This was Tian Yuqiao's first winter since he had transmigrated.

The sky was gloomy, and the sky seemed to be in a bad mood.

Lady Wang stood in the courtyard and felt the air around her. She sighed and said, "Ai, looks like winter is really coming. Xiao Er, Qiao'er, we still have some radishes on the mountain. We have to take advantage of the snow to bring them back."

"Mmm, okay mom, we'll go up together in a bit." Yuan Su nodded heavily.

Tian Yuqiao and the rest had just finished their breakfast when Tian Chrysanthemum knocked on their door.

"Yo, Aunt Ju Hua, why have you come so early? Is there something urgent?" Lady Wang asked with a shocked expression.

Behind Tian Ju Hua was his wife from the pillar. After the two came in, Tian Chrysanthemum said to Lady Wang, "It looks like the snow will be falling soon. It seems that the snow will not be any less." You haven't even planted anything yet, I wonder if you guys have any vegetables in the winter? "

"Ah, right? The weather is changing too fast, we are all caught off guard. There's some turnips, potatoes, and cabbage on the other side of the hill, and we're going to get them all down right now. "No matter how late it gets, those dishes will probably freeze to death." Wang Shi said.

"Not really. The heavens are really hard to understand." My mother was also worried about you guys, worried that your winter dishes weren't well-prepared. So, she decided to ask you guys to go to our family's vegetable cellar to pick some vegetables. " The pillar wife said.

Tian Yuqiao chuckled while wearing the red, floral coat that Lady Wang had just sewn for her. She came out of the house smiling and said to Tian Ju and the others, "Grandma, Aunt, there's no need to trouble yourself. "The food on the mountain is enough to last us through the winter. Thank you."

"Fine, since we have nothing better to do today, why don't we go with you guys since the pillar went to the town?" Tian Ju Hua said with a smile.

They wrapped their heads in cloth and tied their pants legs with cloth, intending to go up the mountain.

It was now winter. The dry grass and other stuff on the mountain stung people. Although he didn't need to be on guard against the insects, he could still keep his pants tight and keep his body warm.

Mrs Wang, Tian Ju Hua and their pillar wives were each carrying a large earth basket. As for Tian Yuqiao and the other children, each of them carried a pigweed basket on their backs.

Tian Yu Tang was very careful and actually carried the biggest bamboo basket on his back. From behind, he couldn't even see the top of his head.

"Look at this kid from the Yutang. They know a lot." The pillar wife praised.

Lady Wang rubbed her son's head and replied with a smile, "Ai, this child really likes to show off. How can he carry such a heavy thing?"

The little guy continued to persevere and Lady Wang didn't pay any attention to him.

Soon, they arrived at the collapsed Nanshan Temple. It seemed even more desolate now, and suddenly a great shadow sprang out of the run-down hut.

"It's Thunder God!" "Don't, don't hurt anyone, Thunder God." Tian Yuqiao roared.

When Thunder God saw that someone was approaching, he naturally took the initiative to attack. Now, he actually treated this place as his home.

"Yo, this big boss's big black dog, isn't this a bit too scary?" Tian Ju Hua and his wife were so frightened that they almost fell over.

Tian Yuqiao awkwardly explained, "Hur hur, that is a long story. But don't worry, it's called Thunder God, it won't easily harm anyone. "Furthermore, it is the beautiful husband of Uncle Zeng, that big yellow dog. Hehe."

The little guy was very happy to see Thunder God, so he took him to the side to play. Tian Yuqiao even sneakily found a broken wooden basin and poured some water from an Emptiness Realm Lotus Pond inside it to feed Thunder God.

When Thunder God noticed the smell of water with spiritual energy, he suddenly jumped and "flew" over Tian Yu Tang's head.

"Wow, Thunder God is really godly, he can actually jump so high." The little fellow was shocked, but it didn't feel scared at all.

In the back garden, there were some turnips, potatoes, and cabbages buried in the dirt. As for the other vegetables and vegetables, they had long since been moved away by the Tian Yu Qiao family. After all, they could not be unloaded.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, everyone's movements also sped up. They quickly dug out the radishes that were buried in the ground, as well as the cabbages and other things that were previously stored in the dilapidated thatched cottage.

"Quick, this day is just like a child's face, changing at will. "If it really does snow later on, this mountain road will be hard to walk on." Tian Ju Hua urged.

After drinking enough, Thunder God actually took out two wild rabbits from nowhere. These were probably his prey, and they all had their necks bitten off.

"This... Was it captured by Thunder God? "They all look fresh." Mrs. Wang frowned and said with some surprise.

"We don't need to be polite with it. This is its betrothal gift to Flower. Let's take it with us. God of Thunder, do you think this rabbit is just for show? " Tian YuQiao smiled as she rubbed the head of the Thunder God.

Thor growled a few times.

"Yo, this dog really knows how to be human. Fine, let's just take this thing down." Mrs Wang laughed.

Everyone carried their baskets in their hands and carried their baskets down the mountain. The Thunder God was actually helping them pull a bag of potatoes down the mountain. This eased the pressure on Lady Wang and the others.

After sending them to the halfway point of the mountain and seeing that they could see the Tian Yu Qiao family's courtyard, Thunder God turned around and left. After all, every time it came to the village, it would arouse the anger of the villagers, so it did not want to deal with too many people.

Tian Ju Hua and co. rested for a while at Tian Yu Qiao's home before returning to their own.

He placed the radishes that he had just brought back into his own grocery store. After cleaning it up, he looked outside and found that the ground was already covered with a layer of clear snow.

"Ya, this time it's all thanks to your grandmother chrysanthemum and the others. Otherwise, we wouldn't have brought the items back so quickly." Mrs Wang sighed.

"Of course, there's still the Thunder God. He helped a lot this time too." The little fellow quickly added.

"Yeah, I knew you liked Thor. You can't forget anything. "Oh yeah, mom, I should hurry and send those two rabbits over to uncle Zeng's house while it's still in Xue Xiao's hands."

As Tian Yuqiao spoke, he picked up the two rabbits and headed towards his father's house at the village entrance.

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