When Tian Yuqiao was in the town, he did not find such a delicious dish like sausage. As for the special taste of the pig's water, people usually despised it. Most of them would feed it to their dogs or throw it away.

However, Tian Yuqiao liked to eat sausages. Since the intestines of the pigs came for nothing, she felt that they had a more cheap taste and would definitely taste more fragrant.

He put the cleaned pig intestines into the kitchen, and Wang Shi had also finished cooking the meat jelly.

After washing up, everyone went back to their own rooms to sleep. At this time, even though the weather had turned cold, the Tian Yu Qiao family's new house was especially warm. The wind was not very drafty on all four sides, and it was unknown how many times better it was than the thatched cottage they used to stay in and the small, dilapidated temple on the mountain.

Even if he didn't burn the brick bed, the house would still be warm. Besides, Mrs. Wang ate three meals a day, occasionally boiling water. The fire in the stove never stopped, which made the brick bed even warmer.

Jin lied down on the ground at the head of Tian Yuqiao's brick bed. He could also feel the warmth of the brick bed, and the little thing was sleeping soundly. Although it was asleep, it was still snoring softly. However, the little thing's ears were moving from time to time, constantly monitoring the surroundings for any movement.

With Gold as a helper, Tian Yuqiao was able to sleep exceptionally well at night. At first, she did not think that Jin was capable of fighting, but now, it seemed that not only was this little guy's hearing sharp and discerning, but he had even brandished his claws. His battle prowess was not weak either.

The sky was turning white. The hardworking young man had already woken up and was preparing breakfast for his family.

Mrs Wang was without a doubt the diligent person. She made the children rice porridge and corn noodle pancakes early in the morning, and even stewed a large pot of kidney beans and potatoes. There were also a few pig's feet, all of which were split in half in the middle.

He poured half a bowl of soy sauce and cut off the edges of a plate of meat jelly.

"Wa, Mom, our breakfast is actually so bountiful." Tian Yutang could not hold it in any longer. He stretched out his hand and pinched an irregular piece of meat jelly. Without dipping it in the garlic, he threw it into his mouth and smiled sinisterly.

"Look at how anxious your mouth is, can't you wait to eat it?" Lady Wang smiled and shot her son a glance.

"Hehe, isn't that all because Mother's meat jelly is so delicious?" The little fellow had a look of delight on his face.

When Tian Yuqiao saw this, she stretched and said: "You even need to eat less in the morning. I will make a new dish later. If you eat too much, you will regret it then."

Hearing her words, even the chopsticks in Er Yuan's hand stopped moving. Although this matter had nothing to do with them, Tian Yuqiao wanted meat dishes after all.

After the family quickly finished their breakfast, Tian Yuqiao said to Lady Wang, "Mother, I'll go get Uncle Zhu to help with something later. You can stay at home and cook the meat."

"What?" Is Qiao'er going to eat dumplings today? " Lady Wang asked with a doting expression.

"No, heaven's will must not be revealed. I'll be right back, Mother. You just have to chop the meat into pieces. Then, we'll just follow the method I taught you earlier and add some pepper and other seasonings. Then, we'll add some scallions, ginger, garlic, and mix them evenly.

After Tian Yuqiao finished speaking, he ran out of his own ironskin courtyard and arrived at Tian Chrysanthemum's home like a gust of wind.

The pillar happened to be at home again today, so Tian Yuqiao told him what she wanted.

"This thing looks very strange. Little girl, what kind of trick are you trying to pull now?" Tian Ju Hua asked with a smile.

"Hehe, when we're done, I'll bring it over for you to have a taste." Tian Yuqiao smiled like a little fox.

The pillar quickly found a bamboo tube. After that, it found a relatively thin bamboo tube. It said to Tian Yu Qiao, "Qiao'er, what do you think?"

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "That's right. I'll use these two. Uncle Zhu, I'll wait here for you to finish and bring them back. If there's anything I don't understand, I can tell you anytime."

"Look at you, you look like a small adult. After so many years, your Uncle Zhu has come into contact with many new things. Tian Ju Hua said with a smile.

The wife came back from the vegetable patch with a basket. When she saw Tian Yuqiao coming over, she smiled and greeted her before going to clean up.

The hands of the pillar moved very quickly. After destroying several bamboo cylinders, he finally managed to make the modern syringe that Tian Yuqiao had wanted.

Tian Yuqiao pulled on the wooden handle and said with a smile, "Thank you very much, Uncle Zhu. You guys wait at home. I will go back and get it." All of you come to my house for lunch, remember? "

With that, she ran back home with that weird bamboo in her hand, leaving Tian Chrysanthemum and her family in disarray.

"Ah, this child, he is a clever child. Whoever marries her in the future would probably be blessed. " Tian Ju Hua said.

When Tian Yuqiao returned home, Lady Wang had already finished cooking the meat and was waiting for her to give the order.

"Huh? Sis, what's this thing?" Yutang looked at the bamboo tube in Tian Yuqiao's hand with curiosity.

"You'll know in a while, Mother. Let's start now. Yutang, go get some fine hemp rope. Tong'er's little brother, bring me the pig intestines. "There's also Brother Qian'Er, I want you to help me smooth it out later."

Tian Yuqiao began to point fingers, and everyone followed suit.

Lady Wang allowed her daughter to lead her entire family here, but she couldn't be bothered with it. It was fine as long as the children were happy. This was also Lady Wang's greatest advantage, she would never use her identity as an elder to force her children.

After everything was ready, Tian Yuqiao had already boiled the bamboo pot in the big pot. This way, it could be disinfected and, secondly, it could make the tube stronger.

After tying a knot at the head of the pig with a thin hemp rope, Tian Yuqiao scooped up the meat stuffing into a large bamboo tube with a spoon. Then, he put the plate and the push hand into it.

After all this was done, the meat stuffing was about to flow out from the tiny bamboo tube in front of the bamboo tube.

Tian Yuqiao quickly pointed the thin bamboo tube towards the other end of the intestines and said to Lady Wang, "Mother, quickly put this inside."

Lady Wang did not dare to be negligent. Afraid that she would waste her meat stuffing, she quickly did as she was told. Tian Yuqiao then began to slowly push the meat stuffing into the pig intestines.

Yuan Tong and Yu Tang both had clear thoughts, so they naturally knew what their elder sister meant. The two little kids were helping to clean up the pig intestines by the side as well.

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