After they came back from hunting on the mountain, everyone was shocked for a moment before calming down. Tian Yuqiao fell asleep in her warm little house while the boys outside began to clean up the wild boar meat.

Fang Wenhao naturally disdained doing this in the beginning, but seeing that Zeng Changsheng was able to neatly clean up the meat, he naturally couldn't fall behind. Thus, he could only bite the bullet and look through the memories of the wolf cub in his mind before starting to help pack up.

The two of them were like a match in which no one else could interfere. Soon, a 200 pound wild boar was dismembered.

Everything in the water was put into a big wooden basin and soaked in water. His internal organs were put into the room by Lady Wang. The roasted pig heart made by Tian Yuqiao had been rather tasty. The legs and elbows of the pigs were also tied to the clothesline poles with hemp rope.

With such a big pig head, it was naturally very difficult to clean it up. Lady Wang felt a headache just looking at it.

Mrs. Wang originally wanted to bring some pork back to Zeng Changsheng, but he refused to take it. In the end, he just put the wild boar's head into a bamboo basket and took it with him, as well as one of the two pheasants and a hare.

As for the other items, he left them all to the Tian Yu Qiao family.

Lady Wang looked at Zeng Changsheng's departing back and could not help but sigh. "Ai, such a good child. It's a pity that this leg is disabled. Why is the heavens so blind?"

Upon hearing Wang Shi's praise of his longevity, Fang Wenhao suddenly felt somewhat helpless. His actions of slicing the flesh on his head became even more nimble, and was completed in a single breath.

Tian Yuqiao had already woken up. As the sky darkened, the smell of stewed meat wafted into her room.

"Mother, it smells so good." Tian Yuqiao yawned and said. After looking around, he didn't see Ceng Changsheng, so he asked, "Hey, where's Brother Changsheng? Why didn't he stay for dinner? "

"Sigh, that child Changsheng still looks a lot different from us. I wanted to give him more meat, and he said he wouldn't do anything, so he took the boar's head. " Mrs Wang felt a little helpless.

"Alright then. We can send them more when we've finished cooking tomorrow." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Lady Wang stewed a pig-legged soybean soup at night. This was something Tian Yuqiao had taught her. She said that the soup was very nutritious, so she remembered it in her heart. He thought that since his daughter had been attacked by a wild boar today, he should give her a good beating.

Tian Yuqiao suddenly had a whim. Looking at Lady Wang's pig lungs and stomach, she had a sudden inspiration. She decided to make some blood to eat. On a cold day, the whole family would gather together to eat the spicy food. Just thinking about it made them feel good.

Since the pig blood had already run dry and there was almost no one in the village to raise ducks, Tian Yuqiao's blood could only get better.

After washing the pig belly and the pig heart, Tian Yuqiao cut them into pieces and sliced some sausages inside. Then he asked Yuan Yuan to go get half a cabbage and a bowl of bean sprouts.

The pot was placed over the fire. A little lard was added to the pot to fry the cabbage and bean sprouts. He then scooped out the fried vegetables and placed them in the pot to cover the bottom.

Then put some lard in the pot, then add in the onion, ginger and dried chilli frying fragrance. Then add the cut pork heart and pork belly continue to stir-fry, and then add some water and salt and other seasonings.

After the stew was done, he poured the contents of the wok onto the vegetables and bean sprouts that had been prepared beforehand. Soon, the fragrant smell exploded, causing the little fellow to suck in a mouthful of saliva.

"Qiao'er, this dish of yours is also very fresh. Can it be vicious?" Lady Wang was also curious.

"Sigh, it's a pity that there's no duck blood. Otherwise, it would be even more delicious. This is called the Bloody Hair. We can only make do with it. " Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

The two brothers carried the pig foot soup and the Maoxiang soup onto the table, while they pitifully ate the stir-fried bean sprouts. This difference was like the difference between heaven and earth.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao strongly urged him to carry the dishes, so he secretly left some pig's feet for the two Yuan brothers. Unfortunately, she didn't dare to keep much of it. It was only enough for the two of them to eat each piece.

Every time when Lady Wang cooked, the two Yuan brothers would eat together in their room. If there was no meat dish in the house, everyone ate together. Wang said that eating meat in front of a monk was disrespectful to Buddha.

"Ai, I didn't make anything good today, so I won't send it to your uncle's house. We'll use the wild boar's intestines for the sausage tomorrow and give them more." Wang Shi said.

"Alright, we didn't spend money on the meat this time. Actually, it's best to use pork leg meat to make sausages. "Mom, let's make it with those two pig legs tomorrow." Tian Yuqiao suggested.

"Sure, I'll listen to Qiao'er." Come, children, eat quickly. This Fur Blood is really quite good, but it's a little spicy. "

The little guy wasn't scared at all. Even though his mouth was red from the spicy taste, Sisi still continued to eat the pig belly while laughing.

"Hehe, our Yutang is the best at eating. Mom, don't just pick the bean sprouts and cabbage. This pig's belly and heart are both very tasty. Tian Yuqiao gave Lady Wang a piece of pig's belly.

The pig foot soup was rarely touched, but once it became extremely hot, everyone would use the lighter pig foot soup to ease the spicy taste in their mouths.

On the other side, the two Yuan brothers were different. The two of them ate the few pieces of the pig feet quite cleanly, almost to the point where their bones were almost swallowed as well.

"Ai, senior brother, we are so pitiful. We are clearly not monks, yet we were shaved off by our master." You can eat meat, but you still pretend to be a monk. Sigh … "

"Before we find our martial uncle, we can't reveal our identities. Otherwise, Master's legacy won't be passed on."

"What exactly did Master tell you?" Do we really have a martial uncle? Why haven't I seen him since I was a kid? "

To the series of questions asked by Yuan Tong, Yuan Su didn't know how to answer them. Actually, he had never seen his legendary martial uncle either. It was not certain that he was still alive. However, since he had promised his master, he would definitely give the temple to his own martial uncle. Otherwise, he wouldn't have returned to normal. Now, no matter how much he wanted to eat meat, he had to at least maintain his image as a monk.

Everyone had a round belly tonight, and even Lady Wang was having a big meal for the first time. Wealth and gold were even more excessive, and they almost fell out of their stomachs.

Now they were lying happily in the nest that Lady Wang had sewn for them, all belly up, scratching their stomachs with their little claws.

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