From Zeng Changsheng's home, Tian Yuqiao felt that he was about to turn into an ice sculpture. However, Fang Wenhao seemed to be in a great mood. The two returned to the house at the back of the village in silence. Lady Wang had already sliced up the ham and eggs, mixed them with a plate of pickled vegetables, and was waiting for them to come back for dinner.

"Yo, why did you guys just return?" Come on in, look at the cold weather outside, it's freezing our pretty hands. Come in and warm up by the fire. " Lady Wang, while taking the basket from Tian Yuqiao, urged the two of them to go inside and roast the fire.

Although Fang Wen Hao felt that this woman was a bit long-winded, it seemed that he was already used to being cared for by others. This kind of concern came from the bottom of his heart even though it sounded rather long and wordy. It was as if he hadn't experienced it in a long time.

Ever since his mother's wife had passed away, he had never been sincerely cared for by anyone else. The reason why those women had treated him so well was because he was a prince.

The family happily drank the porridge. With their sausages and pickled vegetables, it was easy to get along with each other.

The gold and wealth were divided into small bowls as well. Lady Wang even added some sausages that she chopped up. The taste was simply too attractive.

Wealth suddenly felt like its master in this life was not bad either. At least, it had eaten an unprecedented delicacy.

Early the next morning, Zeng Changsheng arrived with flowers. Behind him were bows and arrows, hemp ropes, and even Flower had a small basket tied to her back. There were also some miscellaneous grains inside the basket.

"Brother Changsheng, what are you doing?" Tian Yuqiao asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, my dad said, it's just under the New Year's Root, he's going to let me go up the mountain and hunt some game or something. "Isn't that so? This time, I even brought Flower Blossom over." Zeng Changsheng said with a smile.

Actually, only he himself knew that ever since his family's flower and the big black dog, Thunder God, recovered, his family had never lacked meat. During this period of time, he had also brought a lot of food that he could not finish and sold them in the town every now and then. He had even paid a lot of debts.

Now, Father Zeng's legs had improved as well. This was a soup that he had bought using money from wild chickens and rabbits.

Fang Wenhao raised his eyebrows at Zeng Changsheng and said, "Okay, I also want to see what ability this little brother has."

"Yes, since you are able to command a pack of wolves, I believe that Young Master Wen is quite capable. I also want to learn from you."

Upon hearing that they were going up the mountain to hunt, the little guy and the two Yuan brothers were extremely excited. They all shouted at Lady Wang to agree to let everyone go hunting together.

Lady Wang was still a bit worried. After all, she had heard that there was a fierce battle on that mountain. It was unknown whether the corpses had been cleaned up or not.

"Qiao'er, didn't that mountain say that people had died before? "Mom thinks that the yin aura on the mountain will be very heavy, so I'm afraid that it would be unlucky to go up the mountain."

"Pfft!" Tian Yuqiao laughed out loud.

"Mother, there is Bodhisattva protecting us on the mountain. You can rest assured that nothing will happen to us." If you're worried, you might as well come up the mountain with us. It's been a long time since I've seen it. I wonder how it is now. "

His sons looked at him with longing as they saw their daughter insisting. In the past, when they were at the old residence, why couldn't Lady Wang see Lady Li's eyes? Now that the children were waiting for her to make a decision, Mrs. Wang felt a little pressured.

"Then... Well, Mother will go with you. But put on more clothes, don't freeze. It's the new year, so it's not good to be sick. When the time comes, you won't be able to eat delicious food. " Mrs Wang was still worried.

"I know, Mother. We will be careful."

The children immediately cheered and went back to prepare. Of course, Fang Wenhao was an exception.

He saw this hunt as a contest between two opponents. He absolutely could not let a country bumpkin look down on him.

He had previously hunted with his father, the emperor, but that was only the royal corrals, and there were also quite a few hidden guards following him. Right now, he was the only one left. Not only that, but there were women and children who needed his protection. This aroused the manliness within Fang Wenhao's bones.

Tian Yuqiao naturally did not need to worry. The corpses on the mountain had long been cleaned up by Old Xu and the people under his command. This was what Gold had come back to tell her after secretly following her and seeing her.

After packing up, everyone set off. Hua Hua ran ahead of them. When she was halfway up the mountain, she started to bark at the top of the mountain. Soon after, a similar response came from the mountain, but it was much more powerful and terrifying.

"Ya, it's the voice of Thunder God. His voice sounds quite extraordinary." The little fellow looked excited.

"Yutang, slow down. The snow on the mountain hasn't even melted yet. Don't fall down." Lady Wang quickly reminded her son.

At this moment, the two people who were in the midst of fighting had already followed behind Hua Hua and ran towards the other side of the mountain ridge.

"Oh my god, isn't that child Changsheng's leg injured? How can he run so fast?" Mrs Wang could not help but be somewhat shocked.

"Mom, don't worry about them. Didn't our family just recover from their injuries? From the looks of it, didn't he run quite quickly as well?" Tian Yuqiao said somewhat helplessly.

"That's true, why do I feel like the two of them aren't very friendly right from the moment we meet? Yesterday, when you brought Hao'er to the Longevity Sect, did something happen? " Mrs. Wang frowned and asked.

Tian Yuqiao could not help but feel a little speechless. Even her mother could tell that they were not going to deal with each other. It seemed that she would be in a difficult situation in the future.

"Mom, you don't have to care about them. Perhaps it was because the two of them were around the same age that they wanted to compete together. When they were training, didn't Yutang and Tong'er often compete with each other? "Don't worry, it's alright. It will only make their feelings more intense."

"Is that really true?" Mrs Wang was a little doubtful.

"Kid, you can't compete with me in speed." Fang Wenhao secretly felt proud of himself.

Zeng Changsheng relied on his familiarity with the terrain to run faster at the start. However, due to his leg disease, he was quickly overtaken by Fang Wenhao.

This time, he was a little too anxious. He absolutely could not lose in front of Qiao'er. He had to surpass that brat.

He clenched his teeth and persevered. However, in front of him, Fang Wenhao was quickly blocked by Flower and Thor. Thor wasn't very familiar with him, so it was wary of strangers following them around.

Zeng Changsheng took this opportunity to quickly level the distance between the two of them, and the two of them could be considered to have reached their peak at the same time.

"Tsk, sinister. Using a dog to help is nothing." Fang Wenhao was somewhat unwilling to accept this.

"Didn't you also rely on wild wolves to help you previously? Otherwise, how could you save Qiao'er?" Zeng Changsheng also did not show weakness.

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