The first snowfall of the village of Reliance came earlier than in the past, and it was also a bit bigger.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao's family had already brought back all the winter vegetables in time. Her family now had plenty of food, but not much meat.

Tian Yuqiao planned to use the eggs he bought at Tian Ju Hua's house to make some eggs for eating. There were still a lot of pork intestines left in the house, some of which were left for stir-frying. Tian Yuqiao intended to make the rest of them into eggs.

The method for cooking the egg sausages was relatively simple. He used boiling water to soak the large amount of ingredients and the pepper, then poured the eggs into a bowl. Afterwards, he used chopsticks to scatter the eggs.

When the water on the other side had cooled down from soaking in the large amount of ingredients and pepper, he slowly poured the water into the beaten egg juice. He added some salt to it and stirred it again with his chopsticks.

Of course, the job of stirring up the eggs was all done by Lady Wang. After that, everyone started to fill their stomachs.

It was snowing, but the temperature wasn't very cold. As the old saying goes, the snow is not cold, but the snow is cold.

Snow was drifting about in the yard, but the new house was in full swing, a lively scene.

As they chatted, they filled their bowls with chicken intestines. With his previous enema experience and the fact that the egg and intestines were much easier to make than the meat and intestines, he was able to move very quickly this time.

When it was time for dinner, everyone had already eaten the fragrant egg sausages.

Since there was no meat in the egg sausage, the two Yuan brothers could also eat together. This made them both especially happy.

Knocking sounds came from outside. Tian Yuqiao finally opened the heavy door after confirming the identity of the person.

"Brother Changsheng, why are you here?" It's snowing outside. " Tian Yuqiao frowned and asked.

Zeng Changsheng was holding a basket in his hand, and inside the basket was a clay pot.

"This is the rabbit meat my dad made. I'd like to give it to you and my aunt for a taste." Zeng Changsheng said with a smile.

"That's great. We're about to have dinner right now. "Oh, by the way, have you eaten yet? Would you like to stay and eat some more?" Tian Yuqiao warmly invited him.

On the other hand, Zeng Changsheng shook his head and said, "I just ate it from home. You guys should eat this rabbit meat while it's still hot. Don't let it go cold."

"Ai good, that's right, Brother Changsheng, this is the egg sausage that my family just made. Take two back and let Uncle Zeng have a taste."

Zeng Changsheng did not stay at Tian Yu Qiao's home. After all, it was snowing heavily outside. He carried the earthen jar that had been washed clean by Tian Yuqiao and the two egg sausages as he went home happily.

"Sis, this egg is so delicious. It's even sweeter than a steamed chicken cake." The little guy stuffed a piece of egg into his mouth and chewed it seriously.

Tian Yujie picked up a piece of rabbit meat and ate it with relish.

The temperature in the room was very high. The airtight window paper completely blocked the cold air outside.

Everyone had been tired for the entire day. After dinner, they washed up and went back to their own rooms to sleep.

The next morning, when Tian Yuqiao pushed open the door to her room, she immediately felt a wave of moist air that was mixed with the smell of ice and snow pouncing over her.

"Sis, why is the snow so heavy this year?" The little guy looked at the foot thick snow outside with a face full of astonishment.

After Wang Shi finished cooking breakfast, she was also startled by the scene outside when she pushed open the door.

"Ah, isn't this snow too heavy? Fortunately, it was a sunny day. However, we still have to clear out the snow in the yard in time. " Wang Shi said.

Yuan Ji and Yuan Tong had already come out of the woodshed with a big broom in each hand.

"Let's go back to the house first. We'll talk after breakfast." Mrs. Wang pushed the two children back.

With regards to these two pitiful and adorable children, Lady Wang truly pitied them and treated them as if they were her own flesh and blood. It was the job of the head of the household, and both the kids were fighting each other for it. Such a well-behaved and understanding child, why were they both orphans?

For breakfast, they still ate eggs and sausages. Lady Wang even peeled two scallions and made a bowl of sauce, which was given to her by Tian Ju.

The night before, she hadn't finished eating all the rabbit meat that Zeng Changsheng had brought her. Today, she added some more cabbage into the rabbit meat and stewed a huge pot of it. This was enough for a meal.

After breakfast, everyone went out to sweep the snow. It was rare for the snow to be so white. Even if it fell on the ground, it wouldn't get dirty. Tian Yuqiao felt that this was probably because his own courtyard was filled with green bricks.

"Come, let's build a snowman!" Tian Yuqiao grinned and said to the boys.

"Sure, sure. It's like building a snowman." All the little fellows chimed in with glee.

Lady Wang used a dustpan to push all the snow in the yard into the vegetable patch in the backyard, leaving behind a small pile for the children to play with with the snowmen.

Tian Yuqiao held a snowball in his hand and then used the wet snowball to roll on the ground, allowing it to be soaked in even more snow. Seeing the snowball getting bigger and bigger, everyone's mood also became joyful.

Tian Yuqiao quickly finished preparing a snowman's head. Next was the snowman's body. Their bodies had already been taken care of by the two brothers. To put it bluntly, the pile of snow didn't have much technical content.

"Little brother, go find a radish root for us, we'll make a nose for the snowman and have eyes for him." Tian Yuqiao instructed with a smile.

The little guy hopped away and went to his own kitchen. After searching for a long time, he finally found a withered radish. The radish did not look good, so he decided to use it as a snowman's nose.

He also asked for two pieces of cloth from Lady Wang. She even helped him cut the cloth into two circles, and even picked up a long piece.

Now that he had eyes and a mouth, the little guy happily went out and started pasting eyes on the snowman.

Mrs Wang sat in the room, sweeping the brick bed. When she heard the children playing happily in the yard, she relaxed a little.

If this was before, she would be most concerned about how to block all the draught cracks in the house so that the children wouldn't be frozen. How could he have the heart to let the children play?

Usually, when winter came, the whole family would hide in their quilts, feeling the cold.

After a few more rounds of fighting in the courtyard, everyone was tired, so they came back to rest.

Seeing the children wearing thick new cotton clothes and cotton pants, Lady Wang's mood was unexpectedly relaxed.

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