankle soon turned into piping hot, and the wisps came along her heart.

She didn't like her heart getting hot or the throbbing feeling, so she forced herself to cool down.

"Come on, get the meaning, don't be hypocritical."

"I really care about you!"

"Oh, do you care about me, or just want to play with me?"

"You are so special--!"

Xu Kuangjie scratched his hair irritably.

In the next second, he exhaled deeply.

"These days, I miss you very much."

Ding Baoyi's heart jumped, she didn't speak, but got up and walked away calmly.

Xu Kuangjie felt that his self-esteem was hurt, and soon left annoyingly.

When he did not come today!


Before leaving get off work, the AK boss called Ding Baoyi into the office.

"Xiao Ding," the boss is straight to the point, "I feel Mr. Xu is a bit interesting to you."

Ding Baoyi was extremely embarrassed. Did Xu Kuangjie say something to the boss...

"President, I—"

"Hey, you don't need to say it. I understand that you are the head of the sales department of our company, and you know the leader of the sales department. You have to be sleek in your life. Since Mr. Xu likes you, don't let him down. The mind is."

All adults.

If you say three points, you understand.

Ding Baoyi twitched, "I heard that the company is competing for the Xu Group's financing, but it has not yet been negotiated."

"Why, can you negotiate for me?"

"If I'm settled, what does the president want?"


The boss laughed heartily and touched his chin, "If you help me negotiate financing, you must be the general manager."

"it is good."

Ding Baoyi said every word.

"The position of general manager, I want it."

She never denies her ambition.

Without ambition, he would not sit where he is now.


at the same time.

Xu Kuangjie was in a meeting with a gloomy face. He was in a bad mood. The people in the meeting room didn't dare to show up. He suddenly received a message from Ding Baoyi, which read:

"At eight o'clock in the evening, come and find me at my house."

Xu Kuangjie’s anger value rushed to the top.

A call back without saying anything.

"Ding Baoyi, what do you mean, girl?!"

"That's what it means. They are all grown-ups, and do they need to be so clear?"

"What do you think of Lao Tzu? What do you think you are!"


After Xu Kuangjie finished speaking, he slammed the phone to the ground and stepped on both feet.

After stepping on it, I realized that this is his mobile phone, but nothing else, he doesn't lack such a mobile phone!

Tugging his tie irritably, Xu Kuangjie rubbed his forehead and looked at the big guy dumbfounded, "The meeting is over!"

He just blushed and left the office with a swagger.

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