Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 936: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (8)

Ding Baoyi bought a ticket to Vienna, and wanted to relax, check out Schönbrunn Palace, check out Stephen's Cathedral, and listen to music quietly while traveling and slow down his life.

The plane was 10:30 in the morning, and Ding Baoyi arrived an hour early and sat on the bench for a while and played with her mobile phone.

When I checked WeChat, I suddenly found that one person was missing from the list.

It turned out that Xu Kuangjie deleted her.

It was deleted without leaving any traces or concerns.

Obviously, a few days ago, he had a voice call with her for an hour. She was applying a facial mask and he was talking about a football game with her. Although she didn't understand it, she felt that it was not bad for someone to make noise in her ears.

What is love?

She and Xu Kuangjie are not counted.

Ding Baoyi grasped her sore fingertips and turned off her mobile phone neatly. A little girl next to her handed over a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

She is a young girl with a high ponytail and a white shirt, clean and fresh.

Ding Baoyi smiled and thanked, and wiped away tears.

I've been talking about love for a few days, and I'm just talking about playing, why does my heart still hurt so much.

"Is my sister going to Vienna too?"

"Yeah." Ding Baoyi glanced at the cello that the little girl was carrying, "Are you going to study?"


The girl smiled politely, her eyebrows concealed with the gentleness of the water, "I'm going to find my boyfriend. We are in a long-distance relationship and haven't seen each other for three years."

Ding Baoyi smiled.

She didn't ask any more.

Suddenly I was thinking, it seemed that she hadn't had a long time since she had the courage to be desperate for a person and the longing for the future.

It's security check.

Ding Baoyi walked forward blankly.

An arm jerked her aside.

Ding Baoyi looked at the incoming person, and was stunned for a moment. His heart missed a beat, "Why are you here?"

Xu Kuangjie gasped for breath, there was a traffic jam on the road, he was running...

"I heard you resigned."

"Haha, is Xu always connected to the Internet?"

"You girl, you just don't want to work on your own career, isn't it stupid?!"

"What does it matter to you."

"Stupid, jobs abroad are not so easy to find!" Xu Kuangjie was not angry.

"I went outside to relax. By the way, it's not bad to develop an exotic relationship."

In fact, she had no need to say the last sentence.

She is no longer a child, she has passed the naive age that likes to show her face.

But seeing Xu Kuangjie's gloomy eyebrows immediately, and seeing the jealousy and dissatisfaction that flashed out of his eyes, I had to admit that I was still happy.

She was so happy that she quickly restrained her. She sighed and flicked away Xu Kuangjie's shackles.

"I'm leaving, please let go."


Xu Kuangjie was too lazy to waste his tongue, so he picked up Ding Baoyi and took people away without a second word!

People who come and go are watching them.

Ding Baoyi screamed and asked him to let her down!

The security personnel stopped in front of Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie's face is not red and heartbeat: "I am her husband!"

Ding Baoyi sneered, "It's a fart, he's a rascal!"

Xu Kuangjie turned a deaf ear, looked at the security staff, smiled, "Don't mind, you have a temper with me."

Security: "Then please show me the relevant documents."

"I didn't bring my ID."

"Marriage certificate will do."

Marriage certificate?

Xu Kuangjie didn't speak, and suddenly turned sideways and kissed Ding Baoyi directly.

Ding Baoyi: "..."


Xu Kuangjie raised his eyebrows: "Dude, do you believe it now?"


Xu Kuangjie has long legs and long feet, carrying people out.

Ding Baoyi's legs fluttered, "My suitcase, my suitcase is still there!"

"I'll let the assistant take it back for you later."

Without saying anything, he put the man in the co-pilot, started the car, and left the airport.

"Where are you taking me?"

"my home."

"Xu Kuangjie, are you crazy?"

"If you really want to leave, you can jump off the car now, I won't stop you." Xu Kuangjie drove one-handed, enjoying the pleasure.

Ding Baoyi: "..."

I raised my wrist and looked at my watch. The plane has already taken off. What's the use of jumping?


Once blocked by someone, she can't leave now.

At the door of Xu Kuangjie's residential area, Ding Baoyi slammed the door and turned to leave, being hugged from behind.

There was a barely audible sigh above his head.

"You come to our company and I will give you a job. If you want to continue to be the head of the sales department, you can."

"No, I don't need your charity."


Especially, other women want this kind of charity yet.

Wives who don't know the blessing in the blessing

Xu Kuangjie let out a deep breath, lowering his eyebrows, seeing Ding Baoyi's neck line from his angle.

"Then you say, what do you want to do, can I listen to you?!"

"I want to leave here."

Ding Baoyi is very determined.

It's too difficult to keep a woman going.

Xu Kuangjie was helpless, but...

"I can't bear you, can you not leave?"

For the first time, he felt the anxiety of tickling his lungs, wishing to put his pride and pride on the ground and let her step on it.

"I originally thought that I was disabled in my life, but I tasted the sweetness in you. I think you can cure my disease, and I am confident that I can cure you, so that you are not so resistant to men."

He paused as he spoke, and seemed to feel her move.

"You come to work in my company, as long as you are obedient and obedient, I will not treat you badly. If you want to leave, I can tell you clearly, no matter where you are, I can catch you back, and I have the same network and the capital."

Ding Baoyi: "..."


Xu Kuangjie woke up the next day, empty beside him.

I still remember Ding Baoyi lying beside him last night and asking him if he had been so patient with other women.

He said that he had only been so patient with herself.

Ding Baoyi didn't believe it.

He patiently explained: "Why don't you believe it, other women kicked me out of bed. I have been a monk for so many years. I have a pure heart and few desires. Now you are the only one."

Then Ding Baoyi stopped talking.

She closed her eyes and leaned in his arms, rare and gentle.

Xu Kuangjie likes a docile woman, he hugged her tightly and closed his eyes.

A good night dream.

Then she woke up from the dream and Ding Baoyi was gone.


Let her run away!

Xu Kuangjie went to the company with a sullen face.

On the way from the lobby to the office, the employees greeted him and all smiled.

One of them couldn't hold back anymore and laughed.

Xu Kuangjie grabbed the man's collar and shot him with sharp eyebrows, "You're looking for death?"

"Mr. Xu, I... I didn't mean it, hahahaha—"

The employees stopped laughing for a long time.

"Mr. Xu, there is something dirty on the back of your neck..."

dirty stuff?

Xu Kuangjie frowned, "What?"

But no one dared to say.

Xu Kuangjie asked the smiling assistant beside him to take a picture with his mobile phone and show him.

Good guy, there is an agile **** on his back neck.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ding, Bao, Yi!

She knew he was going to wash his face, so she deliberately painted on the back of his neck, knowing he couldn't see it, right?

Xu Kuangjie strained his face and strode towards the office.

He pulled on his tie while walking. The tie was pulled crumpled by him and dropped to the ground neatly.

He is so annoyed to blow up his hair now! ! !

I opened the door and went in, and immediately after seeing the people sitting in my office, I suddenly stopped being upset.

The woman on the sofa, against the light, wears a black suit, high heels, her hair curled up, a perfect figure, and a delicate face.

Xu Kuangjie blinked, thinking he was wrong.

"Ding Baoyi?"

"Mr. Xu, when can I start working?" Ding Baoyi asked.

Xu Kuangjie was happy.

He was happy in his heart, and his face was very obvious, a pure smile like a blooming sunflower.

Realizing that he had laughed a little too much, he cleared his throat.

"You can do it now, do you want to go to the sales department or another department?"

"Sales department, I have been doing sales after graduating from college, and I don't know anything else."

"Okay. Originally, I planned to give you the position of minister, but—"

The conversation turned.

Xu Kuangjie pointed to his neck, "Based on this bastard, you can only start from ordinary employees now."

"This is a tortoise, not a bastard."

"Is there a difference?! It's all because of you, a dead woman, I'm so embarrassed today, you can wipe me clean in three minutes."


Ding Baoyi shrugged, but did so.

When she wiped his neck with a wet handkerchief, Xu Kuangjie snorted twice as close to him.

He didn't want to make a sound, he just held it for a long time, and couldn't help it before humming it.

"Okay, don't wipe it."

Xu Kuangjie pulled Ding Baoyi away a bit and looked at her with her legs folded.

"You should report to the sales department now. Come find me at lunch, eat with me and take a nap."

"Mr. Xu, are you... using public for personal gain?" Ding Baoyi teased.

"Heh, ask how many women want this kind of treatment. Only you have it. Follow me and you will enjoy the blessing!"

Follow me, and you will be blessed!

The curse of this sentence usually ran around Ding Baoyi's ears.

She laughed suddenly, she didn't know what was funny.

As she watched her leaving, Xu Kuangjie bent her lower lip.

He held his breath all morning, disappeared, gone, unblocked.

So far, no one except Ding Baoyi has brought him such a wonderful feeling.


Ding Baoyi started working.

She is now an employee in the sales department of Xu's Group. The most basic one is that she has no status and status. She is not enough to do the work at hand and is often called upon.

Colleagues around me ridiculed and ridiculed melon seeds during the break, and pointed out that Sang scolded Huai about "relationship".

Ding Baoyi didn't care.

She knows that those young guys are talking about her.

But, so what?

Do you live your life for others?

When Xu Kuangjie was about to get off work in the afternoon, Xu Kuangjie suddenly came, and people from the sales department stood up together to greet Xu Kuangjie respectfully.

The minister is the most diligent: "President, what's your order?"

Xu Kuangjie looked around, "Can I check it out?"

Yes, of course.

Who dares to say no?

The Minister wanted to personally lead Xu Kuangjie to visit the sales department. Xu Kuangjie waved his hand slightly and said no, and walked to Ding Baoyi's side.

"How about it, are you still used to it?"

He is really like a good boss who posts to his subordinates. He is very caring and caring.

Ding Baoyi had every reason to suspect that Xu Kuangjie was deliberate.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, for your concern. That's good." Ding Baoyi smiled.

"That's good. Work hard, I believe you."

Xu Kuangjie patted Ding Baoyi on the shoulder and left.

As soon as the boss left, the employees who chewed their tongues began to sit still.

"What? It turned out to be the person brought by Mr. Xu!"

"Looking at her looks like a fox, you will know what kind of person she is by thinking about it with her toes!"

"Tsk tusk, will she be the second Zhen Meili?"

——"Little sisters, you can speak louder."

Ding Baoyi snapped the file in her hand with a "pop", and walked over with her arms.

She is 170, wearing high heels about 175, she has a clear temperament, condescending, and completely crushing.

"If you have the ability, you can also rely on Mr. Xu's relationship, you don't need to eat grapes here and say grape sour."


One of the dead ducks had a hard beak, "Like you who rely on your face, it usually doesn't last long and will be expelled within a few days."

"Really, just open your eyes and see if I will be fired, or will I climb higher and higher."

Ding Baoyi retracted his gaze, turned and left.

After two steps, he turned back and took the car key on the table.

She looked blankly at the girls who had just chewed their tongues.

"Usually, the villain is not a fool, or a villain of the same kind."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

The rest dare to be angry but dare not speak...


Xu Kuangjie went to the sales department to find Ding Baoyi after get off work, and wanted to invite her to dinner, but she had already left.

Called her, she said that she was going home and was busy with work.

So he didn't see her that night, and he didn't taste any sweetness, so he felt strange.

It turns out that I like someone, I just want to see her all the time. I can’t wait to put her in my pocket with me. If I don’t see it, I will worry and hurt my mind.

Early the next morning, Xu Kuangjie came to the company. After the meeting, he went directly to the sales department, called Ding Baoyi out, and then dragged her to the unmanned corridor without saying a word, leaning over and hugging her.

Only by holding her in this way can I feel that she really exists and didn't leave.

Ding Baoyi pushed the person away speechlessly.

"Mr. Xu, the boss should look like a boss in the company. This is more likable."


Xu Kuangjie slapped her forehead like a joke.

"I am Xu Kuangjie, I don't need to be likable."

What is the meaning of Xu Kuangjie?

Although there are not as many girls around him since childhood, there are not as many girls as Jiang Beiyuan.

If it wasn't for his physical problems, he was also a handsome guy with thick eyebrows and handsome eyes, and he must have been among the thousands of flowers now.

"Meet tonight."

Ding Baoyi fluffed her hair and said.

"I have to do a lot of work during the day, and I don't know if Mr. Xu is so anxious."

Ding Baoyi went back to work after finishing talking.

Xu Kuangjie leaned against the wall, propped his forehead, looking at her from the back quite speechless.

What's more, her disgusting eyes just now made him look like a beggar who hadn't eaten for 800 years.

He asked, is he that kind of person? !



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