Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 953: I'm apostate for you (9)

Song Nan's tomb quit the work on the construction site, and by the way, Song Yikai's phone was blocked.

Now his brother is nagging in his ear, he is annoying!

"Jiang Beize, the master advises you to call your master quickly, or wait for the master to catch you and cut you to death!"

Another call was transferred to the voice mail box, and Song Nan's tomb went to the bar after speaking. It is better to be crowded than to be alone.

He was sitting on a remote sofa with a cigarette in his mouth. The bar was wild and the place he was in was well located, half bright and half dark. Song Nan's tomb put an arm on the back of the sofa, swallowing clouds and fog.

The Songnan Tomb only smokes two kinds of cigarettes.

Golden Bridge Mint Smoke, and Su Smoke.

He is the kind of person who wants to pay more attention to face, and he has to smoke a lot. There is a range and a degree. Otherwise, think about it. People ask him, "What do you smoke?"

He said, "Red and Gold Dragon!"

More no goods, more prices?

It's like growing up, people say the name Song Nanye is better than Song Yikai, and he is happy in his heart.

He thinks the name Jiang Beize is also good. Although everyone says the name Jiang Beiyuan is good, he feels that the three characters "Jiang Beize" are particularly right!

After smoking two cigarettes of Su, the smell of smoke on his body is full, and his eyes are a little cloudy.

Suddenly two men sat opposite.

Big five and three thick men in black, wearing dark black sunglasses.

One of them put a glass of wine in front of Song Nan's tomb and gestured for him to drink.

Song Nan's tomb blew the smoke ring, blowing it on the man's face, "Is the medicine put on?"

The man coughed from the smoke and said nothing.


As soon as the voice fell, the shoulders were held by two people.

Behind him stood two men of the same size and size, wearing black suits with expressionless faces like robots.

"How many mean?"

Song Nan's tomb began to feel something wrong.

The rumors in this bar are a bit messy, but the chaos is also aimed at those drunk women. He, a big man, sat here peacefully, and a few people stood in front and behind him, like kidnapping.

Song Nan’s tomb had been practiced before. Seeing that the signs were wrong, he clasped the arm of the man at the back left with his backhand and slammed over his shoulders. The other three people went up together. Song Nan’s tomb kicked one of them directly on the stomach.

"What's the matter, do you like the beauty of the master?"

"..." The three of them didn't speak, and rushed towards the Song Nan Tomb.

They were all heavyweights, and Song Nan's tomb barely dealt with three of them alone. I don't know when the fourth one got up from the ground and hugged Song Nan's tomb directly from behind.

It was like being locked up, and the tomb of Song Nan couldn't move. Two people handcuffed him and the other tied him with a rope.

Song Nan's Tomb: "Who sent you here?"

No one speaks.

Everyone tacitly agreed, and kept silent.

Song Nan's tomb was escorted in a black jeep, which drove to a private tea shop, and three people pushed him in.

A man stood in the hall.

He is tall, strong in stature, about 30 visually, and he doesn't recognize Song Nan's tomb.

"Boss, people brought you."

One of the people in black finally spoke, "Boss, we only do errands and didn't speak."

The man waved to let them go, then unfastened the handcuffs from Song Nan's tomb, trying to shake hands with him.

"Boy, tell me, Xu Kuangjie."

"do not know."

Song Nan's tomb rubbed his wrist and found a sofa to sit down.

Xu Kuangjie turned to sit opposite him, raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "Okay, Jiang Beiyuan is coming soon, then you two will talk."

"What? That's why Jiang Beiyuan kidnapped me?"

"Knock a fart, he asked me to bring you here, I just use my own way."

In other words, Jiang Beiyuan could not do such a thing as kidnapping, he, Xu Kuangjie, could do it!

He is such a simple, rude and mighty man!

Song Nan's tomb didn't speak, his eyebrows and eyes were covered with sadness, and he didn't know who or what he thought of.

Xu Kuangjie saw that there was a cigarette case in his open pocket, and took one and ordered one, "You kid still smokes Su cigarettes?"

"Is there a problem? I'm an adult."


"..." Song Nan's tomb didn't make a sound. He was just in his early twenties and less than twenty-one.

Xu Kuangjie rubbed his forehead and was speechless, "I'll just ask, can I still pull you back from the right path?"

"I have always been on the right path, but you don't understand."

"Lao Tzu was at your age. It was the right way to study and join the company."

"Cut, you are a grandson."

Xu Kuangjie:? ? ?

"What did you tell him so much for?"

Jiang Beiyuan is here, he drove by himself, holding the car key in his hand, wearing a gray coat, customized high-end fabrics, to bring out his extraordinary temperament.

Xu Kuangjie stood up, "Someone brought you, I'm leaving."

Jiang Beiyuan sat down in Xu Kuangjie's position.

The nose of Song Nan's tomb is sour.

In fact, Jiang Beiyuan and Jiang Beize have similar outlines. After all, they are the same dad. Looking at Jiang Beiyuan like this, he remembered that person, not knowing where he is now and how he is doing, and it hurts to think of him. Up.

Song Nan wanted to smoke a cigarette, but saw the man on the opposite side frown.

He forgot who said that after Jiang Beiyuan got married, he didn't see the smell of smoke, then he gave up, laughed twice, and put his hand back.


Song Nan’s tomb is very acquainted, not to mention deliberately flattering, so I think Jiang Beiyuan is very good. I promised him not to interfere with Jiang Beize’s affairs. In this respect, he is very grateful to Jiang Beiyuan. His brother is better than his own. Good brother.

Jiang Beiyuan hummed, took out a card from his pocket and pushed it over.

"Do you know why you have no confidence now?"


"Because you have no money."

"..." Song Nan's tomb defaulted.

He really has no money, he has no identity, no background, no family.

Jiang Beiyuan: "There are 20 million in this card. I borrow it from you. As for how to operate it, I want 30 million in five years."

Song Nan's tomb was heartbroken!

He actually wants to start a business, but he needs money and working capital to start a business. He wants to go to the bank for a loan. He is young now and has no guarantor. The bank will not lend him too much money.

So Song Nan’s tomb thought, first find a job and work stably for a few years, save some money, and then start a business. Now Jiang Beiyuan has opened up a channel for him, and this man is really good at killing the heart.

Song Nan's Tomb took the card over, lowered his eyebrows, "Thank you."

"As for your brother, he is my assistant and I am his boss. I have no right to kidnap him morally in public or private. You still need to do this yourself."

"I know, I didn't intend to let you, including Bei Ze, intervene in the private affairs of our brothers, especially Bei Ze. He is innocent."

Jiang Beiyuan nodded lightly.

"Resolve it as soon as possible. My daughter-in-law knows about the two of you, so she will worry about it. I don't want to see her worried and sad."


Song Nan's tomb suddenly felt that the bank card in his hand had changed.

How can it be sour?

"Come down and make plans for the future before going to him."

Jiang Beiyuan left a string of addresses, and then left.

Song Nan's tomb was surging. He knew that it was Jiang Beize's current address. He resisted the urge to fly over to find him immediately, shaking his hands and wrapping the bank card in a note, and then put it in his pocket.

"Thank you."

He said another sentence to the back of Jiang Beiyuan who had already gone away.


"This is my plan for the future. With a capital of 20 million, within one year, I will give you 10 million, and within five years, I will give Jiang Beiyuan 30 million."

Song Nan's tomb said to Song Yikai.

Song Yikai looked at the whole piece of paper, full of clear ideas of the future, and he was not happy.

In my own impression, when did my brother think of the future like this?

When he was young, he went out to play after finishing his homework. He always didn't like being restrained or forced by others to study. In the tomb of Song Nan when he was young, one day is one day, and this is his goal.

"Brother, I know that Zhicheng can't accept us, and I don't want to change the worldly views. I don't want to live in Zhicheng in the future. I am not happy. I hope you can agree."

"Oh... you said you, find a girl to get married and have a baby, right?"

"Brother, do you remember that my high school suddenly started to study hard?"

Song Nan's tomb said.

"He is a motivation for me in the distance, so I have my present, otherwise the current Song Nanye should be still eating and waiting to die, drinking and having fun, do you like me like this? Marry someone who doesn't love, Depressed, grinning with a smile, do you like me living this way? And, is this fair to other girls? I don't love her, she will endure a marriage that I don't love."


Song Yikai said nothing.

It could be seen that Song Yikai was still a little moved in his heart, not as tough as his previous attitude.

The Tomb of Song Nan watched Song Yikai as if he had grown up overnight, his sharp eyebrows were a bit more dazzling and mature.

"Brother, I’m sorry to you, not because I fell in love with someone I shouldn’t love, but because I can’t give you the loyalty the way you want. You want me to stay in Zhicheng and see me all the time. I know that you want me to live peacefully. In this regard, I promise you that I will live peacefully and happily."

Song Yikai pressed the corners of his lips hard...

"Entrepreneurship is not that simple. Many people fail to start their own businesses."

"I know that even if I fail, I have a plan for failure. I won't let the twenty million be consumed in vain. The future will be very hard. For the other half, I should take up this responsibility and responsibility."

Song Yikai's tears fell.

He didn't know why he was crying.

Not long ago, how many times had he educated his younger brother to be a responsible man, but he just wouldn't listen.

The shadow of his childhood parents brought him too much trauma, making him accustomed to being a fool, accustomed to being alone, accustomed to being selfish, accustomed to not caring about the feelings of others.

Song Yikai didn't know anything about him. Because of his parents, he owed Song Nan's tomb, so he always spoiled him.

Now, another person teaches him growth, teaches him the responsibility and responsibility of a man, he will grow into a better and stronger person in the future, because there is a beam of light in his heart that supports him, which is the driving force for him to move forward.

If the light is gone, love is gone, hope is gone, and motivation is gone.

Then, does the struggle for the future still have meaning?

He will change back to that mediocre, decadent, and ignorant Song Nan tomb.

A boy who can change his name to "Tomb", is there anything he can't do?

Song Yikai cried, and suddenly went into the bedroom without saying a word.

Song Nan's tomb didn't know what he was going to do.

When Song Yikai came out again, he held a bank card in his hand and handed it to Song Nan's tomb.

"Your brother and I, the assistant to the president, have also made a lot of money over the years. There are 10 million in it, plus my boss gave you 30 million, is it enough?"

Song Nan's tomb grinned and hooked Song Yikai's neck.

"Brother, please look forward to it. Before the age of 30, your brother must be a giant. Let's not talk about the top 100 in the world. I have that confidence in the top 500. Then I will dig your corner. Be an assistant for me!"

"Go and go, how can an older brother be an assistant to a younger brother?"

"I'll give you twice the salary, I don't believe you won't come!" Song Nan's tomb vowed, the young man's spirit, dreams and daring to fight, so the eyebrows and eyebrows flashed with charming brilliance.

Song Yikai smiled, "Smelly boy, wait until you are in the top 500!"

Song Nan's tomb also smiled.

Pack a ticket with Song Yikai, he will definitely shine in the future!


"Nanshan is south, Beihai is north, and there are tombstones in Beihai..."

The café was surrounded by this old song, and Jiang Beize, who had originally wanted to leave, sat down and listened quietly for a long time before leaving.

The sun was setting outside, an orange-red ball, and the sunset glow was as bright as fire, and his eyes were also red.

Passing by a convenience store, he walked past and came back. After entering, he wandered around the column selling cigarettes, looking up at the unknown name on it.

The waiter saw that he was handsome, and walked over, with a flattering smile and asked what help he needed.

Jiang Beize: "I want this, Jinqiao."

"Do you usually smoke this brand?" the waiter asked.

"No, I don't smoke, this cigarette has a nice name."


The waiter smiled and took the Jinqiao down for him. He was a good boy.

"Do you want this? Then I will check it out for you?"

"Want this again, Su Yan."

"you sure?"

"...Well, the name is also nice."

The waiter was happy again.

Good boy, you just look at the name when you buy a cigarette, no matter how strong it is!

After checking out and going out, Jiang Beize turned back and said, "Sister, do you want to buy a lighter?"

The waiter smiled and thumped the table, "Otherwise, put it in your pocket to spontaneously burn? Where did you cross over? Look at your appearance, unlike our Licheng people."


Jiang Beize left shyly, and was not ashamed to get a lighter again.

There were two boxes of cigarettes in his pocket, and then he looked at a boy who was standing at the street corner, who was about his age, smoking.

He walked over and wanted to ask someone to borrow a lighter.

The other party's stalker should look at him, "Are you a man or a woman?"

"Boy, what's the matter?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, you look white and tender, have a facelift?"

What kind of face does the boy make? He has been this way since he was a child.

Jiang Beize didn't want to talk to him anymore and turned to leave. The man called him, took Jiang Beize's shoulder, and then bent down and lit the cigarette in Jiang Beize's hand with the cigarette in his mouth.

This is the legendary borrowing fire.

Just before he waited, he hurled the boy out vigorously behind him, and slammed his fist directly.

"Why don't you look at whose person this is? Where did you put your hand?"

The familiar voice circled Jiang Beize.

From his point of view, he could see the tip of his ears that were flushed with cold from Song Nan's Tomb, but his eyes were clear and cold.

The boy is not a vegetarian. He received a punch from Song Nan's tomb and also gave him a punch. For fear that the two would fight, Jiang Beize stuffed the boy's pocket a few hundred dollars and then took Song Nan's tomb and left.

Pulling him to the corner, he released him.

"How do you know I'm here?"

"Are you stupid?"

Song Nan's tomb gave him a fire chestnut.

"We got a punch and we got even, what do you give him the money for? There is nowhere to spend it, right? Prodigal maidens are the same."

"I'm afraid you will get hurt. You work on the construction site every day, and your shoulder hurts. What if you get injured in a fight?"

"Master didn't do it there long ago, and I will make a lot of money and start a company in the future!"

Jiang Beize didn't believe him, and wanted to ask something. Song Nan's tomb flicked his head hard.

"Don't talk about this, I sent you so many voices, didn't you hear?!"

"……heard it."

"Why don't you reply when I hear it?!"

"...Do not want to reply."

"To say that you are stupid, that is an insult to the word stupid, you are stupid, stupid to death, who made you block my gun? Didn't I say that everything is with me, what can you do? Think you are Nezha has three heads and six arms, right?"

"Just because it's your family, I can't care less, I don't want to see you sad and embarrassed." Jiang Beize's eyes reddened.

"Yes, just like family is important to you, the meaning of family to me is also very important. We can't ignore the feelings of family, but you, Jiang Beize, are also very important to me."

Song Nan's tomb stared into his eyes.

He is a head taller than Jiang Beize, and he is used to looking down at him to protect him, just like his brother protects his younger brother. He hopes Jiang Beize depends on him.

"I have solved everything in Zhicheng, my brother has agreed, and your second brother has also given me money to start a business. I said that the future will be difficult. It is even harder to go than the future. It is you who leave. We gave up."


Jiang Beize lowered his head and said nothing.

Song Nan's tomb scratched his head. After scratching him, he didn't move, then scratched twice and scratched three times.

Jiang Beize was ticklish, and he also scratched his creak until he spoke.

Until Jiang Beize finally begged for mercy, "Your brother really agreed? How did you tell him?"

"I persuaded my mouth all night, and you can go home later to see if my mouth is broken."

"Back to what home? Who is going home with you."

Jiang Beize walked forward by himself.

The tomb of Song Nan's long legs followed him and hooked his neck.

"If you don't want to go back to Lucheng, we won't go back. It saves troubles. It's good to be here. No one knows the two of us. Anyway, wherever you go, Lord will go."

"I'm going to the pit, do you follow me to the pit too."

"Ha, you are willing to be a dung-shell man, then I can barely be a dung ball!"

One sentence made Jiang Beize laugh.

In the past few days, his heart has been wandering and he has found a sense of belonging again at this moment.

The two talked and laughed and walked back. No one saw a thin white figure in the corner...

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