The Tian Yuqiao family was preparing to go to the Ningguo village, while the Tian family's old residence was quarreling about whether or not they wanted the Second Room's family to come over to eat pig food.

Old Master Tian was already extremely worried about the matter of Old Fourth reading and cultivating. Therefore, he purposely killed the new year pig before the new year. The purpose was very simple. It was to prevent the villagers from coming over to help. This way, he would be able to save a lot of pork.

But from the looks of it, it was already the 28th of the Moon, so it was impossible not to kill the pigs. Although the Tian Residence always left meat for Fourth Bro and Tian Guihua, every year when the New Year pigs were slaughtered, Tian Haozheng would let everyone eat as much as they could.

Therefore, everyone disagreed with his suggestion to bring the entire family of the second branch over for dinner. The reason was simple, why should he give it to those losers? Since they were already separated, let's just pretend that they didn't have a room to sleep in.

"I say, old man, we have two pigs this year. I still need to sell one to Old Zhu in Ningguo village tomorrow. When the time comes, only one pig will be left for us to eat. That pork is our winter's worth of meat, we can't let that family get away with it. " Madame Li was still unrelenting.

Lady Gao also agreed, "That's right, Father. What's the situation with our family now? You're not in charge yet, but you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. "That pork is something very expensive, but if you let those wolves get away with it, you might as well feed it to the dogs."

Tian Dajiang also said, "That's right, Father, have you gone senile? "Why are you doing this?"

"Fourth Bro, you should also say a few words. You read a lot, your dad usually listens to your words." Lady Li saw that her words didn't make sense, so she decided to get her son to help her speak.

The teacher put down his chopsticks and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm full. I need to go back and read." With that, he swung his sleeves and went straight back to his room.

Madame Li slapped her thigh in anger and said, "Heh, just who did I offend? "They're all throwing looks at me."

"Mom, Fourth Brother isn't trying to be nice to you. Isn't he going to take the exam soon? I need to hurry up and work hard." Don't bother with Fourth Bro, he should be under a lot of pressure right now. " Tian Guihua advised with a smile.

After arguing for a long time, Tian Haozheng coughed twice and said, "Are you all heartless?" I asked the Second Branch and her family to come over, wasn't it because of the Fourth Year's exam? "

"What, for the Fourth Bro exam, you don't need to let such a large group of unrelated people come to our house to eat pork?" Can those money-losing goods of theirs help Fourth Bro on his way to the county's examination, or can they teach him? " Madame Li was slightly puzzled.

"Hey, you old woman, I don't know what to do. Look at the big house, do you think the wind blew it? They must still have a lot of silver on their hands. Weren't there still people who saw a horse carriage from the town get on top of their house a few days ago? " Old Master Tian took two gulps of the smoke sack with a gloomy expression on his face.

Jiro sniffed his nose and said, "That's right. I was looking for a bird's nest on a big tree on the hillside when I saw the carriage enter that damned girl's house." It seemed like he had moved a lot of cloth from the inside, they were all in pairs. There are also several bags of stuff, they should be food items or something like that. "

"What?" Do you mean to say that her family is even involved with someone of nobility? "If that's the case, aiya, old man, we really have to invite them over." Madame Li immediately changed her position.

Only then did the Jiang Clan speak up. "Mother, it's fine if we cook a meal of pig slaughtering vegetables. As long as we spit out bitter water to Second Sister, I believe she's soft-hearted. At that time, she might be able to help Fourth Brother pay the silver for next year."

"That's right, if we were to help beat the drum, maybe she would even give us the money needed for Fourth Bro's examination, such as pen, ink, paper, and so on." Madame Gao's eyes immediately lit up.

After he made up his mind, he told Erlang and Shiro to inform the Wang family that they would come the next day to kill New Year's pigs and ask them to come together to eat pig food.

When née Wang heard this news, she felt that it was a bit unrealistic, a feeling of being in the air suddenly arose.

"Qiao'er, was what Erlang and the others said true?" Your grandma really cares about us and wants our entire family to go eat pig slaughtering vegetables. " Mrs Wang was so excited that tears were about to well up in her eyes.

Tian Yuqiao and the little fellow looked at each other. A trace of doubt could be seen in each other's eyes.

"Mother, I advise you not to be happy too early, lest you be disappointed again." Tian Yu Qiao said.

Lady Wang was startled and said, "It can't be, can it? Qiao'er, your mother and the others asked you to help them and also asked us to stay to eat pig slaughtering vegetables. In the past, it was only this time that you and your sister could have some meat …"

"Mother, elder sister is right. Before, we had such a ruckus with the other side of the house. Why would they be so kind as to invite us back for meat this time?" We should be more careful. " Tian Yutang said.

Lady Wang nodded. "That's true, mother will be careful. Oh right, it's the new year, it's not good for us to be empty-handed and go back to eat. "Just now Shopkeeper Hu gave us a lot of cloth. Qiao'er, why don't we grab a piece of cloth and go over?"

Tian Yuqiao was a little speechless. This mother of his was indeed very filial. Since that was the case, she couldn't act too outrageously, so she nodded in agreement.

"Alright then. But after the new year, won't mom go and pay respects to them?" "This time we are going to have a meal. We are going to take a fine piece of cotton. If we go during New Year's, would we have to take something else?" Tian Yuqiao asked.

Mrs Wang hesitated for a moment. "This …"

"That's right, mom. Let's wait until the new year, then we'll pay respects to the new year before we get the cloth. No one will say anything like that." The little guy followed suit.

Wang Shi nodded, "Alright, then let's just go over tomorrow." "Xiao'er, Tong'er, mother will prepare the food for you two before she leaves tomorrow. You two can get a warm meal by noon."

The two little bald men nodded in unison.

On the second day, Lady Wang finished her breakfast early in the morning and took the two children to the Tian Residence.

Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu both had Pig Slaughtering Knife. Old Man Tian's health was also very good. It wouldn't be too much of a problem for them to kill an old female pig.

As Tian Yuqiao entered the courtyard, she heard the sound of a knife being sharpened. The people in the residence had all woken up early.

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