In the blink of an eye, Fang Wenhao had been reborn over a month ago. After recuperating at Tian Yuqiao's home, the injuries on his body had more or less healed.

This was all thanks to the medicine from the Hall of Healing and the fact that Tian Yuqiao did not hesitate to give him the Void Stage Lotus Pond Water.

Originally, the wolf cub's body had looked very thin due to his long period of malnutrition. But now, he had been "fed" by Tian Yuqiao to grow some meat.

"This is great! This child looks much more energetic and energetic than when he was rescued by all of you."

Née Wang looked up and down at Fang Wenhao, who had changed into a new set of clothes. This made Fang Wenhao feel somewhat embarrassed. Before, when they were in the Imperial Palace, because he was the old Emperor's favorite prince, even the imperial concubines would not dare to stare at him directly.

He was actually being stared at by a country woman, causing his face to immediately turn red.

"Big brother Lang, you've changed into a new set of clothes. You look really handsome." The little guy would not miss a single opportunity to flatter him.

"Yeah, big brother wolf boy is a sunny boy." Tian Yuqiao also grinned and said.

Ever since the misunderstanding last time, she tried her best to keep the distance between them. To cherish life, to distance oneself from the wounded!

Fang Wenhao bitterly smiled in his heart. He was a stately country's prince, but now he had been praised by others just because he was wearing a simple set of clothes. What made him even more sad was that he actually felt somewhat complacent.

What good clothes had he not worn before? What delicious food had he not eaten?

And that wasn't even much. That little fellow called Yutang could think of different topics to talk about with him from day to night. Those topics that seemed boring to him, in the eyes of the little guy, were actually interesting.

"About that, I want to talk to you."

"That... I have something to say to you alone. "

Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao were both stunned. They had not expected the two of them to speak up at the same time.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and pulled him to a large garden in the backyard, even getting Jin to keep watch.

"You first." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Can you not call me wolf boy from now on? I've given myself a name, Wen Hao. In the future, you can call me Brother Hao. " The wolf cub said resolutely.

The name of the wolf cub belonged to the past, and now that he was reborn, it was all a new beginning.

Tian Yuqiao was stunned for a moment. Then, she smiled and said, "What a good name. Brother Hao'er, that name sounds nice."

"Well, what do you have to say to me?" Fang Wen Hao looked at Tian Yu Qiao with a burning gaze.

"Actually, this was also my mother's intention. After all, you saved me a few times before, and now I coincidentally picked you up again. "My mother said, this is called fate …"

As Fang Wenhao heard this, he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. Although she had just saved him, what was fate? Could it be that she wanted him to repay her with his life? Oh no! How could he, who was of the royal bloodline, marry such a country bumpkin girl?

Seeing the strange expression on his face, Tian Yuqiao did not expect that such a young man in his teens would misunderstand her words.

"My mother wants to take you in as her godson. You also saw that our family still has two young monks. They are also bitter children. It was originally picked up by the old monk. Now that their temple has collapsed, my mother brought them to live in our home. " Tian Yu Qiao said.

Only then did Fang Wenhao let out a long breath. However, he didn't directly agree. Instead, he said, "Let me think about what you just said."

"Alright then. After all, it's not sweet if you force it. When you think about it, let us know at any time. Alright, we'll be out by now. If we don't go back now, my mom will have her suspicions. "

Tian Yuqiao thought about it for a moment before calling out to Fang Wen Hao.

"Wait a moment big brother Hao'er, I have something I need to trouble you with."

Fang Wen Hao's footsteps paused. He turned his head and asked: "What else do you want?"

"I lied to my family that you taught me a lot. "For example, the way I earn money, the way I go up the mountain to pick mushrooms, and the way I know some mountain goods that no one else knows is all taught to me by you."

Fang Wenhao: "…"

"Also, I also said that you taught me quite a few medicinal herbs and such. Anyway, you only pushed all the inconvenience of explaining it to your family to you. "Now that you are living with us, I will be careful not to expose you."

Fang Wen Hao was speechless. He then said hesitantly, "What you're saying is that as long as I leave, you won't have to worry about your own affairs being exposed, right?"

Tian Yuqiao quickly shook her head. She thought to herself, "How come this brat's mind has become so strange all of a sudden?" Who said he was going to chase him away? What a suspicious little fellow.

"I didn't say that. I just wanted you to admit it. Do you really think it's because you saved me when my brother was so attentive to you? That's because all the lies he told me before were taken seriously. In the little guy's heart, he has already treated you as an omniscient and omnipotent great hero. "

As Tian Yuqiao spoke, Fang Wenhao's face darkened.

Good heavens, can you brag about this kid any more?

From his memory, he already knew about the wolf cub's past. He was just a wild child who had been thrown into the mountains since he was a child. He was raised by a female wolf who had just lost her young.

The only ability he had was to communicate with the wolves, and that was limited to the wolves he was with. Then there was the ability to survive in the wild.

How could he possibly teach her how to recognize herbs? The few rare medicinal herbs that this brat could recognize couldn't even be compared to the ones that he, Fang Wenhao, knew, right?

It was just that for some reason, when he heard that little girl praise that wolf child in front of him, Fang Wenhao actually felt his heart go sour. He didn't know exactly what kind of feeling it was.

It was just like his mufei had said, that feeling should be called jealousy and jealousy.

"Do you agree or not?" "Stop standing there like a fool. It's almost time to eat lunch. Hurry up and say something." Tian Yuqiao urged, feeling a little helpless.

"Uh, okay, I'll agree first. "But if you accidentally expose the stuffing in the future, you can't blame me for that." Fang Wenhao laughed.

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