"It seems that Tuan Zang did not lie to me, the three generations should have known something and have begun to beware of me. When he chose the commander before, he didn't really want to choose me, and if Zilai was there, he would definitely choose Zilaiye. "

Orochimaru said.

"The teacher still has feelings for the three generations, and you will not be happy if he does not choose you."

Chu Xian teased.

The big snake pill's expression froze slightly, and he didn't speak, a little embarrassed.

Indeed, he became an orphan at a very young age, and he was raised by three generations, how could he have no feelings.

"It's just peace talks, if you want to destroy it, just disguise yourself as Yanyin and assassinate the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow."

Chu Xian didn't care.

"I have that idea too."

Orochimaru thought to himself: It's worthy of being my student, and I want to go together~.

"But there's no need for that."

Chu Xian returned the peace book to him and said, "Anyway, I was ready to fight myself at the beginning, and the three generations supported me with a little more certainty, and the lack of support was still very large." "

"Your money is enough to fight a Wuyin Village at most, and it will be difficult to hit Yunyin Village."

Orochimaru said.

"It's not that there is still Tuanzang, as long as he fully supports it, the strength of the root alone is enough."

Chu Xian said.

"Tuan Zang, that's the same."

The big snake pill showed a smile, the root strength is still very strong, and there is a lot of money.

"I decided that not a single Konoha ninja would be needed except for our people. The territory that was laid down belongs to us, and the money also belongs to us, so that the eyes of the three generations will be red. "

Chu Xian said.

The big snake pill probably calculated it.

The Danzo side can pay for the arms, and there are more than nine hundred root ninjas.

Originally, the establishment of the root was more than five hundred, but the Tuanzang secretly expanded to more than nine hundred, and the big snake pill knew about this matter.

He has already managed Yu Ninja Village and Frost Ninja Village, and the two villages can produce more than 2,000 ninjas.

Before defeating Yunyin's main force, the big snake pill overreported the death list.

In fact, many Yunyin ninjas were rescued by him, and all of them set up the God Forbidden Technique.

There were more than seventeen hundred people in this group of Yunyin ninjas.

In this way, there are more than 4,600 ninjas.

"I will start a mercenary company to wage war in the form of hire, and it has nothing to do with Konoha Village. Similarly, the loot has nothing to do with Konoha Village. "

Chu Xian said.

"Mercenaries, good idea."

Orochimaru nodded.

During the Sengoku period, ninjas were hired to fight.

But back then, it was a family unit, and now it is a little more advanced to open a company.

After discussing the new plan, the big snake pill no longer struggled with the issue of summation.

And after discussing with the high-level management, the fourth generation of Lei Ying also agreed to Yihe.

The dead are gone, and the living are gone.

It is more important to save Kirabi than to avenge his father.

However, he also made a request, that is, to return the bodies of the three generations of Thunder Shadow.

And those captives.

Orochimaru handed over more than a thousand captives, and Sarutobi agreed to hand them over.

But the third generation of Lei Ying actually did not die, and was saved by Chu Xian with medical ninjutsu.

At this time, it has become a Mudu experimental subject.

Of course, it was impossible for Orochimaru to hand him over, so he found a Yunyin ninja who was very similar to the physique of the third generation of Thunder Shadow and directly killed the corpse.

Burn his hair and appearance with flames.

Blopped off an arm with an initiator charm.

Cut off a leg with the wind.

The abdomen is penetrated with thunder.

The chest slammed into the water, breaking some of his ribs.

With a katana on his body, Ku Wu, and a shuriken was inserted indiscriminately.

After being unrecognizable and unrecognizable, it was returned as the corpse of the third generation of Thunder Shadow.

The fourth generation of Thunder Kage did not consult with his allies and secretly concluded a peace treaty with Konoha.

In order to ensure safety, both sides brought a lot of elites.

Ape Fei Richo attached great importance to this peace talk, and specially sent Tuan Zang, and the elite of the dark department to escort Chirabi to maintain the signing site.

The big snake pill knew at a glance that Ape Flying Sun Slash was to beware of Yan Yin, and he was also wary of him.

It is estimated that he is afraid that the big snake pill will be proud and sabotage the peace talks. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Sarutobi-sensei, you will regret it soon."

Orochimaru smiled secretly in his heart.

After the signing of the contract, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow rescued Kirabi, and the brothers hugged and cried.

When he saw the corpse of the third generation of Thunder Shadow, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow cried even more.

After returning to Yunyin Village, the fourth generation of Lei Ying made public the peace talks, and then asked all the villagers to come and see the remains of the three generations of Lei Ying.

Seeing the three generations of Lei Ying in such a tragic situation, the villagers who originally had some opinions could not bear to look at it directly, and their hearts ached.

Everyone seems to be able to imagine that the three generations of Thunder Shadow, who only have one arm and one leg left, continue to fight hard with Konoha ninjas.

That funny and poignant, heroic and tragic scene.

"In order to break everyone, the three generations of Thunder Shadow and more than 10,000 Konoha ninjas, after three days and three nights of fighting, died of exhaustion."

"I, as his son, should have sworn to death to avenge my father."

"But the losses in Yunyin Village are too serious, if we continue the war for my own selfishness, we will get nothing but hatred and death."

"For the future of the village, I can only endure the pain of giving up revenge."

"I'm sorry."

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow gave tears to the corpse of the third generation of Thunder Shadow and bowed to the villagers.

The villagers were moved when they heard it.

Originally, some people rejected the death of their father and son, but they heard that the three generations of Lei Ying died so violently, and this corpse, it was obviously beaten to death by the crowd after a big war.

Suddenly, ninety percent fewer people objected, and the remaining ninety percent were not good to speak again.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying can be regarded as basically laying its own public opinion foundation.

On the other hand, after the success of the peace talks, Konoha Village was also happy as a whole.

After all, it is really too difficult to fight on all sides.

Because of the lack of manpower, there are already Iwain ninjas, who secretly lurked near Konoha Village.

This also poses a great threat to Konoha Village.

After Sarutobi made this information public, there were many fewer villagers who opposed the peace talks.

After the peace talks, Sarutobi immediately ordered Orochimaru to come back with half of the men and horses to rest.

The other half worked a little harder and went to other battlefields to support.

Chu Xian's side also received support from more than 1,700 people and distributed it to more than 700 people at the Water Gate.

Suddenly, the battlefield on the side of the Water Country suddenly eased up a lot.

I believe that other battlefields are the same.

Admittedly, this new force has played a big role.

"Finally take a break."

"Although I was treated by Lord Chu Xian, I was still very uncomfortable mentally."

"Me too, but during this period of hard fighting, my strength has increased a lot."

"Thanks to Lord Chu Xian's psychic snake, as well as medical ninjutsu, I survived several serious injuries."

"You guys are lucky to meet a commander like Lord Chu Xian. In the last war, not to mention serious injuries, even minor injuries accounted for more than half of the fatality. "

"Can minor injuries also die?"

"If you don't get timely treatment, you will die..."

Some ninjas who had participated in World War II told newcomers about the past.

In the past, Konoha's medical system was not perfect, death was commonplace, and everyone was afraid of injury.

Now the medical system is perfect, but it is limited to treating minor injuries.

And only a few elite medical ninjas can treat serious injuries.

Those who can be saved from dying are only medical ninjas of the level of Chu Xian and Tsunade.

"It turns out that the seniors fought so hard."

After listening to it, the newcomers couldn't help but feel lucky.

At the same time, I admire Tsunade-sama, if it were not for her insistence on creating a medical system, she would not be where she is today.

At the same time, Chu Xian was already secretly transferring troops.

The regiment was coerced by the God Forbidden Technique and had to support them, sending more than seven hundred root ninjas.

It is also necessary to leave some of his subordinates to cope with the work of the village and other battlefields.

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