Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 947: I'm apostate for you (3)

"I have a lover."

After Song Nan's tomb had finished speaking, he kicked off the stool and left. Song Yao stared at his back and gradually disappeared in the corner, disappearing from his line of sight.

We will meet again in the future.

She thought so.

But certainly not now.

Song Nan’s tomb was holding his breath today, so he waited for Jiang Beize to call him and ask him when he would be back. Several bunches of candied haws, and some snacks that Jiang Beize likes.

Why do you like to eat candied haws?

Obviously in New York, he didn't think so.

He admitted that he thought about it by himself and wanted to go back. At the time when he had no home, even if Song Yikai called him a hundred calls, he would not go back. Never go back before the point.

Now that there is the person next to the pillow, my thoughts have changed, the brothers around him are gone, the social circle has faded, and gradually he is the only one left.

Song Nan's tomb was thinking about going back.

Seeing that the door is open and the light in the entrance is also on, the yellow-green light and shadow hit the wall and reflected a trace.

Jiang Beize had returned long ago, squatting under the flower stand in the living room, teasing a puppy.

A purebred little golden retriever, brown hair, not a big dog.

The dog Song Nan's tomb looked familiar. He had seen Yuli in Jiang Beiyuan's family before, and this little dog was almost like that big dog.

"Whose dog?"

Song Nan's tomb was changing shoes at the entrance, and the slinger said, getting angry, and it was he who took the initiative to find the steps.

"My second brother's family, Yu Lisheng." Jiang Beize said quietly without looking up, not looking at the tomb of Song Nan.

Sure enough.

Song Nan's tomb was originally angry, but now he is holding his breath and can't vent it.

"You like to raise it, can I just buy it for you?"

"A dog's life has no honor or distinction. When Yuli died, he only left these three puppies. The one I want is called Changan."

Song Nan's tomb didn't care if he was Chang'an or not. He kicked and walked over with slippers and picked up the dog on the ground.

Looking stupid, I don't know if I can feed it.

"This dog is ugly, I will send it back tomorrow, and I will go to the pet hospital to buy you a new one!"

"I do not."

Jiang Beize was very strong this time, grabbing the dog in his arms and holding it in his arms like a baby.

The tomb of Song Nan was completely on fire, and Jiang Beize hadn't been like this for a long time.

"You are so special? Can't you forget your second brother?!"


still is?

Song Nan's tomb was so angry that he wanted to smash the wall, thinking that he could half-push half-and-a-half, so he simply admitted that his heart was shot at the apex of his heart.

"Jiang Beize, how did you promise me when it was a good time?!"

What did you promise him?

Promise him, I will be loyal to you in the future, and the rest will not be able to see me.

Promise him that in the future you will make money, I will cook, and the two will live together and take care of each other.

Jiang Beize kept his head down.

"You ask me if I can't forget. I'm telling the truth, and you are still angry, but the truth is that, I like my second brother for so many years, how can I say that I don't like it and I don't like it?"

"So you still like it now?"

"Ang, I'm going back today. My second brother will cook for me. My second brother is still like that. Nothing has changed. My second brother—"

Is it over? !

Song Nan's tomb directly grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to his side.

"So what does Lao Tzu mean? Your spare tire?"

"..." Jiang Beize don't open his eyes. "You have treated me well in the past few years. In my eyes, I am very moved. Maybe I am not familiar with the place of life. So I rely on you very much. Is this kind of feeling love? Yes, it’s all right, we are all together anyway."

"Then I'm guilty, and my heart makes you so bad!"

The eyes of Song Nan's tomb were red with anger, and he let go. Jiang Beize took two steps back from the unstable center of gravity and looked at Song Nan's tomb blankly.

"Did I make you embarrassed? You came here on your own initiative. If you don't come to me, I won't be with you out of guilt or touch!"

Because of guilt? Because moved?

He may not know how much these words hurt people. For how many years, his Song Nan tomb was considered a gangster who was brutally wounded, and how many years have not passed.

Maybe it was a mistake to go to him in the first place. Starting from the phrase "forever lose my love", it was a mistake!

No, from the moment he saw him, it was just a joke!

Four years have passed, thinking that each other can become more mature. In his eyes, feelings are not trifling, but in his eyes, Jiang Beize is nothing more than that.

Song Nan's tomb turned and left.

The door slammed loudly, echoing with a huge vibrato, and Chang'an in Jiang Beize's arms shivered twice.

The little guy stared at Jiang Beize with watery eyes.

Jiang Beize put the dog on the ground and knelt down and touched its soft fur.

"My acting is terrible..."

A cloud of white mist accumulated in his eyes, crystal clear, until the tears fell hot one by one.

"I angered him this time. He is such a proud man, this time I really hurt him..."

It's better to be injured now than he hurts a circle of people and then self-injury.

There were two open plastic bags in the hallway. Jiang Beize walked over and saw his favorite snacks and several bunches of candied haws in the bags.

The gourd quickly became a tear gourd. Jiang Beize ate a sugar ball, which was salty, bitter and sour... it was not the taste of candied haws at all.

In fact, he liked to eat candied haws when he was young.

That time it was Jiang Guoteng and Pei Jinling quarreling, Jiang Beiyuan was too annoyed to take him out, passing by Chinatown, and then bought him a bunch of candied haws.

Jiang Beize remembers clearly that at that time, the gourd was covered with a layer of transparent sugar paper. The sugar **** were big and round, and tasted very sweet. They were seedless, so there was no need to worry about getting stuck in the teeth.

The reason I remember so clearly is that the time when I was accompanied by Jiang Beiyuan was really happy and simple.

Nostalgia does not mean reluctance.

Unforgettable does not mean that you are still attached.

He knows who he likes now.

He also knows who he wants to be with.

But these words can't be said to Song Nan's tomb.

It's all over.

Everything fell into a huge silence.


It's been half a month.

Jiang Beize hasn't seen Song Nan's tomb for half a month.

He has never come back since the quarrel that day. For the past half month he has been at home by himself. When he was hungry, he would take out a bit, or he would not eat, then sleep when he was sleepy, cry quietly when he couldn't sleep, and be afraid of being watched by the dog. , And then covered the quilt, crying in the quilt.

Changan lost weight, Jiang Beize felt that this was not good. He was not happy, even with the dog. The dog followed him to lose weight. Before he took it back, Yan Nian and Jiang Beiyuan were fat and white.

So after half a month, Jiang Beize finally went out to send the dog to Jiang Beiyuan's house.

Today Sunday, Yannian was at home and the three children were also at home. Yannian greeted the three children as "uncle".

"Baby Changan, mom misses you so much!"

The one who likes Chang'an the most is Jiang Chunhe. When Jiang Beize took him away, the little girl cried for a long time. Fortunately, she sent it back again. The little girl glared at Jiang Beize bitterly, as if she had abused my dog. Thin!

However, he was afraid that the other party was the uncle, and Jiang Chunhe did not dare to say it.

Jiang Chunhe scared Jiang Jingming with a dog, Jiang Saner pretended to be calm and returned to the room, and locked the door.

Jiang San'er had no reason to be afraid of dogs.

It's amazing.

I was not bitten by a dog, and I was not scared, but I was afraid of dogs. Yannian said that this was hereditary, inherited his father's fear of dogs!

But when the dog was lying on his stomach or barking "barking", Jiang San'er was not afraid, just because Jiang Chunhe scared him with the dog, Jiang San'er would be honest.

"Sister-in-law, where is my second brother?" Jiang Beize looked around, but didn't see Jiang Beiyuan.

Yannian said that Jiang Beiyuan went to the hospital. Today, the hospital has a major operation and he must be needed, because apart from Jiang Beiyuan, the rest are timid and no one dares to take it.

Jiang Beize did not stay at Yannian's house for dinner at noon, and left after sending the dog, saying that he would go to the hospital to find Jiang Beiyuan.

The central hospital is very busy, with constant voices and hurried footsteps.

Compared with the doctors who are in a hurry, Jiang Beiyuan can be considered a stroller.

Jiang Beize leaned against the wall of the corridor and watched Jiang Beiyuan walk out of the operating room, wearing a white lab coat. Although the white lab coat was a bit wrinkled and mottled blood stains, it did not affect his cleanliness.

The sunlight fell on Jiang Beiyuan's shoulders. His shoulders were broad, his body was long and well-proportioned, with one hand in his pocket. When walking, the light from outside chased him and fell on his feet and on his body.

Jiang Beize remembered that before going abroad, Jiang Beiyuan was still a little thin. At that time, he might be under a lot of pressure, and many things at home were not going well. There were clouds on his eyebrows, and there was fatigue in his eyebrows.

Not anymore, Dr. Jiang, who is bright and refreshing, is very attractive.

Until Jiang Beiyuan saw him, those dark and perfect peach eyes fell on Jiang Beize, and Jiang Beize greeted him.

He had to admit that his second brother was still outstanding, still dazzling, still handsome, and still the most perfect person he had ever seen.

Once I really liked it, now I really just worship it, nothing more.

"Your sister-in-law called and said your eyes were swollen and bitten by a mosquito?"


How does the second brother look like Song Nan's tomb?

Jiang Beize couldn't laugh or cry, "Second brother, can't I just cry."


Jiang Beiyuan was writing about the patient's case. He glanced at Jiang Beize lazily, and then continued to write the case in his hand, "I'm in my 20s, and I still cry."

Jiang Beize did not answer.

After writing the case, Jiang Beiyuan looked at Jiang Beize formally. He was a little thinner, and there was a pen in front of his clothes. The brown-red pen was not the one he gave him.

"Changed pen?"

Jiang Beiyuan's voice is very magnetic, a bit dumber than Jiang Beize's voice, and a tail sound that rises is also very charming.

Mentioning this, Jiang Beize scratched his head awkwardly, "I'm sorry, brother, he was jealous, and then he was thrown away. I didn't stop. Now I don't know where to throw it."

That was when Jiang Beize was 18 years of age.

At that time, he was already with Song Nan’s tomb, and he inadvertently raised a mouth. My second brother gave me a pen, wishing me a bright future and flowers all the way, and then Song Nan’s tomb became a fire. He said that he lost the pen that Jiang Beiyuan gave, and bought a brand new one for Jiang Beize.

It is a foreign brand, the carvings and textures are extremely exquisite, and the pen cover is free of any flaws.

This was bought by Song Nan’s tomb for three months of working money and bought it for Jiang Beize. So at the time, it was not easy to make money because of his sincerity. Jiang Beize didn’t care about it.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't take it to heart either. After all, the pen was given for several years, and if it was sent out, it was something from other people.

"I have an operation in the afternoon. You can go to the cafeteria to eat by yourself, or give you money to eat out."

"Well, it's okay, so busy, second brother, I just came here to take a look..."

Jiang Beize wanted to leave, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a black figure in the corner——

The next second he quickly turned around and hugged Jiang Beiyuan's waist.

Without explaining anything, he just hugged and rubbed Jiang Beiyuan's arms.

At the corner of the tomb of Song Nan, wearing a black jacket, squinted at this scene, his fists creaked, and then let loose again decadently.

So what is this? !

For half a month, he spent half a month to calm down, give him time, give him a chance, even if it’s a phone call or a message, it’s okay to contact him in various ways, even if he doesn’t even scold him. Good to go home...

There was nothing. Song Yikai was sick. He came to buy Song Yikai cold medicine today, and he saw such a scene before he expected it.


The figure of Song Nan's tomb disappeared at the end of the corner, as if he had never appeared before.

Jiang Beiyuan pulled the boy away from him.

Condescendingly, he raised his eyebrows with a smile, "Do you know how to use your brother to block the gun?"

Sure enough, he couldn't hide anything from his second brother.

Jiang Beize lowered his head, "I quarreled with him, a bit contradictory..."

"I don't care about your private life, and I won't intervene, neither now nor in the future."

Three and a half sentences express his own attitude, but the last sentence is the point——

"Next time I find someone to cooperate with you, I can't, my wife is jealous."

After speaking, I went back to the clinic, Jiang Beize stood there and smiled.

Suddenly he felt that his second brother was so kind, too dedicated and affectionate, he was a man who could make countless bees succeed.

Such a stunning sweet pastry, but he was not at all moved, not infatuated, because he was already occupied by another person.

There is only one heart in human beings. It is scum when eating half-heartedly in the bowl and thinking about the pot.

Jiang Beize returned to the attic of Shuixie.

Sure enough, he still didn't come back...

Seeing that scene, normal people will feel betrayed, and when they come back, their brains will show up.

Now that Song Nan’s tomb is not there, Chang’an has also sent him away. He is the only one at home. Jiang Beize is actually not hungry. He cooked some noodles at will and ate it. When they were in New York with Song Nan’s tomb, the two of them faced each other. Wok noodles, one bowl is full now.

After eating, I took the pen given to him by Song Nan to play.

In fact, Jiang Beize didn’t want to use this pen several times, because he was afraid that it would be damaged. There was still a small piece of paper stuffed inside. It was the classmates he wrote to him back then. The words "I will never lose my love" were used. He cut it out, rolled it up and stuffed it into a pen.

But Song Nan's tomb didn't know about this matter.

The wind outside the window was fresher and cooler, much better than the dullness in the house. Jiang Beize lay on the window and felt the wind with his eyes closed. In fact, if it were not for Song Nan's tomb, he would be lonely and die, and he would not be loved because of love.

Just like this wind, it blows cold, and it blows into the air.

In the end, his hands were numb after blowing, and he came back to his senses in a daze. He wanted to close the window, otherwise it was himself who caught a cold and suffered.

Maybe it was because of the cold that I didn't feel, the pen in his hand was not held firmly, and it fell straight down.


Subconsciously shouted, and the answer to him was silence.

This is on the fifth floor. Jiang Beize didn't wear his coat and went out to pick up the pen. Standing downstairs, a man in black sportswear was holding this pen, looking bored.

Jiang Beize didn't know this man, he should be from the same community, "That... sir, this pen belongs to me, please return it to me, thank you."

The man was about thirty or so, and the moment he saw Jiang Beize, his eyes brightened clearly.

"Little milk dog, I like it."

Jiang Beize still stretched out his hand, "That pen, give me the trouble, it is very important to me."

"How to prove it is you?"

"You can open it, and there is a note in it with four words written on it, I will never lose my love."

The man opened it and saw that there was a crumpled note in it.

"That's fine, you come to the bar with me now, drink with me, drink with me, give you a pen, but drink, you play with me tonight."

Jiang Beize frowned. His eyebrows were the same as his face, very delicate and not full-bodied. The whole person was grandma's, clean and pure, like a student who just graduated from high school.

Seeing that he was not talking, the man put his pen in his pocket, then turned and left, "It's fine if you don't drink with me. You can sue me and see if the police will take care of you."

A pen, there is really no need to report a crime.

But the meaning of this pen to Jiang Beize is really very, very important. This is a person he likes. He has sweated for three months and a cocoon after three months of rubbing his hands. one's gift.

This is a memorial, and it is also a time and effort that cannot be measured by money.

Jiang Beize suddenly stopped him, "Which bar to go, I will accompany you now!"

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