Although she had not personally tried it before, it was fortunate that in her previous life, she had once gone back to her maternal grandma's home during the new year. Her grandma had also killed New Year pigs, and the family had started making sausages and blood sausages. She had seen that process before, mimicking a normal person's actions wouldn't be a bad idea.

It was better to be moved than to act!

Tian Yuqiao was in charge of pushing the handle of the enema device, while Lady Wang helped to add meat to the tube.

"Brother Xiao'er, when this is about a foot long, you should tie a knot with this hemp rope."

Yuan Su nodded his head heavily. He liked this kind of thing the most. They were all children after all. Although he might not be able to eat this sausage, but the process of making it was also quite interesting.

Yutang and Yuan Tong used their small hands to help the pig intestines, so that they wouldn't wrinkle up.

Everyone moved their hands up and down, and very quickly, they finished drinking up a large pig's intestine. It was followed by a second one, but this time it was done with ease. There would be no chaos like before.

The family coordinated very well and quickly used up all of the pig intestines, yet the little guys still looked as if they were not done yet.

Gold was jumping up and down on the sidelines, occasionally sneaking in to pick up some raw meat stuffing that had fallen from the ground.

Looking at the large bowl full of sausages, Tian Yuqiao actually felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

"Mom, this is called sausage. In a while, it will be cooked in a big pot. After drying it, you can cut it into pieces and put it on a plate to eat."

After Tian Yuqiao finished speaking, he used a thin bamboo stick to stab a few holes in each sausage.

"Qiao'er, what are you doing?" Mrs. Wang asked, puzzled.

"Mom, this is to prevent the intestines from bubbling." Tian Yuqiao smiled.

When Yuan Zhou had tied the hemp rope, Tian Yuqiao had purposely left a gap for him. This way, although the sausage would expand when it was cooked, it would not cause his intestines to burst.

Tian Yuqiao remembered that her mother had explained it to her. Fortunately, she had remembered it all.

Yuan Zhou went to the backyard and brought some firewood over. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to use the firewood in the woodshed. After all, they were for emergency use when it was not convenient to leave.

The water in Lady Wang's large pot had already been boiled, and a bamboo curtain had already been placed on top of it.

She carefully carried the sausages to the bamboo curtain and set them all up evenly before covering the pot with the lid.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the fragrance had already permeated the air, causing Jin Dabao to stare at the big pot, wishing that he could immediately get into it.

Even Tian Yuqiao could not help but lick her lips as she revealed an expression that a child of her age should have.

Mrs Wang saw the children's performance and could not help but smile.

When the time was almost up, Tian Yuqiao lifted the lid of the wok and poked the sausage with a thin bamboo stick. She felt that the sausage was almost ready and did not let out any water, so she asked Mrs Wang to carry the sausage down.

"It's done. We can eat it when it's cold." Tian Yuqiao smiled as she licked the bamboo stick that was tied to the sausage.

"Sis, let me have a try too." The little guy was also anxious to get it.

"Look at all of you, it'll get cold in a while. What's the rush?" Mrs Wang laughed.

The hot sausage was placed in the round bamboo basket and directly brought to the backyard by Lady Wang. After all, it would be colder there.

The next scene was a row of small heads sitting on the green brick steps in the backyard, all eagerly staring at the bamboo baskets filled with sausages.

The gold was sticking out his head, wanting to steal something to eat, but Tian YuQiao stopped him with a look. There were three parts of the agreement previously, so naturally, Jin didn't dare to say anything greedy. He could only 'squeak', indicating that he was protesting.

"Don't worry, you'll be here in a while." Tian Yuqiao comforted her.

"Sis, I can't even see any steam coming out of the sausage. Does this mean it's cold already?" The little fellow tilted his head as he looked at Tian Yuqiao.

"I can hear you sucking on your saliva. Wait a little longer. "Oh right, you and Tong'er can go get Granny Chrysanthemum and the others to come over. Let's get them to have a taste of food in the afternoon as well. We can start eating when you come back."

Tian Yutang's eyes immediately lit up when he heard that. He quickly ran to Tian Ju Hua's house.

Lady Wang had long since quickly cooked a pot of rice porridge and steamed a pot of her nest with the water from the steamed sausages. Now she was mixing carrot and pickled vegetables, and then she was going to cut a plate of meat jelly.

Tian Ju Hua's family soon arrived. It was not that they were greedy, but they were very interested in the strange thing that Tian Yu Qiao had told the pillar to do. They wanted to know what kind of tricks this little girl was up to.

The table was quickly placed in the front yard. This way, it would be bigger.

Mrs Wang had already served up the congee and the snacks. She also served up the frozen meat and the mixed pickles. Then she returned to the kitchen and cut up the sausages as Tian Yuqiao had told her to.

At the beginning, she still had a bad grasp of the angle, but after she cut a few pieces, the knife would no longer stick to the sausage and the sausage coat would not be cut off.

After packing the plate, Lady Wang herself couldn't help but taste a piece of the sausage that she chopped into pieces at the beginning.

"En, this taste is really great. Oh god, this little girl Qiao'er is really amazing." Mrs Wang couldn't help but sigh.

After the sausages were served, everyone brought their chopsticks to the table.

Tian Yuqiao deliberately did not move. Instead, he observed the expressions of the others. Only when she saw that they were both enjoying themselves did she begin to eat.

"Yes, Sis. This really is delicious." Yutang answered vaguely.

The gold didn't care anymore and jumped onto Tian Yuqiao's shoulder, squeaking non-stop.

For Tian Ju Hua's family, they had never seen gold before. Now that they saw a big rat scuttle onto Tian Yu Qiao's body, their wives' faces changed. Pillar stood up and prepared to help catch the rat.

"It's fine. Is this a new member of our family? It's called Gold, and its nickname is Lucky Rat!" Tian Yu Qiao smiled as she introduced them to everyone.

Only now did Jin realize that he was being rude in front of the guests. Lil Thing hurriedly bowed in apology to Tian Chrysanthemum and the others.

"Ya, this Lucky Mouse is truly interesting. Is it bowing to us?" The pillar wife smiled.

"Yeah, Little Gold is really smart." Tian Yutang praised the gold and then picked up a few pieces of sausage, placing them in its own small bowl.

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