The dinner in the Tian Residence was cooked by the Gao Clan alone. Madame Li gave her an elbow and then stewed a cabbage with that elbow soup. This whole process was supervised by Tian Guihua, so she did not gain any benefits. Even if she wanted to try some dishes, Tian Guihua would look at her with a dagger-like gaze.

On the stove over there, meat and turnips were still being stewed. Today's meal could be considered quite sumptuous.

When they were eating at the Tian Residence, men and women would usually eat separately. However, the younger grandchildren would eat together with the women.

Erlang Shen could have eaten with Tian Chanzi and company, but due to his signature action of "sniffling", Tian Chanzi had only allowed Da Lang and San Lang to eat with him at the same table. As for Erlang, he told him to go over to Madame Li's side, so that the f * cking mother would have the two of them go.

Every time she cooked delicious meat dishes, it would be Lady Li's time to show off her rights as the mother of the house. She was enjoying this moment very much. Only at this moment would she feel that her whole family was like the stars, setting off the moon.

The plate of sliced elbow meat had to be placed in front of Tian Chanzi and the young man. As for the stewed cabbage from the meat soup, it was placed on the Li family's table. There was a big pot of radish stewed pork skin on each table. Big radish tube was sufficient, and there was still a lot of meat skin. Madame Li had put some of it into the dish for every meal, so she could at least borrow a taste, could she not?

The meat on the man's table was naturally first to be eaten by a teacher. "Lady Li, on the other hand, was partial to her daughter, and left a fist-sized piece of lean elbow meat for herself and Tian Guihua to eat.

As for the meat in the bowl, Madame Li had also given everyone two pieces of meat in their bowls. The skin was two fingers wide and an inch long. But even if it was this free flesh, Madame Li still did not let everyone care enough to eat.

"Ol 'Three's wife, it's all because of you today. Here, these few pieces of meat skins are for you to eat. "

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'll give you this piece of meat since your dinner tonight is pretty good."

Madame Li then gave food to her grandchildren, but each of them only shared two dishes. As for the Gao Clan, they were given a piece of meat with roots!

Gao Shi had just taken a bite when she couldn't help but spit out the meat from her mouth.

"Ya, what's this? Why are you still carrying fur?"

"Ha! Why do you say that? How did you get rid of this pig skin? "He's still bulging his head up to say it. You're not allowed to puke, it's still meaty." Madame Li said angrily.

Lady Gao rolled her eyes. She could only forcefully swallow the furry skin that was just about to be spat out. It was painful to the point that tears kept flowing out of her eyes.

Raising her head and looking at the table of men on the brick bed, she saw her man eating the elbow meat in big mouthfuls, making her grind her teeth in anger. They were both people, why was it that women were not treated favorably? The work was done by her, the dishes were cooked by her, and when she ate, she could only eat the furry skin.

Tian Chanzi divided the meat between his eldest brother and third brother, then he split the meat between the two grandsons. He only gave Taro and Saburo together, and they were all lean.

These two grandsons were not picky. Compared to the few who were eating at the female table, they were considered lucky.

There was still half an elbow left, and after Old Master Tian picked up a large piece of meat, he pushed it all to the study man's side.

"Fourth elder sister, the meat on your elbow tastes pretty good. It's rare that your elder sister-in-law didn't stew the dishes." Hurry up and eat it while it's hot. Don't wait for it to cool down. The soup should be solidifying by now, then it won't taste good anymore. "

Without raising his head, the teacher answered with an "En" from his nose. Then he poured the brown rice and soybeans from his bowl into the bowl containing the elbow meat.

Tian Dajiang originally wanted to go to the scholar's place to get a piece of meat, but who would've thought that this brat would pour all the rice in there and then drag the bowl of rice and elbows in front of him.

"Ai, I originally planned to let you go to the Second Brother's house to get the recipe for the meat jelly. When the time comes, we can also make it out of this meat skin." "Now that we don't have this method, we don't know if we can still earn our fourth year's worth of repair." Lady Li put down her chopsticks with a worried expression.

"Mother, let me say, this meat jelly isn't that difficult. "Anyway, we still have a lot of meat at home, let's try a few more times tomorrow." Gao Shi said.

The Jiang Clan also followed, "That's right, Mother. What's the old saying? Oh right, there's a road ahead of you for what you call a car. The meat jelly looked to me like it had come out of a broth, then solidified. Why don't we try it out tomorrow? "

Madame Li gritted her teeth and said, "That's good as well. We can't let the scholar not have the money to go to school, right? He was about to take the Elementary Scholar exam, so he couldn't delay his studies. "Even if you give us more tips, it's worth the money."

Lady Gao inwardly curled her lips. She could have given him a few pointers, but he actually spent so much money on that. With so much money, who knows how much meat he could buy.

The Jiang Clan didn't have a good impression of a scholar, but she didn't dare to say these words. If he did, it would be stabbing Li Shi's lungs. He reckoned that his future life in this house would be very difficult.

Old Master Tian didn't have the mood to continue eating after hearing what Madame Li had said. He wiped his mouth and put down his chopsticks.

"Sigh, our family doesn't have much silver now, even for the new year. "In the future, just leave all this meat in a cool place. It would be great if it could be used for the new year." Old Master Tian sighed.

The reading man quickly finished the meat and rice in his bowl and went back to his room, dragging his long face along with him.

By the time she was done cleaning the table, Mrs. Gao was so tired that her back ached. Returning to the west wing, she said to Tian Dajiang, "I say, boss, isn't Fourth Bro too outrageous? Why does it seem like our whole family owes him? If it wasn't for us saving up for him to study, it would be weird if he could have what we have today. "

"Of course, I've already had my objections to him since a long time ago. He didn't need to do all the work in the house, he just carried a few broken books and pretended to not know anything. "Pah, do you really think you're that much of a top scholar material?" Tian Dajiang said.

He was still brooding over the lack of meat that had been given to him by Tian Chanzi today. Why, a worm with no strength to bind a chicken, eating well and using well? Putting aside the fact that he didn't have to work, the way he ate was better than anyone else's. Just the thought of it infuriated him.

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