On the 27th day of the 28th of the 20th month, the Tian Residence began slaughtering New Year pigs. Originally, he was going to be treated like a commoner on eight streets. However, after all that had happened at the Tian Residence, everyone had gotten used to it.

Even if their family killed the New Year pig in advance, probably not many people would be willing to come over to help. Almost everyone had killed the pigs, and no one deserved this piece of meat.

That morning, Lady Wang specifically ate breakfast at home before bringing the children over. She didn't want to take advantage of the house, so she tried to avoid eating too much.

When they reached the old residence, Madame Li couldn't help but grumble when she saw that she had come empty-handed. "Ah, as expected, she brought her mouth here …"

The Jiang Clan hurriedly put down the bracts in their hands, tugged at the Li Clan's sleeve, and muttered a few words in a low voice. Only then did the attitude on the Li Clan's face improve a little.

A stiff smile hung on his face as he said to Tian Yu Qiao, "Yo, little girl Qiao'er has grown taller again." "Sure enough, his family has money, and he even caught up with us after eating. This person is getting more and more spirited as well."

Of course, Tian Yuqiao was too lazy to bother with Madame Li. She pretended not to understand and replied with a smile, "Milk, you look much younger than before. Hehe, I think it's because you're in a good mood because you can't see our three money-losing fellows?"

"How can a child like you talk to your mother like that?" Madame Gao quickly came out to take charge.

With a "hmph" sound, Tian Chanzi walked out of the room and greeted with a smile, "Second brother's, Yutang and Qiao'er, you're all here. Come on in, you guys come out when they're ready. You must have not eaten since you arrived so early, right? "Come on, your mother made some corn paste today. Let's just take a sip or two."

Lady Wang smiled and then led the two children in. When he passed by Tian Dahu, the little fellow even made a face at him.

In his heart, this Third Uncle was like a devil. He had wanted to kill his sister several times. He didn't even bother to call someone like that.

"This child is really getting more and more unruly. I wonder how second sister teaches him." When Tian Da Hu saw that someone had entered the house, he cursed in a low voice.

The Jiang Clan quickly pushed their own man away and reminded him in a low voice, "Don't let things get bad at this critical juncture. Right now, they are different from before. They are rich. "Wait until my dad gets the silver from them, then you and big brother won't have to work so hard everyday to earn money for Fourth Bro to study."

"Sigh, that's true. For the sake of money, I won't bother with that little bastard this time. "Dammit, don't let me get the chance, or else I'll definitely …"

"Shh, that's enough. You don't have to think so badly to avoid getting beaten up again." "After lying on the brick bed for so many days and wasting a lot of time, I was dragged into this by Mother." The Jiang Clan was furious.

Madame Li also symbolically distributed meals to the Wang family of three. Lady Wang said, "Mother, we came here after eating."

"Oh, then is it unnecessary for my end of the world to end like this? If you don't want to eat, then I won't have to worry about it. " Madame Li couldn't help but be angered.

Humans are like this, they don't like you, how can you be wrong? If Lady Wang ate here, she would say, "See, when I heard that you allowed us to eat here, you didn't even eat your breakfast, you actually came here. You clearly want to poor us."

Everyone had a simple breakfast. The knives and knives had been sharpened and the boiling water had also been boiled.

The old sow seemed to know what her next fate would be. She actually began to fight her way through the pen, trying to escape from the prison. However, all of this was in vain. In the end, the butcher's blade still swung towards it.

With the three of them, plus the Gauze Palace, the four of them subdued the pig and tied up its legs with ropes. The pig continued to howl with all its might, as if it was saying goodbye to its babies in tears …

"Boss, hurry up and do it. Let's knock it out first. Second Old Wife, quick, place the wooden basin at the bottom of your body, prepare to receive the pig's blood. "

Old Master Tian skillfully arranged jobs for everyone while the little fellow hid by the side, watching from afar as they slaughtered pigs. Tian Yuqiao naturally did not have much interest in this kind of scene. She did not like such a bloody scene. He hid in the house by himself, planning to wait until the pig died before going out.

After about a quarter of an hour, the pig's screams became weaker and weaker. In the end, not a single sound could be heard.

Outside, on the bench, the pig was dead, bleeding half a basin. At this moment, its belly had already been cut open. The pig had been poured into another large wooden basin.

Now, Tian Chanzi had also washed his hands clean and told his eldest brother and third elder brother to separate the meat.

"Divide the meat evenly, otherwise, when the time comes to divide the meat among your families, you can talk about your mother and me being biased." Madame Li instructed.

When everyone heard this, they realized that this winter, the meat would be distributed equally among the different rooms. All of a sudden, all of them felt motivated. The speed of their work had also increased by quite a bit. Everyone was brimming with brilliant smiles.

Lady Wang naturally didn't dare to hope that Lady Li would also give her a portion. Moreover, their family didn't lack meat. She was even a bit worried, afraid that she wouldn't be able to finish all of the meat …

After taking apart some of the bones, Madame Li asked Madame Gao and Madame Jiang to go to the vegetable cellar to fetch some radishes to prepare the radish soup.

Lady Wang, on the other hand, still picked up the dirtiest job, which was cleaning the internal organs of pigs.

At the bottom of the year, the wind was blowing and it was like a small knife was scraping against one's face. Lady Wang's hands quickly turned red from the cold. She didn't even dare to go up to the stove to scoop up hot water.

Tian Yuqiao hurried to the kitchen as the ladle scooped up some hot water. Ignoring Madame Li's terrifying gaze, Tian Yuqiao directly poured the ladle of hot water into the large wooden basin in front of Lady Wang.

"Mother, this winter is cold, so a woman can't catch a cold. It's bad for her health."

"Ya, Qiao'er, mother is fine, how can you be so pampered?" Mrs Wang felt a little embarrassed.

In the past, she had also helped to clean up the pig's internal organs. However, the usual water didn't seem as cold as this year. She didn't know if she was used to living at home or if this year's Tian'er was colder than the previous years. She actually felt that the water in this large wooden basin was truly somewhat chilling to the bone.

However, after being warned repeatedly by old man Tian, she didn't say anything in the end. He cursed silently in his heart: "Pfft, you really think of yourself as a rich young miss. You need to use hot water to wash things. What a cheap body, you got a rich person's disease."

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