Tian Yuqiao and the others went hunting on the mountain. On the way, she tidied up the grave of that rich young master.

He tidied up the wood and found that there was already a thick layer of ice on it.

With this, two hours had passed. Lady Wang felt that it was about time, so she lit a fire, intending to cook lunch for the children.

Tian Yuqiao coincidentally walked over from the backyard and even picked up some firewood.

"Qiao'er, why haven't they returned yet? Has it been more than two hours?" Why don't you just stay here and watch the fire while your mom looks for them? " Lady Wang said with some concern.

Tian Yuqiao gathered firewood while saying to Lady Wang, "Mother, you stay here and cook for everyone. I'll go find them. Don't worry, don't you see that I still have money and gold with me?"

"Ah, right. After we arrived here, Mother did not see those two little things. I wonder where they went to play?" Lady Wang said somewhat helplessly.

As soon as he finished talking, as if he was purposely cooperating with Tian Yuqiao, the two bodies of Jin and Wealth came running towards him from the snow.

Lady Wang dotingly helped the two little things wipe off the snow on their bodies as she grumbled to herself, "Look, after so long, who knows where these two little guys have gone off to. "This mountain is not like our house, where there are quite a few wolves. Don't take the two of you with us …"

Wealth and gold enjoyed the services provided by Lady Wang to the two of them. They squinted their eyes and had an expression of enjoyment on their face, making Tian Yuqiao a bit jealous.

"Mother, the two of them are already used to roaming the mountains, and they both have their own ways of escaping. Don't worry."

After watching née Wang carefully wipe off the two little things, Tian Yuqiao then carried the money and let the gold sit on her shoulders. She walked towards the forest not far away at a moderate pace.

Lady Wang was still worried and quickly put out the fire. She then quietly followed behind Tian Yuqiao.

With the little thing gold acting as Tian Yuqiao's eyes and ears, she naturally knew that née Wang was secretly following her. It was just that she purposely pretended not to notice.

In her heart, she was still thinking about the abnormal behavior of the two fellows today, as well as that unpleasant relationship they had the last time they met. Sigh, she really did not know.

"Ah ~", "Squeak squeak", "What an idiot …"

Before the gold could remind her, there was a trap dug by a hunter ahead. Tian Yuqiao had already fallen into eternal hatred. With a single step, he elegantly walked to the edge of the trap, and then completely disappeared above the surface of the ground, becoming an underground worker.

Jin felt guilty for not being able to stop Tian Yuqiao in time. As for Wealth, he looked down on Tian Yuqiao for a moment before stepping on the surroundings of the trap. With a twist and a few leaps, he left by himself.

Jin waved his little claws speechlessly. Tian Yuqiao understood what he meant, "Damn, how unloyal!"

Tian Yuqiao had originally thought that he would fall into a miserable state if he fell down. In the end, it turned out to be a bit warm and soft.

"Eh? Strange, I'm fine."

Tian Yuqiao mumbled to himself while reaching down with his hand. As a result, he felt the thing underneath him move a bit …

It scared Tian Yuqiao so much that she just screamed and jumped up from the ground, hiding to the side.

The line of sight at the top of the hole wasn't very good. She could only take advantage of the snow that was reflected from the small hole she had smashed open when she fell down from above to clearly see what was in front of her.

The creature was pitch black and emitted a foul stench. It had eyes like green beans and long, snow-white fangs!

"Oh god, it's a wild boar!" Tian Yuqiao exclaimed. Then, Jin moved in front of Tian Yuqiao, baring her fangs and brandishing her claws at the wild boar.

Wealth and haughtiness came naturally to haughtiness, but at this point in time, it could not just stand by and watch as it died. With a "sou" sound, it jumped down and landed on the back of the wild boar. Its sharp claws shot out from the meat pads and struck the boar's head with a "pan".

Pig fur flew everywhere as blood splattered everywhere! The wild boar's furious roar grew louder and louder. It rampaged through the small trap and pounced towards Tian Yuqiao.

The space inside was quite small and it seemed like no one had used this trap for a long time. The wooden spikes that were originally placed on the bottom had long since become useless, so the wild boar was still quite ferocious. The reason why he was so listless at the start was probably because he had been hungry for too long.

Tian Yuqiao's vision turned dark as the word 'f * ck' resounded in her heart. She was actually dragged out of the trap by the wild boar's nose.

Just as he reached the top, he saw his mother anxiously looking down.

"Mother ~" Tian Yuqiao's voice was rather weak.

When Lady Wang saw the 'Descending from the Heavens' daughter, she quickly hugged her. Tears streamed down his face and his body trembled.

Wealth and gold quickly killed the wild boar. When the gold went to find Ceng Changsheng and the others, Lady Wang still held onto Tian Yuqiao and did not let go.

"Mother, what's going on? Did something happen? "Just now, it seemed like Gold was very anxious." the little guy asked with a frown.

Fang Wenhao and Zeng Changsheng came to Lady Wang at the same time. The two looked at Tian Yuqiao and found that her body and face were covered in blood. Her face was somewhat pale and had a tinge of purple.

"Little sister Qiao'er, what's wrong with you? Can you say something?" Zeng Changsheng's eyes were red, with tears in his eyes.

On the other side, Fang Wenhao pushed away Zeng Changsheng and also pulled away Wang Shi's arm a bit.

"Aunt, if you hug her like this, you'll strangle her to death …" Fang Wenhao frowned.

Only then did Wang Shi herself realize that her daughter was almost strangled to death by her own hands! He felt embarrassed and quickly let go of Tian Yuqiao's hand. He let her lie on his lap and breathed in the fresh air to her heart's content.

Tian Yuqiao's expression eased up a lot as he felt the ice-cold air entering his lungs. The feeling of being able to breathe was truly wonderful!

Seeing that she had recovered, the atmosphere in the surroundings finally calmed down. Tian Yuqiao, on the other hand, wished that she could faint. She had been tricked by a pig again!

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