Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 946: I'm apostate for you (2)

Jiang Beize is also crying. He has always been a passive person. During the two years with Song Nan's tomb, Song Nan's tomb has been the backbone of the family. "Assistant Song, I don't know..."

He is messed up, his mind and heart are messed up, and he hasn't felt this powerlessness for a long time.

Song Yikai knelt directly in front of Jiang Beize with a plop.

"The first time I knelt down to someone. When my parents divorced, I never kneeled for them. I'm just such a younger brother. I don't want him to be rich, I just want him to live in peace and stability! Together, it is impossible to live in peace."

Jiang Beize sighed and pulled Song Yikai up from the ground.

"I know... I know."

With his lips squirming, just repeating this sentence, Jiang Beize knew that some things were completely dead on this day.

Because of reality.


Going out of the coffee shop, Jiang Beize received the WeChat from the tomb of Song Nan.


Song Nan's Tomb sent him WeChat and never used a question mark. His tone was overbearing and arrogant, as if saying that if you don't tell Lao Tzu where you are, don't have a better night.

Standing at the intersection of South Street, Jiang Beize stomped his feet from the cold. It turned out that the winter in Lucheng was much colder than New York. He shed tears while uttering a voice: "Brother Nan, you are limited to 10 minutes to come and pick me up, otherwise I will be cold. died."

He doesn't know when he will practice, and his ability to speak naturally and fluently while crying is truly amazing.

Jiang Beize silently copied the phone back into his pocket.

After half an hour, Song Nan's tomb came over.

He was still a big boy, sweaty, standing in front of Jiang Beize panting, bending over his knees with both hands, but looking up at him.

"There is a traffic jam on the road, Lord ran over, otherwise I can't make it through now!"


Jiang Beize didn't speak, his tears were already dry and sticking to his face, his face was not good, Song Nan's Tomb scratched his hair.



Jiang Beize shook his head, took a step back, and Song Nan's Tomb pulled him back.

"What are you doing hiding from me, so angry?"

He is coaxing him.

Jiang Beize suddenly discovered that after two years of being together, he seemed to have been coaxing him.

It is obvious that the two people are the same age, probably because the tomb of Song Nan is ten centimeters higher than him. In many cases, he let him go and follow him.

Jiang Beize's nose began to sore again, and Song Nan's tomb kept moving his head, scratching him, pulling him, and pinching his face.

He liked to use his hands and feet at home, and he was not serious when he was outside. Jiang Beize flicked away from Song Nan's tomb.

"I will eat candied haws in three minutes! Otherwise I won't forgive you!"

On the street, with all eyes in full view, a boy of 176 yelled such a sentence, and the pedestrians who came and went looked over here in confusion.

Song Nan's Tomb was also taken aback for a while, and in the next second, he turned and ran without hesitation.

Jiang Beize stared at his back, tears streaming incessantly.

Today it's cold.

But the sun is also very dazzling.

These two points do not violate peace.

Soon, the boy who had just ran away turned back, holding a bunch of candied haws in his hand. There was no plastic bag in his hand. He held the stick in his purple hand and his fingers were red with cold.

"I want to buy you a few more strings. I'm afraid it will be overtime. How about it? It's not three minutes?"

Why treat him so well?

Jiang Beize cried wowly and plunged into the arms of Song Nan's tomb.

Song Nan's tomb lowered his head and pushed him, "Hey, there are still people around."

"Do you care?"

"Of course I don't care, I'm afraid you care."

"I don't want to care today!"

Hug him for a while, those eyes are already red, and there are tears on his eyelashes, which is very flattering.

The tomb of Song Nan gave Jiang Beize the gourd in his hand.

"Can you still eat it?"

"Go home to eat!"

"Okay, take the master to our house!"

Our home?

Jiang Beize moved his lips and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

There was no home soon, but the boy opposite knew nothing.

The two took a taxi to the "luxury house" in Jiang Beize. This is the house that Jiang Beiyuan transferred under the name of Jiang Beize. It is a three-in-one property, and the decoration is very exquisite and high-end. Song Nan's tomb thinks this house is good.

"The house price of the waterside loft is quite expensive, and my brother clamored to buy me a suite here two years ago."

"Well, actually, your brother is really nice to you."

Jiang Beize lowered his head and said, handing over a pair of slippers.

Song Nan's Tomb didn't take it seriously, "It's okay, it's not that I can't make money, so I don't want his house."

Jiang Beize said nothing.

He was very lazy today, lying lazily on the back of Song Nan's tomb, holding his waist with both hands, and coquettishly told him that he didn't want to cook today.

Song Nan’s tomb has never cooked.

Not once.

It was purely troublesome. He was able to negotiate both orders for the time to make a meal. There were times when it was not enough to go to the restaurant.

But Jiang Beize was like a spoiled spirit today, and he kept rubbing his back, "Brother Nan, you just cook once, just once."

Song Nan's tomb couldn't stand him like this, so he turned around and hooked his chin.


"You wait for me tonight."

Finished talking and went into the kitchen.

Jiang Beize watched his happy back, and wanted to keep seeing him so happy, arrogant, unruly and slutty.

"I will wait, I will always wait, but you can't wait for me because our situation is different."


After eating, Song Nan’s tomb slumped on the sofa holding a laptop, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, browsing the web.

Jiang Beize sat next to him, passive, moved his body to think of getting up, and was pulled back by Song Nan's tomb by his arm.

"Sit down for the Lord."

It is also in New York. When he works, he likes to be by his side, although he can't help with anything.

Jiang Beize saw a touch of fatigue appearing in his eyes, "I'll make you a cup of tea."

Song Nan's tomb then let him go.

Jiang Beize didn't make this tea well.

Two or three cups, all mixed with the taste of tears, Jiang Beize wiped his eyes several times, he should really be blindfolded, so as not to spoil the good tea.

After the fifth cup, the temperature, taste and lightness all felt the best, and then I took it over.

Song Nan's tomb fell asleep.

The laptop is still on his lap, his hands are still in his arms, his eyes are closed, and his mouth is slightly open.

Just knowing that meeting before, Song Nan's tomb would still pretend to be gentle, and sleep in front of him with a three-point jealousy, and honestly sleep until dawn.

After being around for a long time, the fox's tail is exposed. Sometimes he smashes his mouth and grinds his teeth when he sleeps. But if he doesn't snore, Jiang Beize really can't stand the snoring boy.

Put the tea on the coffee table, took the notebook on his lap, and wanted to shut it down. He woke up as soon as he moved the tomb of Song Nan, his sleepy eyes were a little hazy.

"where is this?"

"Our house." Jiang Beize returned the two words.

"Oh," Song Nan's tomb rubbed his eyelids, "Here it is, I haven't found a job yet."


Jiang Beize glanced at the laptop in his hand and found that they were all websites with resumes. He always thought that Song Nan's Tomb was busy working.

"We are no longer living in the United States, so naturally I won't have to work there. I have to find a new one."

Song Nan's tomb yawned, really tired, busy with grandma's funeral, did not sleep well for several days.

Jiang Beize felt sour as if he had eaten a plum, "You don't have to fight like that."

"I don't fight, you drink northwest wind."

Then he waved his hand to make him go back to the room to sleep.

Jiang Beize tugged at his loose sleeves, "Find work slowly. You can sleep with me. I can't sleep alone."

Song Nan came to the tomb of a little interest and smiled, "What happened to you today?"

"what happened?"

"Careful too much."


After saying a word, Jiang Beize couldn't tell the rest.

Song Nan’s tomb didn’t think so much, maybe because he liked it too much, so I trusted him. I just think this little beast has a warm temper, and it’s not bad to be clingy. Xu Shi has just returned to Zhicheng and is not very used to it. .

"Go, go to sleep."

Turn off the laptop, and then take his neck back to the room.

close the door.


"People can only see the attitude of one organ to another.

But invisible, the attitude of one soul to another soul. "

Before going to bed, Jiang Beize showed a sentence from Chai Jing's book to Song Nan's tomb.

Song Nan's tomb was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyelids. He lost Jiang Beize's book and pulled down his hand.

"Do all these useless things, sleep."

Then he rubbed his face into Jiang Beize's arms and stretched his brows.

Song Nan’s tomb is actually an insecure person. He is obviously aggressive, strong, and has hard bones, but he likes to sleep against Jiang Beize.

Jiang Beize rubbed the head of the bed and turned off the glazed lamp.

Even if it was dark all around, he could still perceive his tall nose, his thin eyelids and lips, and his long breathing evenly, one by one in his arms.

Song Nan's tomb once said, "I hold you and I can sleep in a second."

Just like now.

He slept heartlessly, but Jiang Beize couldn't sleep.

Touched his face through the air, not daring to touch it, for fear of waking him up, reluctant to bear it.

The person in his arms, he is also a tired person, it seems that he is so tired because of himself.

When he woke up the next day, his posture changed. He leaned against his arms and Song Nan's tomb was touching the corner of his eye.

Jiang Beize murmured, "What time is it?"

"After seven o'clock, what happened to your eyes?"

His hands covered his red and swollen eyelids.

It was okay before going to bed yesterday.

Jiang Beize shook his head, "I don't know, maybe I was bitten by a mosquito."

"Fart, where did the mosquitoes come in winter?"

Jiang Beize stopped talking, leaning on Song Nan's tomb, hugged his waist, and called him "Brother Nan" very softly.

While in New York, Ruan Mo Hard Pao begged him to scream, but he didn't say a word, returning to Lucheng for two days, but screaming a lot.

Song Nan's tomb hmmed, his eyes gleaming, "Do you want something, say."

"No... I just want to call you that, let's get up later today, okay?"

"Ang, you don't have to go to work if you don't have a job, you can stay as long as you want."

"Is it all my life?"

Jiang Beize rarely said such sensational things to him, for a lifetime, very long-term, but very firm and very happy.

Song Nan's tomb narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "The future may not go well, I hope you believe me, we have crossed over, it will be a lifetime."

Jiang Beize did not reply.

He closed his eyes, his heart damp as if it was raining, it was a storm that razed his heart to the ground.

I wanted to cry, but I held back, and felt very practical and happy, even for such a short time.

I felt that I wanted to keep sticking like this, and then it was a lifetime, and both of them were old.

But with the one you love, doesn't it mean that a lifetime will pass quickly?


The two woke up until noon. Jiang Beize said he wanted to go to Jiang Beiyuan's house to see his second brother.

Song Nan's tomb nodded: "Ang, let's go together."

But Jiang Beize was very determined and he had to go alone instead of Song Nan's tomb.

There was a sigh of relief in Song Nan's tomb. He still couldn't forget his second brother or what happened. Thinking of Jiang Beize's docile way of calling Jiang Beiyuan before, he was not angry.

"Cheng, it's up to you, come back early in the evening."

After speaking, I went out.

Neither of them had lunch, nor breakfast.

The tomb of Song Nan was hungry and went out to call Song Yikai. After all, he hadn't come back for a long time in Zhicheng, and he didn't have many acquaintances.

"Your brother is hungry and wants to eat your noodles."

Song Yikai at the other end: "I'm not at home now, you come to the co restaurant to find me and invite you to dinner."

"to make."

The tomb of Song Nan walked past.

Not far.

The main reason is that he didn't bring money when he went out, and there was no money to flow in the phone.

Thinking of Jiang Beize, he was hungry and panicked with anger. Last night and this morning, he was irritated at noon. He must be cured, otherwise I don’t know who is his master!

When I arrived at the co restaurant, I looked around and didn't see Song Yikai. A girl with white skin and yellow hair by the window greeted him.

Song Nan's tomb walked over, "Do you know me?"

The girl nodded, pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and smiled happily at the face of Song Nan's tomb, "Your brother asked me to eat with you."

Song Nan Tomb: "..."

Come on, he knows the cause and effect.

Turning around and leaving, the belly gurgled several times, and the girl grinned, "Let’s eat first, I’ll invite you for this meal."

"..." Song Nan's tomb pursed his lips, looked at the delicious food on the next table, and cleared his throat, "You count what I owe you, you ask Song Yikai's grandson for food, I have no money."

In a word, the girl laughed again.

The girl had a good attitude towards him, she could see that she liked his appearance, his character, and his eyes were always stuck to Song Nan's tomb.

I ordered two pork chop rice, plus a plate of peanuts, and the tomb of Song Nan bowed his head and no one looked at it.

Fearing that he would choke, the girl handed over a glass of water, but he waved his hand without asking.

"What are you doing in such a hurry to eat, want to run? Ah yes, my name is Song Yuan, I will give you a surname."

"Ang, Zhicheng is so big, and the surname Song is more than me and that grandson."

"Hahahaha, your brother cheated you once and made you hate him so much? He told me that you are single and have no girlfriend."

Song Nan's tomb snorted, "What did he tell you?"

"Yeah, what's up? Do you have a girlfriend?"

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