Since Mist Yin formed an alliance with Yun Yin, he also launched an attack on the Fire Nation.

This is the old tactic of Wuyin Village, the most slippery to play.

Chu Xian's subordinates had the fewest men, and they could not hold the coastline that was more than 3,000 kilometers long.

The ninjas received the news and rushed to support, and they were ambushed by the Mist Ninjas, and the losses were not small at first.

Although Chu Xian is strong, it is impossible to run everywhere.

He is also not so diligent and does not want to play peek-a-boo.

So he simply didn't make a move, only channeled hundreds of snakes, and asked one of his men to take one to action.

Psychic snakes have the ability to sense heat and can detect most ambushes.

In addition, Chu Xian also developed the tactics of snake psychic snakes.

It is to set up psychic techniques on the snake, and once it can't be beaten, the snake can also be channeled to help the snake.

This greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the middle and lower Shinobi.

It is also of great help to Shangnin.

Gradually some of the decline was recovered.

At a critical moment, the psychic snake can bring wounded soldiers back to the Dragon Cave and reduce the burden on the team.

After the medicine master Ye Naiyu sensed it, he directly channeled to the wounded soldier camp.

Wounded soldiers are almost always treated immediately.

Significantly improved cure rates.

Pharmacist Ye Naiyu originally went to the beach to inspect the port, and Chu Xian felt that it was okay to leave the commercial work to others, so he transferred her to work in the wounded soldiers' camp.

Chu Xian himself often visited the wounded soldiers' camp.

He saved some seriously injured ninjas who were on the verge of death, and immediately gained the gratitude of the wounded soldiers, as well as the admiration of the 597 medical ninjas.

Prestige +1000,200...

With the support of Chu Xian, many ninjas entered the wounded camp several times, went out alive and quickly participated in the battle.

In this way, although he has few people, the demobilization rate is extremely high.

Many rookie ninjas entered the wounded soldier camp a few more times and quickly became experienced old birds.

For example, Uchiha has come in eight times.

At first, he was still a calm ninja.

Although Chu Xian did not fight, he still won the respect and support of his subordinates.

Many subordinates even felt that a boss like Chu Xian was better.

"Chu Xian, save him."

At this time, Watergate took a seriously injured Shangnin and teleported directly to the wounded soldiers' camp.

Seeing Chu Xian there, Watergate was overjoyed.

"Hita-kun, long time no see."

Chu Xian greeted the injured man and quickly checked his injuries.

Hinata Hinata was lightned by lightning, and part of his whole body was electrocuted inside and out.

Then it was hit by the water, and the bones were broken a lot, and the internal organs were damaged.

When he saw Chu Xian, a difficult smile pulled out at the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't say anything if he wanted to.

"The injury is not light, even if it is cured, it is estimated that he will lose his ninja qualification."

Chu Xian said (cefa).

"No, isn't your medical ninjutsu very strong."

Bo Feng Shuimen said.

Hinata Hinata's face also changed, and he begged Chu Xian with his eyes, hoping that he could keep his strength.

"All internal organs are partially electrocorted and must be removed, and the removal of internal organs will inevitably affect breathing, blood function."

Chu Xian explained.

As he spoke, he had already activated the Chakra scalpel and cut off the electric scorched parts of Hinata Hinata.

His technique is very good, not a penny, not a less.

The wound is then quickly healed with palm cactus.

Finally, the body is cleansed inside and outside with purification techniques to expel all the filth.

Under his treatment, Hinata Hinata felt much more comfortable in less than ten minutes.

Breathing is smooth enough to speak.

"Hisa-kun, blame me for my negligence, otherwise you wouldn't have been hurt so badly."

Watergate blamed itself.

Compared with Chu Xian's assistance to the whole group, Watergate chose the way of being diligent.

He gave all his subordinates a Flying Thunder God kunai, and once he found the enemy, he immediately teleported over to help.

It's just that in this way, Watergate not only consumes a lot, but also quickly exhausts the spirit.

In a battle, Watergate was weak because of Chakra's lack of energy, and there was a mistake in the art of flying thunder, and he did not cooperate well with Hinata.

Causing Hinata Hinata to be hit by the thunder of the black hoe Thunder Tooth.

Black hoe thunder tooth is the first generation of ninja sword seven ninjas, the owner of the thunder knife.

"I don't blame you, you've done your best."

Hinata was empathetic, and he knew it wasn't Watergate's fault.

If you insist on whose fault it is, it is also that the superiors did not pay attention to this side and did not send enough people over.

As a result, they can only fight in overload. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Among them, Watergate has repeatedly exceeded the limit load, and it is rare to be able to hold on for so long.

"Don't be so sad, for ordinary medical ninjas, such an injury is not saved, but it is not difficult for me."

Chu Xian said with a smile.

"I know that Chu Xianjun will definitely be able to handle it."

Hinata Hinata suddenly smiled.

Watergate also rejoiced.

Then the water gate just lay down and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Hinata shook his head and smiled: "Watergate-kun is too hard, I'm afraid I can't hold on for a long time." "

Chu Xian said: "Seeing him working so hard, even I am a little ashamed. "

Hinata Hinata said, "You two are different, but they are both good commanders. If I had to choose, I would prefer to fight with you. "

Intellectually speaking, Chu Xian's approach is more effective in improving the morale and combat effectiveness of the whole army.

But Watergate has more shining moments.

"It's the same as everyone else, it's all for Konoha."

Chu Xian smiled.

Then he activated the Immortal Law. Palm cactus, which regenerates the internal organs of the day difference.

This is a fairy law that is launched in a normal state.

Like a magician, while casting the spell, directly manipulate the natural energy into the technique.

This is even more difficult than Immortal Mode, which can be used at any time.

Chu Xian accidentally developed this trick when he was studying the permanent refining of the Immortal Art Chakra.

After infusing natural energy with palm cactus, it not only saves chakra, but also works particularly well.

It only took six or seven minutes for Hinata's injuries to regenerate.

"It's amazing, it's a miracle."

Hinata felt that his body was healthier than before, and he couldn't help but marvel and thanked: "Chu Xianjun, thank you so much." "

"Don't thank me, fight well, come to me if you are injured."

Chu Xian said.

"Then please."

Hinata gave him a ninety degree bow directly.

Seeing that the people of the Hyuga clan were so respectful, the other medical ninjas were also with Rong.

Chu Xian just waved his hand and went to treat the other ninjas.

"Senior brother, the palm cactus technique you used just now is so powerful, can you teach me."

Yakushi Nono Yu worships the authentic.

"This is difficult to learn, you must first learn the immortal mode of Longdi Cave."

Chu Xian said.

"You have to learn that first, okay."

Medicine Master Ye Naiyu tried to learn the immortal mode in the past, but was unsuccessful, or Chu Xian saved her, otherwise she would have been eaten by Snake Ji.

Chu Xian saved several more seriously injured ninjas.

These ninjas were dying a moment ago, but after ten minutes, they could move freely and rejoin the war.

This therapeutic effect has been widely praised, and it has also given the ninjas great motivation and courage.

Suddenly, Chu Xian received a message from the psychic snake.

"I had to leave beforehand."

Chu Xian said to Medicine Master Ye Naiyu.


Yakushi Nono Yu replied.

Then Chu Xian left the wounded soldiers' camp.

Walked to a place where no one was, used the psychic snake, and came to the side of the big snake pill.

When Orochimaru saw him coming, he didn't speak, and directly showed him the peace book written by Ape Fei Ri.

After reading the peace book, Chu Xian was silent for a while, and always felt that this situation seemed familiar.

It seems to have been learned in some history book.

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