Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 952: I'm apostate for you (8)

Song Nan's tomb got up late today.

Fortunately, he was not late and rushed to the construction site.

"Why did you shake your face the next day after you came here? What time is it!"

The foreman roared at the tomb of Song Nan, where is the master of Song Nan tomb who was willing to be reprimanded, his thin lips pressed tightly, his face was stiff.

"You kid, get out if you don't want to do it! Don't use youth as capital, who was not young before!"

The foreman was a grumpy master, and he kicked his calf in Song Nan's tomb again. Song Nan's tomb groaned, but he didn't say a word.

"I won't be late anymore."

When you should be soft, you have to be soft. He knows this truth.

"Sorry, my brother quit!"

Song Yikai pulled Song Nan's tomb away while taking off his helmet.

"What are you doing? I'm working!"


Song Yikai directly slapped Song Nan's tomb.

"Can you give me a little sobriety! Look at yourself now, I have supported you for so many years of school, and saw you doing this here?!"

"What's wrong with this? I start with a small job, and I can get promoted a little bit, and then I will earn more!"

Song Nan's tomb took a sip of blood, tasted the **** smell of the corner of his mouth, and wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand.

Damn, Song Yikai's slap just now was so cruel.

Song Yikai grabbed the collar of Song Nan's tomb, and tears suddenly flowed out.

"Ono, I beg you, can't you... Just take your heart, don't be with him, can't you find a good family to live a good life? It will be difficult for you in the future, do you know? know."


Song Nan's tomb didn't expect Song Yikai to know everything.

Thinking back, Song Yikai had been arranging blind dates for him, and was anxious to let him and Song Yuan be together, he should know.

He raised his head, his Adam's apple tumbling, letting Song Yikai grab his collar.

The sky is very blue and clear, and there is no haze. It seems that I have not seen such a blue and white sky in a long time.

Shen Shen exhaled from the tomb of Song Nan, "I'm sorry, brother."


Song Yikai slapped him again with a backhand.

"You have to force me to death, do you? Are you trying to **** me off? Do you know that I was wrong if I die in front of you now?!"

"I love someone, what's wrong with me?!"

There are two big palm prints on the face of Song Nan's tomb, his eyes are scarlet.

Song Yikai pointed to his face, "You are not love, it is deformity, deformity!"

Hearing that the tomb of Song Nan was on fire all at once.

"Can you please leave me alone? You don't understand your own mess, and his second brother doesn't care about us. What kind of mother are you pretending to be, disgusting."

I left after speaking.

Song Nan's tomb didn't see it. The wall opposite, a white figure leaning against it for a long time, burst into tears.


When Song Nan's tomb returned home, there was no one in the house empty and it was terribly cold.

Jiang Beize was not there, and there was no shortage of furnishings. There were even Jiang Beize's clothes in the closet. But somehow, Song Nan's tomb felt very deserted, as if there was something that could not be kept.

He finished the shower and came out of the bathroom, only to see the note on the bedside.

"Brother Nan, you must be happy."

The tomb of Song Nan collapsed immediately.

He took out his cell phone and called Jiang Beize frantically, prompting to shut down, shut down, shut down.

He sent him WeChat and voice, and he tried any contact method that he could think of, but he couldn't reach Jiang Beize.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily turned off, and the voicemail has been transferred for you..."

Song Nan's tomb was trembling with fingers, and shouted at the phone——

"You will come back for me!!!"

After three minutes, the mood calmed down a bit.

"Ozawa, come back to brother, eh? Brother will take care of everything, brother is so weak in your heart?"

"Jiang Beize, who told you to block the gun for me? Hurry up and come back to Laozi, have you heard!"

I have never felt so powerless, even hate myself.

Song Nan's tomb's mind turned quickly, thinking of Jiang Beize's sudden abnormality after returning to Zhicheng. He was indifferent to him, avoided him, did not dare to come into direct contact with him, and even used his second brother as a cover...

Probably before that, Song Yikai had already talked to Jiang Beize.

He is so soft-tempered, it's weird to be able to withstand it. He is gentle all day long, but what has he done wrong? None of them has done anything wrong, right?

The tomb of Song Nan smoked all night.

The phone is placed at his feet, and he will pick it up and look at it as soon as it vibrates.

But either it's just spam messages, or it's a message from someone who doesn't matter, it's not Jiang Beize's message.

Where can he go? Maybe he has gone abroad. After all, the people in Zhicheng would not accept him.

It's because he is not good, his heart is too big, and he complains that he has changed sex, why didn't he think about why he suddenly changed, why he suddenly said those hurtful things to him.

"You come back, come back, I really can't wait for you anymore, I finally found you, you have left now, come back..."

His response was a suffocating silence.

The doorbell rang suddenly.

It's like an illusion.

"Ding Ding Ding—"

Not an illusion!

Song Nan's tomb stumbled to his feet, went to open the door, "Ozawa--"

Seeing the person coming, his face darkened, disappointment instantly replaced hope, "Why are you here?"

It's Song Yuan.

Song Yao smelled the strong smell of smoke on his body and frowned, "Why do you smoke so much?"

"What's your business? Get out!"


Song Yuan gritted his teeth severely, "Last time you scolded me, I didn't care about you. I hope you can think about our marriage."

"Aren't you embarrassed? I love others now, and I still marry you. I won't give you love. You are like a spare tire. Even if you are willing to be a spare tire, I don't want to cheat the marriage. —"

Song Nan's tomb irritably pushed Song Yao out.

His strength was so strong that Song Yuan couldn't reach him. He was pushed to the door by Song Nan's tomb, and the door slammed shut.

Song Yuan was unable to smash the door:

"Okay, okay, I don't bother you today, okay, you pay attention to your body, stop smoking, I really care about you, don't you know!"

Smoke less?

Song Nan's tomb was leaning against the wall of the hallway, and he fumbled for another cigarette from his pocket to light it.

Green silk lingers.

Does anyone know that the boy who smokes now likes to eat sweets?

When he was a child, before his parents divorced, and during the time when the family was harmonious, he was also a well-behaved child. He did his homework well, was sensible and obedient. He would also fantasize about being an astronaut, an architect, and a great person in the future.

"Oono, how much candy do you want to eat, will your brother buy it for you?"

After his parents divorced, this was the first thing Song Yikai said to him.

"Brother, I won't eat candy anymore, I have a toothache after eating too much."

Because there was no home then.

Now he has no home again.


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