Lady Wang led a large family and followed Zeng Changsheng and Hua Hua to hunt. However, just as they walked out of the courtyard, Zeng Changsheng and Fang Wenhao, the two little purple girls, started to get excited. The two of them seemed to dislike each other, but they could not make each other feel any constipation. As a result, they had to compete against each other in everything that happened.

In the end, the two of them quickly ran up the mountain, leaving the Wang clan and the others behind. Fortunately, Thunder God stopped the two from fighting along the way, otherwise, they would have already run to the other side of the mountain.

Tian Yuqiao felt a little helpless. Her two short legs were pushed forward and she was so tired that she was gasping for breath. If not for her forcefully pulling the little fellow, Yutang would probably run around blindly with the two of them.

"Aiya, these two children, they ran so fast and disappeared without a trace. If they get up there first and see something they shouldn't, don't be scared. "

Lady Wang panted and looked at the two tiny black spots on the ridge with concern.

When Tian Yuqiao and the others arrived at the South Mountain Temple, they saw that Zeng Changsheng and Fang Wenhao were like two large sweet potatoes that had just been cooked. Their faces were flushed red. In this cold weather, the two of them were actually steaming up from the top of their heads.

When Lady Wang saw this, she immediately panicked a little and hurriedly said, "What are you two doing? Why are you running so fast? Hurry up and put on the cotton clothing outside, don't shake it off, it will get cold again. It's almost New Year's. Don't get sick again. "

"That's right, Brother Changsheng, you should quickly put on your outer robes. This is such a cold day, stop shaking." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Lady Wang had been there for a long time, but the two of them acted as if they hadn't heard her, still puffing out steam. However, just as Tian Yuqiao said this, the two of them immediately began to move in unison, following Tian Yuqiao's instructions.

She quickly put on her cotton clothes and the two of them looked at Tian Yuqiao with a smile. It made her want to roll her eyes at the heavens.

Lady Wang didn't think too much about it. Seeing that the two children had already put on their clothes, she quickly took out the dry rations she brought this time and put them in the shed where Tian Yuqiao used to make wooden ears.

Zeng Changsheng and Fang Wenhao also prepared their respective styles. Naturally, Zeng Changsheng had made ample preparations before coming over, so Fang Wenhao had no choice but to go blind. After all, the Tian Yu Qiao family did not have the "equipment" that they used for hunting.

Seeing Fang Wenhao kick the snow on the ground in boredom, Zeng Changsheng threw him a bow made of bamboo and then took another. There were a total of seven or eight arrows. The arrowheads there were made of iron by his father, and they were very lethal to animals.

In this era, most hunters would choose to use these iron arrows. Although Zeng Changsheng's family didn't rely on hunting for a living, it was fortunate that Old Man Zeng was a blacksmith and had previously made bows for others, which was why he was so professional in using such things.

Fang Wenhao nodded at Zeng Changsheng. This could be considered as thanking him. Zeng Changsheng could not be bothered with him and directly smiled at him. And that smile was full of provocation. Clearly, another intense battle was about to begin.

Tian Yuqiao could not be bothered with them. What she needed to do now was to find a place with no wind and give her sore legs a good massage.

The two brothers got some ropes from who knows where. These should be the tools they used to hunt, right? Tian Yu Qiao smiled but did not speak, pretending that she did not know anything.

The little guy had always been very excited. After taking a bundle of rope from the round hands, he ran away with the other kids.

Tian Yuqiao was a little worried about them, so he quickly sent Thor to "protect" them.

Thunder God was human, so he naturally knew that in this season, even more ferocious beasts would go out to hunt. So this time, it didn't overlook friends, but brought flowers and flowers along with it as it flew towards the direction of Zeng Changsheng and the others.

Lady Wang looked at her daughter and sighed. "Sigh, girls are so considerate. Those stinking brats, they get to the edge of the mountains one by one and go wild. Fortunately, Qiao'er is with Mother. "If I stay alone on the mountain, I won't be scared to death."

She was somewhat afraid of the news that had spread through the village. When she thought about how Nanshan Temple had once been the main battlefield in the bloody incident, Lady Wang felt goosebumps on her back. It felt like there were people behind him, people behind trees, people everywhere …

Seeing Lady Wang's somewhat nervous look, Tian YuQiao smiled and said: "Mother, it's alright. It's said that Grandpa Xu and the others have already gone to report to the government. Those soldiers should have already taken care of this place. Don't worry about it anymore."

Tian Yuqiao suddenly recalled that Old Xu had buried his master in this mountain. It was unknown if anyone had buried him. Since he had come this time, he might as well go and take a look.

After finding a random reason, Tian Yuqiao left the Wang clan and went to the stone Buddha at the back, intending to take a look at the new grave.

However, when they arrived at the place, she found it strange that the lonely grave was covered with green grass.

It was winter, and the weather was cold. How could grass grow on the grave? This is not scientific.

However, when she thought of the word 'science', Tian Yuqiao could not help but smile wryly in her heart. He had already transmigrated, what science was there to talk about? In any case, he firmly believed that everything was possible.

She was not afraid. Instead, she came to the grave, bowed and said, "Sigh, we have met once before. No matter what grudges you have, now that you are gone, return to dust, return to dust, and rest in peace. "Also, my mother is rather timid, so you shouldn't come out and scare her. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite …"

After saying some insignificant words, Tian Yuqiao pulled up the weeds around the lonely grave and cleaned up the surroundings. Only then did she check the rotten pieces of wood she had made with satisfaction.

The raw wood ear must have sufficient temperature and humidity. Since he hadn't taken care of it during this time, the wood had already become frosted over. He definitely couldn't use it again, so he could only wait until next year to find a suitable wood foundation.

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