Tian Yuqiao had fallen into an abandoned trap. Fortunately, there was still a wild boar that had been trapped there for who knows how long. This time, it was left for her to carry. Although she was not thrown down, she was still quite frightened.

The wild boar had gone crazy from being caught by the wealth, rampaging through the narrow space. In the end, it had accidentally pushed Tian Yuqiao away! This saved her a lot of trouble. She didn't need to waste anymore time trying to save herself.

The blood on her body was naturally a masterpiece of wealth. It was the money that had grabbed the wild boar's head and spilled out of the wound, landing on Tian Yuqiao's body …

As the saying goes, if you don't care about something, care about something else will cause chaos. Everyone saw that Tian Yuqiao's entire body was covered in blood and immediately felt worried. The little fellow was already crying loudly, and even the two brothers of the Two Elements clasped their hands together, begging Buddha to bless him.

After Tian Yuqiao recovered, he managed to force out a smile and said, "I'm fine. This blood was not mine, but from that wild boar." After saying that, he pointed at the entrance of the cave.

"Damn wild boar, it almost scared me to death." Fang Wen Hao angrily rushed over with his knife.

"Damn wild boar, are you sure you only bully Qiao'er?" Zeng Changsheng also lifted his stick and quickly walked towards the trap.

The two of them took large strides and swiftly arrived at the edge of the trap. At this time, the wild boar had already been scratched into a bloody mess, its head bleeding as it lay at the bottom of the pit, groaning.

After calling the two Yuan brothers, they spent a lot of effort to finally get that 200 jin underage wild boar to come up. The wild boar's blood had already been lost quite a bit.

Relying on his memories of the wolf cub's hunting experience, Fang Wenhao quickly urged everyone, "Hurry up and go. This wild boar is bleeding too much. I think this bloody smell will attract other wild beasts soon. We shouldn't stay here for too long."

Everyone nodded their heads and then used a branch to make a broom and placed the wild boar on top of it. Everyone tried their best to pull it towards the South Mountain Temple.

Together with Flower of the Thunder God, Thunder God caught two wild chickens from who knows where and gave them all to Zeng Changsheng. Fang Wenhao was somewhat embarrassed. After all, he had only caught a hare this time. Moreover, it had been stuck in a hole in the tree root in a panic.

Née Wang was frightened to the point that her legs felt weak. The little fellow was in charge of supporting Née Wang, while Tian YuQiao was holding onto Née Wang's hand on the other side.

"Hehe, it seems like I'm the one who reaped the most rewards this time. After all, I've attracted a wild boar over. Look at you, all you've got is that little thing. " Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Originally, we had already put on a deer, but after seeing how anxious Jin was, we let her run away …" Yuan Su said somewhat dejectedly.

"Sis, why do you always have to suffer on pigs? I won't let you touch a pig in the future. "When you were at the house before, you were almost trampled to death by those two old sows, and this time it's a wild boar again." The little fellow said with a bitter face.

Fang Wenhao was a bit depressed as he asked: "What, there's such a thing? "So it turns out that Big Sis Qiao'er is afraid of pigs the most, haha."

Tian Yuqiao glared at him and said, "Cut the crap. If you have the ability, then don't bother eating the wild boar meat that I caught."

Heavens, this was a blatant threat! When had his twelfth prince ever been threatened before? What's more, it was actually for eating. How interesting. But why did he think that the more interesting it was?

After returning to the South Mountain Temple, everyone saw that Lady Wang's condition was not very good. They were worried that she would become ill, so they decided to first take a break and then go down the mountain. During this period of time, Tian Yuqiao tried her best to endure the pain on her little butt and pretended that nothing was wrong to comfort Lady Wang.

"Mother, why did you come here in secret? "It's not even warm yet."

When Lady Wang saw that her daughter seemed to be fine, she finally relaxed. Hun'er floated back into her body. She no longer had that soulless look from before.

With more people and more strength, the extinguished firewood was quickly ignited once again. Tian Yuqiao, the Wang family and the little guy brought the hot food for everyone, while the other boys tied up their prey.

The wild boar was a big guy. Fang Wenhao had originally wanted to dismember it here, then split it up and carry it back. Yuan Ji, on the other hand, felt that something was amiss. After all, this was a holy land of the buddhist faith, and there were Bodhisattva watching from behind. Killing people here didn't seem like a good idea, even though the wild boar was already dead.

Everyone hastily finished the rations they brought and felt full of energy again, so they decided to go down the mountain.

The boys had already used branches, dry wood, and hemp rope to make something similar to a climbing plow and put the wild boar on top of it.

In any case, they were going downhill, and with the thick snow sliding down, it was easy to get rid of the big guy.

Tian Yuqiao's family was located at the foot of the mountain, so the matter of them getting the wild boar this time was not known by many.

Only when they entered Tian Yu Qiao's courtyard did everyone heave a sigh of relief. Lady Wang quickly boiled two more pots of hot water. One pot held the scalding wild boar hair, while the other pot was left for everyone to drink. After all, it was a cold day and everyone had been on the mountain for so long that it was necessary to drink some hot water with ginger and white sugar.

Tian Yuqiao was forcefully pulled back into her own room. Lady Wang told her to quickly change her clothes, wash the blood off her face, and then let her rest.

Tian Yuqiao was helpless. With the little guy watching by the side, she could not even help if she wanted to.

The little guy would run outside to take a look, and then he would stare out of the window. Although he couldn't see anything, he was still very happy.

Tian Yuqiao's heart ached when she saw his appearance.

"Little brother, go out and help. I'm going to sleep now. Just call me after you guys have finished cooking dinner." "Don't worry mother, I definitely won't go out." Tian Yu Qiao said with a smile.

The little guy blinked his bright eyes at Tian Yuqiao. Then, he said, "Sis, you can't lie to me. You have to rest obediently. I'll bring you a bowl of ginger soup. You can have a good rest after you drink it."

Under the little guy's surveillance, Tian Yuqiao could only finish the bowl of ginger soup. Tian Yuqiao then laid down, feeling a spiciness in his stomach and a layer of sweat on his body.

Fortunately, the temperature of the brick bed was up, and the heat preservation effect of the new house was very good. The main carrying wall was made into a wall of fire, so it could get past the heat, so the room was very warm.

Tian Yuqiao curled up in the blanket and actually fell asleep very quickly.

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