In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of the year. Every household was busy killing New Year's pigs and buying New Year's wares. There were even some families with conditions who were still busy preparing new years for others.

On the day of the eighth, Lady Wang cooked a huge pot of porridge. There were red dates, medlar, kidney bean seeds, small beans, mung beans and other ingredients. There were also a lot of white sugar mixed in. The stew was very cooked and it was very sweet.

"Mother, I'll send some over to Brother Changsheng's house. There are only two men in his house, and Uncle Zeng usually doesn't like cooking. I'm guessing they probably didn't cook this porridge today." Tian Yuqiao said with a frown.

Lady Wang lifted the lid of the wok and poured out a jar of porridge. After helping Tian Yuqiao pack it properly, she smiled and said, "Take Yutang with you and come back early."

Now that Fang Wenhao's injuries had mostly healed, he took the basket from Lady Wang, smiled, and said, "Aunt, I'll go with little sister Qiao'er."

"Alright, your injuries haven't completely healed yet. Be careful on the road, don't fall down."

"Yes, I will."

The two of them walked out of their house, and the wolf cub subconsciously reached out to grab Tian Yuqiao's hand. Tian Yuqiao was still not used to it and subconsciously avoided his hand.

"Cough cough, that … "Aunt just told me to be careful and not fall down. How about you help me up?" Fang Wenhao deliberately put on a very weak appearance.

Tian Yuqiao curled her lips helplessly. She thought to herself, "You're still weak?" When my injuries weren't fully healed, I almost broke my mother's wrist, and now you're actually pretending to be a sick cat with me.

Without waiting for Tian Yuqiao to finish flipping the sky, his hand had actually reached over with a clear conscience. Tian Yuqiao was helpless. First, she slapped the back of his hand. Then, she pulled his hand and the two of them walked towards the village entrance.

When he passed by the Tian Residence, Tian Guihua happened to see this scene.

"Hmph, you're so young and yet you already know how to seduce a man. Truly shameless."

Mrs. Gao happened to be in the yard, carrying firewood. Hearing Tian Guihua's grumbling, she also stuck her head out and looked. In the end, they saw Tian Yuqiao walking to the village entrance hand in hand with a boy who was unfamiliar with them.

"Oh, it's not like that. She doesn't learn well at such a young age. Pah! She's just as virtuous as her mother. Her husband didn't know if he was still alive or dead, but she couldn't stay idle any longer. "First, he kept two small bald donkeys at home, and now, he's found such a wild child from who knows where. Tsk tsk."

In the past, Fang Wenhao had been carefully groomed by the old emperor. He had several masters and masters, so his martial arts skills naturally weren't weak. Even though his body had changed, the wolf cub had been constantly running around the pack of wolves. His physical qualities were not bad, so his hearing was pretty good.

It just so happened that today was the northwest wind blowing, so he had heard every single word of the women's conversation in the Tian Residence.

"They actually said that you still have your mother. Do you want me to help you tear their mouths apart?" Fang Wenhao revealed a cold expression.

Tian Yuqiao could feel the cold air coming from his body. She suddenly shivered and said, "Forget it, we men will not fight with women."

"I'm a good man, but you're not. Aren't you angry?" Fang Wenhao curiously looked at the little girl beside him.

"I'm used to it." Tian Yuqiao coldly threw out the words.

Fang Wenhao's body trembled. He had the nagging feeling that this little girl's life wasn't as easy as it seemed on the surface. Sigh. He suddenly had a feeling that he was at the end of the world. He felt that the little girl wasn't that bad anymore and actually had a trace of intimacy with him.

It could be said that they shared the same fate, and they actually felt that they appreciated each other.

They didn't say anything along the way, but both of them were thinking about their own thoughts.

Arriving at Zeng Changsheng's house, Zeng Changsheng saw that Qiao'er had arrived and immediately opened the door in excitement. However, when he saw the two of them holding hands, he felt extremely excited. Right now, his mood was extremely low.

"This is?" Zeng Changsheng looked vigilantly at the youth.

Tian Yuqiao quickly introduced him, "Oh, this is the big brother wolf that saved me before. However, he already has his own name, Wen Hao. We all call him Hao'er gege. "

"Nice to meet you."

"Haha, greetings to you, brother Hao."

Although the two of them greeted each other with a smile on their faces, when their eyes met, it actually produced thousands of volts of high-voltage electricity.

Putting himself between the two of them, Tian Yuqiao suddenly felt like she was being electrocuted inside out.

He thought to himself, these two are really weird, just like the males in the animal kingdom. They were so unfriendly right after meeting each other.

She had completely discarded her main factor. Who would have thought that two twelve or thirteen year old boys would be so 'precocious'?

Fang Wenhao purposefully tightened his grip, causing Tian Yuqiao to grimace. In anger, Zeng Changsheng immediately turned his head away from him.

"Little sister Qiao'er, thank you for bringing us the rice porridge. Hehe, my father and I haven't had the time to cook today." Zeng Changsheng scratched his head in embarrassment.

His attitude towards the two of them was as different as the sky and the earth. When he looked at Tian Yuqiao, his face immediately revealed a touch of gentleness. He even felt slightly embarrassed.

As if on purpose to piss him off, Fang Wenhao actually handed over the basket with one hand, and laughed sinisterly: "You're welcome, it's not like we're treating you as an outsider. I heard from Qiao'er that you usually help her family quite a bit. "Alright, with me here, there's no need to trouble you anymore. You'll have time to learn how to cook porridge for your father."

"Haha, there's no need for that. Qiao'er, Yutang and I grew up together with you. Some people still say that. What do you mean 'two little guesses'? I haven't studied for many days, so I don't really understand what you mean." Zeng Changsheng also responded with a smile.

That familiar cold aura came from Fang Wenhao's body once again, causing Tian Yuqiao to become even more quick-witted. He thought to himself, just what is wrong with this brat? He wouldn't have to worry about not having an air conditioner in his house in the summer, as he would get chills whenever he saw one.

The two of them continued to fight back and forth for a few more times. It was so cold that Tian Yuqiao couldn't take it anymore. At this rate, she would probably be frozen into a ice cream by their gazes.

"Enough, my mother is still waiting for us at home. We need to leave first." Tian Yuqiao then stood up.

Fang Wenhao still wanted to grab onto Tian Yuqiao's small hand, but Tian Yuqiao had hugged the basket that Zeng Changsheng had brought over first. Moreover, he had even held it with both hands. This made it so that Fang Wenhao no longer had the opportunity to continue making him angry.

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