Every time there was something delicious to eat in the Tian Residence, he would ask the bookkeeper to eat first. His treatment in the Tian Clan was even higher than that of old man Tian.

In the long run, this made the other two brothers in charge of the family extremely dissatisfied. At the beginning, everyone was able to endure it, but as time went by, the scholar spent only the family's money and did not get a chance to take the exam.

Fourth Bro was a scholar, so he didn't have a good impression of his older brothers. He always acted like he was above everyone else. Even though he had only passed the examination for a virgin, it did not cover up his pride.

Watching him do even less work than the other girls, yet eating even better than the family head's old man, was simply preposterous. For so many years, his family life had been tight in order to provide for him to read. However, no matter how tight he was, he was never wronged.

"Mom, this meat was clearly brought back by us and second brother together. Did you not see? When I divided the meat for everyone, I gave more to eldest brother than I did to me." Saburo said dejectedly.

On the other hand, Erlang said while flinging his nose, "It's not that big of a deal. You brat, you're still pretty good. I dined at the same table as Milkman and the girls, and Milkman and the old lady ate all that meat. "

Tian Yufang said, "Alright, stop complaining. In any case, you guys still have a taste of meat. Sigh, we're both girls, but my aunt can eat such a big piece of meat. I only got two pieces of meat. "

Erlang Shen took advantage of the moment when neither Tian Guihua nor Madame Li were paying attention to him to secretly pick out a piece of meat from the basin that had some fat on it. In order to not be discovered, he even picked up a large clump of cabbage and hid the meat inside it. Only then did he manage to get away.

"In my second uncle's home, the fragrance of meat can always be smelled. I reckon that Qiao'er's family must have meat to eat every day." Jiro sniffed again.

Dalang suddenly knocked on the door and called out, "Third Aunt, let's get you over there."

"Sigh, I understand. I'll head there now."

After Jiang Shi said this, he put on his shoes and went to the main room.

"Ol 'Three's. Tomorrow morning, you and Hua'Er will go to Ol' Three's house." Bring some meat and tell them I want to eat it. Let them cook it in front of you. You two try to learn as much as you can. "When that time comes, we will have meat jelly to eat, and we can save up some money for our scholar to fix it." Madame Li said.

Originally, the Jiang Clan was quite happy about it, but when she heard that they were going to let her learn the recipe so that they could exchange it for a set of silver for her Fourth Bro's studies, she immediately became a little unwilling.

However, she could only smile and agree because of Madame Li's obscene display of power. After going to the west room with Tian Guihua, the Jiang Clan returned to their own room after some research.

On the second day, at dawn, Tian Guihua came to find the Jiang Clan.

"Flower, we haven't had breakfast yet." Jiang Shi said somewhat unwillingly.

"Third sister in law, we are going to second sister's house today, what about it? If we go over, can't she make us something nice to eat? "Aiya, hurry up. It's time to finish dinner at their house if you're late."

When the Jiang Clan heard this, they immediately became spirited and quickly put on their clothes. After a simple cleaning up, they went with Tian Guihua to Tian Yuqiao's new residence at the foot of the mountain.

Tian Yuqiao's family had also just woken up, and now Tian Yuqiao was particularly fond of sleeping in. It seemed like he was in the process of growing up, so it was normal for him to fall asleep.

If she wasn't worried that her family would be alerted due to her sleepless nights, she would have probably chosen to rest in the Emptiness Realm before coming out.

Now that she had learnt how to refine poisons, even though she would fail seven or eight times out of ten times and would be despised by all kinds of rich people, she could be considered to have a life-saving method now.

Eight steps with a smile on his face. Once this poison was inhaled into a person's body, it would stimulate their nerves, causing them to feel the complete opposite of normal.

For example, when she wanted to cry, she would laugh. If you have a happy thing to laugh at, you will cry. Not only that, it also prevented those who had the time to do so from using their inner force within fifteen minutes.

In any case, this was how it was recorded in the Medicine Encyclopedia. As for the effect, Tian Yuqiao had yet to have someone test it on him.

Right now, the finished product in her hands was called Smiling Eight Steps, which wasn't much. There was only less than half a bottle, so she wasn't willing to use it so easily. There was no other way. The difficulty of refining a pill was on a completely different level from Golden Sore Medicine.

As soon as Lady Wang's fire was lit, Tian Guihua's voice came from outside, "Second sister in law, open the door. Mother has asked me to come over and help you."

Tian Yuqiao had just finished washing up and was coming out to see Yuan Yuan and the others practicing boxing with her when she heard Tian Guihua say that she was coming to help.

"Strange, what can she do to help? When I'm at my old home, I usually don't do anything. " Tian Yuqiao was immediately a little doubtful.

Although Lady Wang was also somewhat conflicted, she still went to open the door. There was no helping it, the smoke from the chimney on the roof was enough to prove that there was someone in the house. It was impossible to pretend that no one was home.

After opening the door, they saw Tian Guihua and the Jiang Clan come over. On the Jiang Clan's arm was a basket, and both of them were smiling.

Tian Yuqiao immediately felt that there was a trick to their smiles. They must have come with ill intentions.

As soon as Tian Guihua entered the courtyard, she said to Lady Wang, "Second Sister-in-Law, we came early in the morning. "Mom heard about your business, and was afraid that you don't have enough manpower. I specifically told Third Sister-in-Law and I to come and help."

"Yeah, yeah. In order to help you guys, Flower and I didn't even eat breakfast. We woke up early and came over." Jiang Shi said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao's face darkened. He thought to himself that these two were shameless. To be able to speak in such a grand manner while coming to someone else's house to get food.

They actually dared to come here and say that they would help them with their own things. Wasn't this the same as stealing formulas?

Tian Yuqiao's patience had long been worn out by the repeated probing from the old house.

The Jiang Clan really dove head first into the kitchen, pretending to help Wang Clan with their stuff.

Mrs Wang's face was filled with black lines. It was hard to tell who was the master and who was the guest. The Jiang Clan was actually acting more like the master of this house than he was.

Tian Guihua also put on an act as she watched them fight for a while before following him into the kitchen. She was not as tactful as the Jiang Clan. Instead, she directly went through the kitchen cabinet to check what food was in the kitchen.

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