Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 954: I'm apostate for you (10)

Jiang Beize's house in Licheng is rented.

He is obsessed with cleanliness, even if he rents, he must rent a clean and spacious house.

In terms of money, the tomb of Song Nan occasionally admires Jiang Beize. Without any effort, he has a lot of money in his hand. Whoever gives the family the surname Jiang, has a good family background, has shares in the company since he was born.

So sometimes chewing on the old is also a skill. Others can't admire them, they are only jealous.

Song Nan's tomb took off Jiang Beize's coat and fumbled his pockets. He touched a box of Su Yan and a box of Jinqiao.

"How do you know I smoke these two?"

Jiang Beize was taken aback.

"I don't know. I bought this cigarette because it had a nice name."

Hearing that Song Nan's tomb smiled, he stroked his hair.

"I want to go with him."

Returning the jacket to him, a shiny silver ring fell out. Jiang Beize first stooped to pick it up, wiped it like a baby, and then put it on the ring finger.

This move warmed the heart of Song Nan's tomb.

He also wears a ring on his hand, the same gleaming silver.

This is a silent sign and promise that promises that the future will definitely go in a good direction.


Song Yao always calls Song Nan's tomb these days.

He blacked her out, but he didn't expect this woman to change her mobile phone number and call again. It was endless!

"I found out that you are really mean. If a man doesn't like you, you can't change one. All men are dead except me, right?"

The mouth of Song Nan's tomb is completely unsympathetic except to Jiang Beize.

Song Yuan's voice on the other end of the phone was crying, "But I just like you, what can I do...I can't do anything now, I'm thinking about you all over my head, even if I see you."

"What you can't get is always in a commotion. You don't like me, you are just unwilling."

"That's not reconciled. Whoever tells you to be in my life now is to blame you, now you have to be responsible!"

"I'm in charge of your Malgobi, don't harass me anymore, don't you bother me or disgust me!"


Song Yuan cried again as he said, "Is that okay? Come over and have a drink with me, just a drink. I really want to see you..."

If a person likes you, then you pester him and make him think that you must.

But on the contrary, this person hates you, and if you still pester him, he will hate you even more.

Song Nan's tomb withdrew his patience and planned to hang up. As if expecting that he would do this, Song Yao murmured: "Don't hang up, you must come over and have a drink with me, or I will call Jiang Beize. Anyway, I have his phone number."

"Are you sick?!"

"Yes, I love you in a dying ill, you just come, then I will not harass you in the future, I will only harass Jiang Beize alone, see what he thinks, why do you want to harass you every day? ."

"I &%#*#!"

Song Nan's tomb gave a grin and hung up.

Song Yuan was sitting at the bar, drinking one cup after another. She was not afraid of getting drunk because her heart was already aching.

I saw a black figure in a daze, tall, unruly, broad shoulders, straight figure...

It's like a dream.

Staring at this person, Song Yuan grinned, "You really came."

Song Nan's tomb copied his pockets with both hands. When Song Yao called him, he happened to be in the store, very close to this bar, and didn't come here specially.

"You are still disgusting enough."

Hearing this, Song Yuan was not upset, pushing a glass of fruit wine and pushing it to Song Nan's tomb.

"Come with me for a drink, Brother Nan."

"Go away, don't call me that, you are not worthy."

"I'm not worthy? Haha, how did your brother get into the position of assistant to the president in the first place? Isn't it thanks to my sister's promotion? Otherwise, you think that the assistant to the president is so good, and there are more people who are more capable and well-arranged than your brother If it were not for my sister, he would not even have the qualifications to know the president!"

The corner of Song Nan's tomb tightened.

Speaking of Song Yikai's topic, he was silent for three seconds.

"Don't chew your tongue in front of my brother."

" are still worried about this, yes, you are worried about so many people, and all you are worried about are men. Anyway, you don't worry about me, come and drink with me—"

Song Yuan pushed another glass of wine to Song Nan's tomb.

Song Nan's tomb drank a glass of wine.

"Satisfied? You a woman, can you learn to love yourself?"

Song Yuan hooked the corner of his mouth, "You are qualified to hurt me because I love you, so you deserve to be hurt by someone you love!"

In the relationship, who is not guilty?


Song Nan's tomb directly slammed the cup against the wall with a crisp, ear-piercing sound.

"The only ones I care about are my brother and Jiang Beize. If you dare to move one of them, it will end here."

Turn around and leave after speaking.

His head was dizzy, and he walked out of the bar, and was blown by the cold wind outside, but his head was even more dizzy.

Song Nan's tomb rubbed his painful temples, and a glass of fruit wine was so powerful?

Two chaotic-looking men walked towards him, one body, three heads, and quickly became six heads.

It's over.

Song Nan's tomb shook his head twice, feeling that something was wrong, and turned around slowly, with a hand already on his shoulder.

"Boy, come with us, we are responsible to accompany you to have fun tonight..."


It was past nine o'clock and Song Nan's tomb has not yet returned. Jiang Beize called him more than a dozen calls and no one answered him.

I was about to go out to find it, my phone rang, it was the phone number of Song Nan's tomb——

"Hey Master, you—"

"I'm Song Yuan," the voice on the other end was faint, "Song Nan's tomb is here, and the phone is here."

"Where is he?"

Then Song Yuan reported a string of addresses.

Jiang Beize hummed, "I see, I will come to pick him up now."

I took a taxi and rushed to the address that Song Yao had given, which was a dilapidated house in the suburbs.

Jiang Beize went in and saw no one, only murals painted all over the wall.

A crow with broken wings, a depressing black cloud, a woman covered in blood, an abandoned baby lying in a corner...

Judging from the painting style, Jiang Beize can tell that this is from Song Yuan.

Song Yuan's paintings are rather depressed, reminding him of the picture of a man with a broken arm that she gave him before...

And in her home, the painted frame is covered with broken bottles...

Soon, Jiang Beize's sight was attracted by a painting directly in front of him.

Paintings with black as the main tone, as well as the outlines of the lines are thick black pens.

At first glance, it looks very messy, and I can't tell the theme of the painting.

Slowly approaching, you will find that in the middle is a gun.

The one who is attached to the gun is a person.

It is not clear whether it is a man or a woman.

The one who was held by the gun against the temple only drew a head without a body.

"Is it just like the current scene?"

The icy object suddenly pressed against Jiang Beize's temple.

He looked over slowly and saw a smiling face, curled up at the corners of his mouth, and crooked.

It's Song Yuan.

Jiang Beize narrowed his eyes slightly, "Who have you killed before?"

Song Yuan was taken aback.

I laughed in the next second.

"Unexpectedly you are smart, how did you tell?"

"A Dutch painter once painted a painting similar to this one. The only difference is that he painted the handle of a knife, you painted a gun, and he killed someone."

"It seems that I underestimated you."

Song Yuan put the gun back and hung it on the button on his waist.

"A long time ago, I liked a person, he was with me, but then he was snatched away by my girlfriend, and I killed both my girlfriend and him."

Jiang Beize shuddered uncontrollably, "How have you done Song Nan's Tomb?!"

"He's fine, I love him, I can't bear to kill him."

"So that's why you became extreme? Keep saying that because of love, what's the difference between your looting now and your friend's looting?"

"No difference!"

Song Yuan suddenly yelled.

"I can see it through. This society is an age where scum is prevalent. Why do I want to compromise? If I love someone, I will get it. If I hate someone, I will kill him. It's that simple!"

"You are a lunatic."

"This is called liberalism. This is called love and hatred."


Go to your uncle's love and hate!

Jiang Beize felt that the chicken and the duck were talking about it, because now Song Yao has completely become extremely terrifying, and her psychology has been greatly distorted. The previous sense of betrayal made her now face the distorted feeling when she was unable to love A person.

The betrayal who was killed by her.

Now this painful and struggling Song Yao is deep in the quagmire.

She felt like there were two strands of rope in her heart, pulling her fiercely, while letting her go east, leading to the light, and let her go west, leading to the darkness.

From the paintings she painted, it can be completely seen that all the works are full of gloom, depression and extreme hideousness, which is a kind of mental illness.

Song Yuan smiled and stopped smiling, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The door opened in the next second, and two shirtless men came in, very stout and strong.

After the two came in, their eyes fell on Jiang Beize, and each of them burst out with deep light.

"Tsk tusk, I found it for you specially, aren't you a good one?" Song Wan leaned against the wall, playing with her fingernails.

Her long hair fell loose, covering half of her face.

Jiang Beize stared at her with no expression on his face, "Now you have trampled on other people's love, and also trampled on your own love. You are not worthy to love someone."

"To shut up!"

Song Yuan became angry from embarrassment.

"I love someone or not, but it's not your turn to preach to me here! ... OK, don't say I don't give you a chance."

With that, he took out two guns from his pocket and threw them in front of Jiang Beize.

The two guns are exactly the same, with pure gold color, no difference can be distinguished from the appearance.

Song Yuan: "These two guns, one is an empty gun and the other is a real one. I will give you a chance now--"


"You choose a gun at me. If you can kill me, I will admit it. I will not hold you accountable. If you can't kill me, I will kill you and then kill Song Nan's tomb."

Time has stopped.

The two big men present had cold sweats on their foreheads. They only used money to do things. They had no idea that the employer was such an extreme woman. Now it seems too late to break the contract.

Sweat oozes from Jiang Beize's forehead.

He was not afraid of panic, he just felt scared, this woman was scared.

"Hurry up, I'm not kidding you!"

Song Han yelled again suddenly, but Jiang Beize was unmoved.

Song Yuan got impatient, grabbed a painting on the wall and threw it in front of Jiang Beize severely.

"I'll give you one minute. I still have a gun in my pocket. If you don't move, I will go to the next door to kill Song Nan's tomb. He was drugged by me and he can't move now."

"Didn't you say that you love him, kill him, who are you with?" Jiang Beize said calmly, despite the broken painting, the glass **** had scratched the back of his shoe.

"I don't know! Someone must die today, one must die, and two must die, so someone must die!"


It is not an exaggeration to say that she is schizophrenic. Jiang Beize complained about Song Yikai for the first time, what kind of brother is this, and how could he introduce such a marriage partner to Song Nan's tomb.

Fortunately, the two were not married. If they were married, Song Nan fell asleep in the tomb and didn't know how he died the next day.

"Hurry up! If you don't act, you and Song Nan's tomb will have to die!" Song Yuan said again.

Jiang Beize bent down slowly.


Still on the right...

The sweat beads on the bridge of the nose rolled down and landed on the gun on the right.

He put his hand on the right, and the moment he picked it up, he felt wrong again, and finally chose the gun on the left.

Jiang Beize took a deep look at the gun on the right on the ground, and then clenched the gun in his hand.

Seeing this, the other two big men hid away, for fear of being accidentally injured.

"Come on, face my head-now, immediately, immediately, I will give you a chance!"

Song Wan's eyes were wide. She didn't have any makeup today, and her face was haggard. With exaggerated facial expressions, her face was particularly hideous and terrifying, just like the vicious witch in a fairy tale, without the vigor that young girls should have.

Jiang Beize's fingers were shaking.

He did not pull the trigger.

Slowly, did not move.

"Song Nan’s tomb is different from your ex-boyfriend. You never got him, so you can’t talk about losing. Now that you’re sober, I’ll assume that today’s things haven’t happened, and don’t contact each other in the future. Isn’t it okay to go back to their respective lives?"

At the critical moment, Jiang Beize still wants to convince Song Yao through words.

Song Yuan sneered.

"I already know it, I can't go back! It's hard for me to fall in love with someone. If I don't get it, I'd rather destroy him. This is my purpose—"

"Besides, you now know about my murder. If I let you go, will you let me go? You told me as soon as you went out. I've seen you through!"


As soon as Song Yuan's words fell, two heart-piercing screams sounded behind him.

The tomb of Song Nan that suddenly appeared, like a ghost from the depths of hell, knocked the two strong men to the ground, and quickly twisted Song Yao's neck.

"Are you looking for death? Calculate me, and dare to calculate him?! Who gives you the courage?!"

" could you...obviously I will give you..."

"Just that little medicine, still want to trap Lao Tzu?"

When he noticed something was wrong, Song Nan's tomb left an eye on it.

So when the two men took him to the hotel, he pretended to be weak and unable to move. Then, taking advantage of the two men to relax their vigilance, he stepped into the hotel room first and locked the door.

Then he went into the bathroom, turned on the shower of cold water, and washed his body with the coldest water until his loose consciousness recovered a little bit.


Taking advantage of the distraction of Song Nan's tomb, Song Yuan calmly took out the third gun from his pocket and aimed it at Jiang Beize.

A dull sound hit Jiang Beize on the left shoulder.

Seeing that Song Nan's tomb was anxious, he threw away Song Yao, rushed to Jiang Beize, and touched the blood in his hand.


"I'm okay, okay, Brother Nan." Jiang Beize clutched his injured shoulder and smiled at Song Nan's tomb, comforting him to let him not worry.


Sad laughter echoed in every corner of the room.

Song Yao was crazy, shooting in the direction of Jiang Beize and Song Nan's tomb.

Bang, bang, bang, three shots, Song Nan's tomb reacted quickly, pulling Jiang Beize to dodge, avoiding three shots.


Song Yuan was still smiling, pulling the trigger like a robot without blinking, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and it was suffocating.


Another shot was aimed at the face of Song Nan's tomb.

"Brother Nan!"

Jiang Beize shouted hoarsely, took the gun in his hand and pointed it at Song Yuan.

A dry sound.

Empty gun, no bullets.

It turns out... the gun he chose is an empty gun, the gun on the left is an empty gun, then the gun on the right is...

Looking at the ground suddenly, the gun on the right was gone, and then Jiang Beize heard a "bang" again, and a girl in front of her fell straight to the ground, her eyebrows blooming with blood, and her eyes opened. Very big.

It seemed that the world was quiet at this moment.

The two burly men lying on the ground were already peeing their pants in fright. They were shaking like a fish and couldn't say a word.

"Brother Nan..."

Jiang Beize blinked, and tears fell.

He threw away the gun in his hand, and his hands shook terribly, "Brother Nan, I killed someone."

Song Nan's tomb also lost his gun and hugged Jiang Beize.

His eyes are complex, his eyes are shaking, but his tone is calm and self-sustaining:

"It was I who killed people. This has nothing to do with you from beginning to end, understand?"

"No... it's me... it should be me, I chose the gun on the right at the beginning... it's me..."

"Okay. It's all right."

Song Nan's tomb raised his hand and covered Jiang Beize's eyes.

"I'll say it one last time, this matter has nothing to do with you from beginning to end, understand?"


Jiang Beize trembled his lips and his teeth were shaking, only tears proved that he was still alive.

The whistle of the police car outside gradually approached...

Song Nan's tomb pulled Jiang Beize from the ground, pulled off a piece of fabric from his sleeve, and simply bandaged his injured shoulder.

"Listen, go to the hospital for treatment, otherwise the wound will fester and it will be difficult to handle."

"No... the police are here... you have to record your confession first..."

"I am a participant in this matter, and you are a bystander. It is me and them who took the statement."

As he said, the tomb of Song Nan looked at the two brawny men on the ground, his eyebrows stunned.

"You have all seen it, today's incident has nothing to do with him, right?!"

The hidden threatening words, like a machine front, are subtle.

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