The sausage made by Tian Yuqiao was very delicious and it was full of meat, so everyone who was done eating the sausage clicked their tongues in praise. Seeing the two Yuan brothers in such a pitiful state, she had no choice but to secretly bring each of them a piece of sausage and let them eat it in the backyard.

The two brothers did not care too much about it. Each of them took two nests and secretly ran to the backyard. He pried the sausage apart and stuffed it into his nest. Then, he took a fierce bite and immediately felt a meaty fragrance permeate between his lips.

"Wow! Senior brother, this sausage is so delicious that I want to cry!" Indeed, the eyes of the little monk, Yuan Tong, were already filled with tears.

After taking a bite, Yuan Ji immediately felt that he had not lived his entire life for nothing, having eaten such a delicious meal.

After the two brothers wolfed down their food, although they were still a little unsatisfied, they knew that the sausage would probably be discovered if they were to eat too much. Thus, they could only continue to head back for more porridge and pickled vegetables.

"Qiao'er, this thing was invented by you again right?" Tian Ju Hua put down her chopsticks with a smile and even belched loudly.

"That's right, Qiao'er might have been too patient." Mrs Wang was somewhat complacent.

The pillar couple had now straightened themselves as well, because they had eaten too much and were no longer able to bend their backs.

"Mom, it just so happens that there's a market in Ningguo Village tomorrow. I plan to sell these sausages and meat jelly there." Tian Yu Qiao said.

"Not a bad idea. It just so happens to be fine with a pillar. At that time, let's go for a stroll together and help you pull your stuff over." Tian Ju Hua said.

"Thank you so much, Aunt." Mrs Wang smiled as she agreed.

This was the first time she was refused by someone. Tian Yuqiao felt that her character as a steamed bun could still be improved.

After eating a few pieces of sausage, Jin unexpectedly felt a little unsatisfied. He even stretched out his little claws to ask Tian Yuqiao for more.

"Look at you, little glutton. You're just a little bit older. Just eat this. We're not even willing to eat it." Tian Yuqiao teased.


"The protest was futile." Tian Yu Qiao's face turned serious. She did not want to get too used to it, lest she pamper it into wealth.

The wealth within the Emptiness Realm had also smelled the fragrance of the outside world and immediately felt slightly discomposed. However, it had always been proud and pampered. It came out of the Emptiness Realm just for the sake of eating, so it could only resist the urge to rush out.

When Jin sensed the activity within the Emptiness Realm, he squeaked beside Tian Yuqiao's ears. Only then did Tian Yuqiao realize that they were no longer calm despite their wealth and wealth.

She could only sneak into the kitchen and, while Lady Wang wasn't paying attention, throw a piece of sausage into the Emptiness Realm.

In the evening, Tian Yuqiao sent two more sausages to Widow Li's and Zeng Changsheng's homes. They weren't willing to eat that sausage for dinner. After all, they could sell it for money. No matter how much they wanted to eat, they could only bear with it.

Early the next morning, when the sun had just risen, the mule cart was already waiting outside the courtyard of Tian Yu Qiao's house.

The family helped to carry the bamboo basket containing the meat jelly and the big wooden bowl containing the sausage onto the wagon. Then the mule-cart moved slowly ahead, followed by Tian Ju Hua, his wife, and the five people from Tian Yu Qiao's family.

When the wagon passed by the Tian Residence in a grandiose manner, it just happened to bump into Lady Gao, who went out to fetch water.

"Hey, I said Second Sister-in-law, are you guys going to the market today?" Is there something valuable in this wagon? Let me take a look at it. "

Mrs. Gao went up to the mule cart with a familiar face and was about to take off the cloth.

"Aunt, you just finished making the rice and want to cook, right? "Don't let the milk wait so long, it's time to scold you again." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"As expected, Lady Li's angry curses quickly came from the room above." "What a lazy and crafty woman. I didn't expect you to be able to get so much rice for half a day. I don't think you're going to eat in the morning."

Lady Gao was startled and quickly carried the basin back to the main hall.

Along the way, he met many villagers who were heading to Ningguo Village. Tian Ju Hua kept greeting the old wives who were familiar with her.

Lady Wang didn't have much to say. After all, she usually worked in the old residence and rarely went out to market. Everything she saw now felt new to her. Although she had been to the town a few times before, there was still a gap between the people in the town and herself, which made Lady Wang feel a little inferior.

Now it was different. Most of the people on the streets were patched up, so Madam Wang felt that the market in the Ningguo Village was more comfortable.

When they passed the Zhu Family Meat Shop at the entrance of the village, Tian Yuqiao smiled and greeted Zhu Rong, "Sister Zhu, are you busy?"

"Un, it's you little sister. I remember all the things you told me earlier. I left them all for you." Zhu Rong Rong said with a red face.

Tian Yu Qiao was speechless. She thought to herself, 'It's not like the person you have a crush on is me, do you even have to blush when talking to the people around him?' After all, you did kill a pig with a knife, okay?

"Okay, we'll come back after we finish our tour and then I'll come to you." Tian Yuqiao smiled and greeted him before continuing down the street.

After finding an empty spot, the pillar then unloaded all of the things inside the wagon.

Tian Ju Hua, on the other hand, led her daughter-in-law and née Wang to continue their journey. Tian Yuqiao, Pillar and the other children stayed behind to do business.

There were many people coming and going today.

"Fellow villagers and elders, please come here and take a look. I guarantee that you all have never eaten this thing before. No, you all definitely haven't even seen it before. Tian Yuqiao shouted out crisply.

Pillar also called out for them, "Let's take a look and see. This is the only share in the entire county. Everyone come and buy it. We'll sell it if we're late."

"The child next door has lost his teeth, while the neighboring brother has lost his hair." Yutang followed up the call.

Everyone was attracted by their strange and exaggerated words. Tian Yuqiao used a small bamboo stick to give them the sausages that were written as small pieces of meat.

After those people tasted it, they did not plan to taste the meat jelly again. They all felt that the food was very delicious, and the meat was very tasty as well.

However, the people in the manor were all simple people, they weren't the kind of people who wanted to take advantage of others even though they didn't buy anything. Someone then asked, "May I ask how much this thing is sold for?"

Seeing that she had business to attend to, Tian YuQiao stopped shouting and began receiving her first customer of the day.

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