Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 935: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (7)

Night fell.

At that time, Xu Kuangjie's home.

When Jiang Beiyuan went in, he was frowned by the odor of alcohol inside.

Under the sofa lies a drunk man.

Jiang Beiyuan picked up this person.

"Lao Jiang! I am broken in love, I am broken in love!"

Xu Kuangjie hugged Jiang Beiyuan's thin waist, tears and nose falling.

"..." Jiang Beiyuan said that he didn't have the habit of letting a man hold him, and pulled away Xu Kuangjie, who was so drunk with no expression on his face.

"Looking for a broken love again, nothing promises."

"This time is different!"

Xu Kuangjie, who was pushed away, crawled over again and raised a finger towards Jiang Beiyuan.

"In her, I found myself."

Jiang Beiyuan: "?"

"One minute, do you know what a minute is?"


Jiang Beiyuan's slender fingers rubbed his forehead.

I am embarrassed for a minute.

I thought I would dump you ten streets.

Xu Kuangjie shook his head, his face flushed, and he hiccuped, "She doesn't like me, so she still uses me! I don't like the woman who counts me, but I'm Xu Kuangjie, what is she? So playing with me? !"

Brainwashing yourself over and over again, as if saying that, you can force yourself to dislike it.

Jiang Beiyuan: "Then find someone who doesn't count."

In fact, Jiang Beiyuan still doesn't know when Xu Kuangjie fell in love or who he fell in love with.

Now that he is dying to live, people who don't know think he is his first love, and he doesn't look like a man with more than thirty-five.

"I also want to find a better..."

Xu Kuangjie suddenly clenched his fists.

After a few seconds, he let go again...

"But she is the only one who does not despise me... Other women despise me..."

"Why would she calculate me... a careless woman..."

"Ding Baoyi!"

Xu Kuangjie shouted like a corpse, and suddenly held up Jiang Beiyuan's face.

He is drunk.

Very drunk.

He even regarded Jiang Beiyuan as Ding Baoyi, leaning over and kissing him on the lips.

The latter slapped over--


Xu Kuangjie, who was fanned aside, lay on the ground and sobbed.

"Yeah, you let me go, we broke up... But it's not my fault, it's your fault, the one who should go, should be you, go, go, get out of the earth, never let me go again See you..."

"Forget it, go back, come back, do you hear..."

Jiang Beiyuan: "..."

This guy is drunk, and the drama is possessed, don't bother.

But he already knew who made Xu Kuangjie so uncomfortable.

Ding Baoyi.

Sure enough, as Yannian said, these two people have a play.


After Jiang Beiyuan returned home, he took a shower and then told Yannian about Xu Kuangjie and Ding Baoyi.

Yan Nian was so surprised that the phone fell to the ground.

"Really? You are wrong, these two have just been there for a few days, so why did they split so quickly?"

"Seeing him crying so dimly, can't be wrong."

"Oh, I've taken it, this is the case, let me call Ding Baoyi!"


Jiang Beiyuan grabbed Yannian and motioned to her to stay calm.

"You ask straightforwardly. She may not tell you the truth, or she may complain about your troubles at this time. You pretend that you don't know, and you say that Xu Kuangjie was drunk and was alone at home and no one looked after."

"Can it work? My best friend, I understand, how can she take care of a drunk when she is busy?"

Jiang Beiyuan touched her hair, "Just say that."

"Oh... alright."

Listening to my husband, Yannian called Ding Baoyi, and then according to Jiang Beiyuan's account, said to Ding Baoyi like that.

Ding Baoyi was silent for two seconds, and snorted coldly, "What does it matter to me if he drank to death? Don't mention this name in the future, I will say goodbye to him!"

Hang up after talking.

Yannian sighed, it was indeed Ding Baoyi's style.

It seems that these two people are completely out of play.


The next day, Xu Kuangjie woke up and found himself lying on the icy floor.

The windows on the balcony were still open, and the swooshing breeze made people shiver.

What's so special, his most trusted brother Dei didn't even help him to the bed? !

Don't even cover him with a blanket? !

If he has a cold, can he afford it? !


Xu Kuangjie rubbed his forehead, with a splitting headache, and his temples jumped. It was a sequelae of drunkenness. Now it's useless to be angry.

He got up and walked to the kitchen, originally intending to pour a glass of water, but then he was stunned.

There was sober soup in the pot in the kitchen, as well as warm meals, which seemed to be freshly prepared.

Xu Kuangjie was happy.

Jiang Beiyuan's stuff is still a bit conscience.

It is not in vain that he smashed so many RMB for him!

When he went to the company, Xu Kuangjie rubbed his aching temples while sending Jiang Beiyuan a WeChat message.

"Your craftsmanship has declined, cooking is not good."

Jiang Beiyuan sent a question mark.

Xu Kuangjie: "Why, you didn't make the rice in my pot?"

Jiang Beiyuan: "No."

"It's weird, who is that? Did the gods in the sky see me being pitiful and unloved, so they gave me a meal?"

"My daughter-in-law called your ex-girlfriend yesterday. She knows that you are drunk and are at home alone."


Xu Kuangjie wondered: "How do you know that Ding Baoyi is my ex-girlfriend? Ah yeah, how could she have the keys to my house?"

"do not know."

Jiang Beiyuan never replied.

He would not tell Xu Kuangjie that he did not close the door before leaving.

Xu Kuangjie returned to the office, unable to read any documents at all.

The assistant came over and asked him to go to the meeting. Xu Kuangjie waved his hand irritably, saying that the meeting was delayed for half an hour.

So is Ding Baoyi the one who cooked for him?

The woman came over and cooked him a meal, and then left? What is this?

forget about it.

Xu Kuangjie took the phone and directly deleted Ding Baoyi's WeChat.

He woke up, and his eyes became extremely clear.

The crying and crying and dying or alive last night.

It is replaced by apathy and coldness.

He wants to avenge Ding Baoyi that girl!

Otherwise he can't swallow this breath!


Xu Kuangjie is not playing around.

He directly cancelled the two major cooperation with Ding Baoyi Company.

He pays liquidated damages.

He is not short of money.

However, in the future, he said that the Xu Group will not have any business dealings with Ding Baoyi's company.

Even with the several major consortiums that have been acquainted with the Xu Group, they will no longer establish a partnership with the AK Group.

Xu Kuangjie did a great job.

Deliberately not to leave the other side alive.

This made the AK boss anxious, so he hurried to the sales department to find Ding Baoyi.

"I broke up with him."

Ding Baoyi said straightforwardly, her face very calm.

"Break up? You broke up with President Xu, what should AK do?"

"do not know……"

"You don't know? Then who knows? I don't think you, the director of the sales department, need to do it now. Since Mr. Xu is dealing with AK because of you, you can go. I can't hold you here!"

Cross the river and demolish the bridge.

Ding Baoyi coldly curled her lips, playing with a black signature pen in her hand, "Okay, I resign."

He said that he really resigned, and left the company in a breeze, without taking away anything.

She has worked hard in this company for six years, step by step, from the employee to the team leader, from the supervisor to the director. Only she knows all the pain and suffering she experienced during the period. She finally climbed to the top position, and now she is back to Jiefang overnight. Before, she didn't want honor and glory.

The boss thinks this woman is sick.

Xu Kuangjie clearly wanted what she wanted, and she broke up with others.

A good future is so gone, all made by myself, resigned and brought down!


Yan Nian didn't know about Ding Baoyi's resignation.

She read the news and said that the Xu Group cancelled the two cooperations with Ding Baoyi's company, and the CEO fired the current head of the sales department, which meant that she had fallen into trouble.

Yannian knew that the head of the sales department was Ding Baoyi.

When Jiang Beiyuan came back in the evening, Yannian hurriedly told Jiang Beiyuan about this.

She intends to let Jiang Nian Group hire Ding Baoyi.

Jiang Beiyuan sighed: "Your good sister never came to Jiang Nian to apply for the job, she has her own plans in her heart."

"Ding Baoyi is a woman with strong self-esteem. She didn't tell me about her resignation. Maybe she's looking for a job now. I don't care. I'm just such a good sister. Since we were young for so many years, I can't leave it alone. she was!"

Yannian is rare to act like a baby at Jiang Beiyuan.

"Teacher Jiang, Brother Jiang Ting, you are the best. Let Ding Baoyi work at Jiangnian headquarters. She is alone and widowed. Her parents are out of town, and she has no boyfriend or backer. It is not easy for her to be a woman!"

Jiang Beiyuan hugged Yannian's waist and kissed her forehead.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, Xu Kuangjie will not leave her alone."

"They both broke up. Who cares?"

Jiang Beiyuan raised his lips, "They both know it in their hearts, so don't worry about it, eh?"


Does Xu Kuangjie really care about Ding Baoyi?


Yannian went to Ding Baoyi's house the next day and went to find her in person.

However, Ding Baoyi was found packing.

It seems to be traveling far.

Yannian: "Where are you going?"

Ding Baoyi didn't lie, "Go abroad."


"I'm a bit tired recently, and I just quit my job. I want to go out and relax. If I have the opportunity to find a suitable job abroad, it's not bad to stay old."

Nowadays, many girls choose to go abroad and die alone abroad.

Because at home the seven aunts and eight aunts will urge you to get married and force you to go on a blind date.

"You are because of Xu Kuangjie, right?"

In a word.

Ding Baoyi's eyes flashed.


It's nothing, it's not.

Can a girlfriend of so many years still not understand? Yannian rubbed her forehead and didn't know what to say, "You and Xu Kuangjie——"

"Well, you are now the mother of three children. The three children are sensible and obedient, and Jiang Beiyuan takes care of you. You can live your life well, don't worry about me."

Ding Baoyi patted Yannian on the shoulder.

Yannian didn't want Ding Baoyi to go.

It's not that you are not allowed to go abroad.

You have a companion to take care of, that's okay, but if you are alone, who is not worried?

But Ding Baoyi became stubborn. Like words and thoughts, the nine cows could not be pulled back. No one could say anything about making up his mind.

After Yannian returned home, she kept sighing.

Jiang Beiyuan hugged her, she was still sighing.

Jiang Beiyuan kissed her, "Mrs. Jiang, what's wrong?"

"Ding Baoyi is going abroad..." Yannian was still sighing, "I don't want her to go, I know she is running away from feelings and Xu Kuangjie."

"Well, so you can still kidnap her and not let her go?"

"You are really puzzled by style. Kidnapping is definitely impossible. Or else talk to Xu Kuangjie and let him persuade Ding Baoyi to stay!"

Jiang Beiyuan: "Oh."

Seeing his plain face, Yannian leaned over and gave him a hard kiss.

"Please, husband!"

"Oh, I see."

Someone stretched out.


Xu Kuangjie wanted to meet Jiang Beiyuan for a drink at night. Jiang Beiyuan stopped going to the bar, and the two had an appointment with a tea shop for tea.

The one who served tea was a young girl who cast a wink at Jiang Beiyuan, and saw that Jiang Beiyuan ignored her, and turned to look at Xu Kuangjie. When he poured tea for Xu Kuangjie, she deliberately lowered her head and put on a coquettish look. Kind of look.

Xu Kuangjie also made no response.

In fact, this tea-pouring girl is a beautiful woman. Before, he would look at it a few times, but now it is too lazy to look at it.

After a while, Zhang Fan came.

Zhang Fan came with his wife Xu Tongtong.

Xu Tongtong is Ding Baoyi's cousin. She is pregnant this year and has a big belly. Zhang Fan greets her with all kinds of sweetness.

The appearance of the two people's affection fell in Xu Kuangjie's eyes, and Xu Kuangjie was very unhappy.

Take a sip of tea.


Uncle, this tea is so sour!

So sour!

Fortunately, Zhang Fan soon took his wife away, and Xu Kuangjie looked at Jiang Beiyuan—

"Why broken tea is so sour?"

"Sour?" Jiang Beiyuan disapproved.

Xu Kuangjie stopped talking, pushed the tea aside, and drank water with his head down.

Jiang Beiyuan's phone vibrated several times, all of which were WeChat sent by Yannian, so that he should not forget her instructions, and several pitiful expressions followed.

Jiang Beiyuan twitched the corner of his lower lip, slid his phone into his pocket, and said without a rush: "Women are always chased by men."

"Chasing her? Impossible, I can't swallow this breath, who asked her to count me."

"I haven't said who it is." Jiang Beiyuan teased.


Xu Kuangjie was speechless.

Is this shooting yourself in the foot?

"Anyway, I have nothing to do with her."

"Know what your name is?"


"Death to face and live to suffer." Jiang Beiyuan's posture is lazy, but he is zhuji--

"If you don't want her to leave, just keep her, and chase after you if you like it. Don't think about complicated.

"I didn't get too angry before. I want to entangle with you like this. Now we will definitely not be together."

"In the end, if you really become a girlfriend with Niannian, it's not worth mentioning when you look back and think about these things now."

Jiang Beiyuan's words are over.

What he said makes sense.

Xu Kuangjie said nothing, his lips straightened.

Jiang Beiyuan got up and patted his brother on the shoulder: "You are the one who broke her way. I want her to beg you to lower her head. It's impossible. People gather in groups by things, and her thoughts are stubborn. Her girlfriends must also be stubborn. ."

Jiang Beiyuan left after speaking.

Everyone's situation is different. The right to choose is in Xu Kuangjie's hands. As a brother, he will not kidnap him morally, just provide his own opinions.

As for what to do, it all depends on Xu Kuangjie himself.


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