Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 945: I'm apostate for you (1)

I walked away from home for you at the age of 18, murdered for you at the age of 21, and came out of prison at the age of 31. The first thing I saw was you standing under a tree.

I want to say to you:

I have been apostate for you all my life.

I love you, I want, we are together.

——Inscription by Songnan Tomb


December 24.

Today, the snow in New York was overwhelming and the ground was slippery. When Song Nan's tomb came out of the company, he slipped and fell. Fortunately, he was wearing a down jacket and it didn't hurt.

There are not many people on the spacious pedestrian boulevard, passing through the European-style arcade, this is his and Jiang Beize's current home.

The house is rented, and it is very close to the store. Two huge Christmas trees are placed on both sides of the store, which reminds Song Nan's tomb, who came out with two bags of ingredients, that tomorrow is Christmas.

When I opened the door and went in, I saw Jiang Beize leaning on the sofa and making a phone call, smiling.

He was wearing a creamy white sweater with a blue shirt inside. The collar of the shirt was turned over and he was dressed clean.

Song Nan's tomb looked at him a few times and threw the food in front of him, making a loud noise, like a childish child attracting the attention of adults.

Before hanging up the phone, Jiang Beize said "Happy birthday to my second brother", and Song Nan's tomb heard it clearly.

"You're back."

Jiang Beize closed the thread and untied the plastic bag in front of him. There were potato chips, beef, curry, green pepper...

This is their ration for a week.

"I'm going to cook rice and have beef curry tonight?"

"Well, whatever."

Song Nan's tomb was leaning on the single sofa on the other side, boring to use his phone.

From the corner of his eye, he stared at Jiang Beize into the kitchen, and quickly took his mobile phone on the table and glanced at the call log.

Well, it really was a phone call with Jiang Beiyuan.

But the talk time is only one minute, not long, and it should be just to say "Happy Birthday" to his second brother.

He cleared his throat and put the phone back in pretense.


Jiang Beize was cooking in the kitchen. He was scalded by a rice cooker. He didn't take it seriously, so he rinsed under cold water and washed the beef.

Song Nan's tomb came in, took a can of Coke from the refrigerator next to it, leaned against the refrigerator door, and looked at Jiang Beize lazily.

"What do you see me doing?"

Jiang Beize lowered his eyebrows, his fingers were delicate and his joints were very thin.

Song Nan walked over, moving the bangs on his forehead naturally, and then gave him a kiss.

"Hurry up, Master is starving to death."

After saying this, he went out as a fool.

Jiang Beize was left standing in place, with a big red face and coughing several times...

Yes, he and Song Nan's tomb are together.

Two years ago, he completed high school. At the gate of the university, the first person he saw was the tomb of Song Nan.

Jiang Beize could vaguely remember that Song Nan's tomb was wearing a black jacket and a pair of brown Martin boots that day. He was heroic and cold.

"Never lose my love".

At that time, he was full of these four words.

Unexpectedly, he still came over through the mountains and rivers, and appeared in front of him so truly.

The first sentence that Song Nan's tomb said to him was:

"Master is not waiting for you, he has come to see you himself."

His nose is sour and his heart is extremely moved.

Then a year ago, they were together, interacted, and confirmed the relationship.

He and Song Nan’s Tomb are both people with strong learning ability. They have completed all the courses in three years. They are 20 years old this year. He rented a house with him and lived with them. Working in a coffee shop, Song Nan’s tomb makes a lot of money, but he cooks delicious food.



The 20-year-old Song Nan Tomb is very handsome.

He has always liked to keep a sturdy, refreshing hairstyle, and this has been the case in recent years. The 16-year-old young man has become a lot more delicate after 4 years of polishing. He has thick black sword eyebrows, a tall nose, and Full of air.

When those eyes looked at Jiang Beize, they looked like a wolf, wild and aggressive again.

When Jiang Beize saw this face on a daily basis, he felt flushed and could not help coughing a few times while eating.

Song Nan's tomb glanced at him: "You have a cold?"

"Huh? No, no, I got choked while cooking."

"Bring it with your right hand."


He handed it over, not knowing why, the latter held his thumb up and down repeatedly, frowned slightly, rubbed his fingertips, "have you sprayed the scald?"

"...No, be hypocritical."

He retracted his hand in embarrassment and scratched his hair.

Song Nan's tomb glanced at him, then kicked off the stool and left.

Jiang Beize was wondering if he was full when the man came back, took a bottle of scald medicine, sprayed him twice on his hand, and blew it like a kid.

Jiang Beize thought it was funny, "You make a fuss."

"You are so delicate to death, you are more hypocritical than a woman, don't I know?"

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang suddenly, breaking the warmth.

It is from the tomb of Songnan.

Jiang Beize's right eyelid twitched, somehow, there was a bad feeling in his heart.

I don't know who's calling, the moment Song Nan's tomb's face gradually became serious when the call was connected.

For two years, I haven't seen him so solemn.

"what happened?"

After he put down the phone, Jiang Beize dared to ask.

Song Nan's Tomb: "My grandmother is critically ill... I have to go back to Zhicheng."


Jiang Beize always knew that Songnan’s tomb was a child from a single-parent family.

His parents divorced when he was very young, and he lives with his brother Song Yikai.

But in the countryside, there is an elderly grandmother in the tomb of Song Nan. Song Yikai always said that he would take the old man to live there, but the old man likes the quiet and pristine environment in the countryside and is reluctant to live in big cities.

On the day Song Nan's tomb left, Jiang Beize went to see him off.

He was wearing a white down jacket without a big fur collar at the back. He took the fur collar off his neck because of the fur collar.

But there was no scarf at home, so Jiang Beize wrapped the fur collar around the neck of Song Nan's tomb for several times.

"The temperature in Lucheng is about the same as here, so take your time."


Song Nan's tomb took his hand and clenched it tightly.

In fact, he wanted to kiss him very much, but there were too many people around, he knew Jiang Beize must be shy and unwilling.

"I'll be back as soon as possible. Call me if you have something to do."

"I see, I will call you if I think about you." Jiang Beize answered quickly.

Song Nan's tomb loves to hear these words, and touches his soft head before retracting his hand.

"My brother is very comfortable."

Then Jiang Beize blushed again.

When he was at home, the tomb of Song Nan liked Jiang Beize to call him brother, brother Nan.

But Jiang Beize rarely called.

After the interaction, the address became casual, either "Hey" or "Hey", or you, you, your name, he would call him "Master" when he got interested.

but now……

Jiang Beize pursed the corners of his lips, and helped Song Nan's tomb tidy up his collar.

"Brother Nan, you come back soon."

Song Nan's tomb shrinks!

I want to kiss him!

Hold it back!


It was snowing in Lucheng today. After Song Nan’s tomb got off the plane, he took a taxi to the countryside without stopping. The taxi driver was still chattering all the way, saying that the road was slippery in the snow, and he had to pay more.

Song Nan's tomb made two loud noises, then without a word, he turned his head and looked out the window.

The snow outside was spreading, and it was cold all the way to the bottom of people's hearts.

When he arrived at the grandmother's house, the first thing that Song Nan's tomb saw was Song Yikai squatting by the bed.

The elder brother in my memory is always like a child, he likes to grin with his teeth, sometimes he likes to flatter his boss, Song Nan's tomb can't understand his appearance.

But now, he seems to be old too, with a few white hairs emerging from the top of his head, which is very striking in the eyes of Song Nan's tomb.

"You are here."

As soon as he turned his head, Song Yikai saw the tomb of Song Nan, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, got up and smiled at him.

"Come here, grandma has been waiting for you for a long time."

Song Nan's tomb walked over. He was 186, squatting down and holding the old man's hand.

Grandma looked at him tenderly: "My Ono is finally back... Ono is back..."

"Well, I'm back, I'm sorry grandma."

Sorry, I always thought that I still have a lot of time to fulfill my filial piety in the future, so I never thought that the separation came so quickly.

The old man's dark palm touched his face.

"Stupid boy, I am sorry for you, our Song family is sorry for you... You were so young, and your parents divorced. I know you have had a hard time these years..."


"Grandma really hopes to live a few more years, to see you get married... to see you having children... then I can hold my great-grandson..."

The hand held by Song Nan's tomb suddenly loosened, afraid to look into the eyes of the old man.

He was very sad, so sad that his brows were very tight, and he seemed to have a hole in his heart.

He wanted to say, grandma, I might never get married in my life.

He wanted to say, I might not have children in my life, sorry.

But in the end he said nothing.

Until the old man closed his eyes peacefully, he lay on the head of the bed, his eyes flushed red.


After the grandma's funeral was settled, Song Yikai hoped that Song Nan's tomb could return to Zhicheng.

He has studied abroad for three years, and it is easier to find a job locally.

Song Nan's tomb didn't want to come back.

"I live well abroad. I have found a financial job and can support myself in one month."

He squatted on the ground to pack his luggage and said.

"You have to make plans for the future, you are a man, but you can't just feed yourself!"

"Don't worry, I have the ability to feed the one I love."

Listening to the tone of his speech, Song Yikai looked at Song Nan's tomb and felt that he had become different.

"Hey, you kid, don't you find a foreign girl behind my back, right?"


The luggage was packed, and the moment he got up, a photo fell out along the wallet in his pocket.

It is a photo of him and Jiang Beize.

Photographed in Chinatown.

He picked it up blankly, pretending to be very casual, Song Yikai saw the person in the photo sharply.

"Hey, isn't this my boss's brother? Are you two still in touch?"

"Huh? Ang."


Song Yikai pursed his lips.

"My colleague has a younger sister who is the same age as you. The little girl is very honest and quiet. She also has a stable job now. You finally come back and don't rush back. How about having a meal with someone on the weekend?"

"No, I will leave tomorrow."

He moved quickly to lift the suitcase on the ground and walked to the room.

Song Yikai stared at his back and smiled jokingly, "Haha, shouldn't my brother be gay!"

The walking boy stagnated, and his back became stiff by three points.

The smile on Song Yikai's mouth gradually solidified.

Time has all frozen together.

Until Song Nan's tomb returned to his room, he was still in a petrified state, and he hadn't recovered for a long time.


Song Yikai's life has been very regular over the years.

I go to work and leave work every day, and then cook for my brother, wash clothes, and check homework.

He doesn't smoke or drink, he doesn't go to bars, he doesn't go to Dancing, and he lives very Buddhist.

The assistant to the president makes a lot of money, and some female employees in the company secretly promised him, but Song Yikai refused.

He wants to save more money in the past few years, buy a house for Song Nan's Tomb, and equip him with a good car, and then it is not too late to get married.

Because he owes Song Nan tomb very much.

Since childhood, he was a big brother, and he was very carefree. He often ignored his feelings. The scars and shadows in Song Nan's tomb caused by the divorce of his parents were Song Yikai's inability to compensate him.

But my brother actually...

Song Yikai smoked a lot today, shut himself in the study, smoking one by one.

The entire study is smoky, and there are many empty wine bottles on the ground, all in a sloppy way.

Song Yikai put his hands in his hair, lowered his head, his brain became muddy, and he couldn't figure out why Song Nan's tomb was bent.

Thinking of that photo in my mind, the object should be the boss's brother.

Does his boss know about this?

Well, even if Jiang Beiyuan knew it, Jiang Beiyuan would acquiesce in it, but he couldn't accept this as a brother!

He can't accept it at all!

On the desk was a photo of him and Song Nan's tomb. Song Yikai took the photo, rubbed the face of the young man on it, and smiled bitterly.

"Ono, don't blame me, I'm all for your good..."


In the afternoon of the next day, Song Nan’s tomb had arrived at the airport, and he called Jiang Beize and said that he would go back at night.

Jiang Beize: "You don't need to come back. I have already retired my New York house. I plan to pack my things and live in Lucheng."

"what happened?"

"It's okay, I think I still have to come back to live. I have a real estate in Zhicheng, which is left to me by my second brother. I can live there."

"Okay, send me the address, and I will look for you when you come back."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Beize looked at Song Yikai sitting opposite.

He received a call from Song Yikai in the middle of the night yesterday, saying that he wanted to have a good talk with him. Jiang Beize is not stupid, he knows what Song Yikai should know.

So five minutes ago, he came to this cafe, Song Yikai packed a box and sat opposite Jiang Beize.

Jiang Beize discovered that Song Yikai had experienced a lot of vicissitudes. He was wearing a crumpled suit, but he didn't shave today, and the cyan stubble appeared on his chin.

Song Yikai was silent for a long time, and only opened his mouth after drinking the third cup of coffee.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

"Assistant Song, just speak up if you have something to say!"

"..." Song Yikai finally looked at Jiang Beize.

The boss's brother is a very delicate boy, white skin, big eyes, if not for short hair, looks even more beautiful than a girl.

But no matter how delicate he looks, he can't change the fact that he is a boy!

"I'm really surprised... I didn't know you two could be together... My brother had a girlfriend in middle school, so I always thought his sexual orientation was normal... I didn't expect..."

Jiang Beize listened quietly, without speaking.

Song Yikai sighed heavily and stared at him.

"When he was 16 years old, he changed his name properly. It was not called Song Nanye. It must be called Song Nan Tomb. Why is there a tomb in his heart that hides the survivor, is it because of you?"

"..." Jiang Beize didn't answer, and acquiesced.

Song Yikai felt uncomfortable for his chest to explode.

He thinks he is in two parallel worlds, but there is an intersection!

Parallel lines, after all, must return to the parallel state!

"I don't think this is love for you. Maybe you are all living in a foreign country, and you are all of the same age. Your parents have divorced, so you are more similar to each other and familiar, and then you have a sense of dependence."

"But have you ever thought that the two of you have no future. Just like a mouse, you have to hide wherever you go. It is even more impossible to get married, and even more impossible to have children."

"Before she died, Grandma Xiaoye took Xiaoye's hand and told him that she would most like to see him get married and have children during her lifetime. I don't know how far you two have developed, but in our old Song family, we have never seen such a thing. People!"

With that, Song Yikai paused, and suddenly pulled Jiang Beize's hand.

Both people's hands were shaking.

But Song Yikai's hands trembled even more.

Song Yikai was about to cry, "Bei Ze, I beg you, can you please let my brother go and let him live a normal life!"

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