After buying things from Ningguan village, Tian Yuqiao found that fortunately, he also bought a donkey cart. Otherwise, the mule cart might not be able to pull back.

The little donkey also has great strength. There is a grinding plate on his head, which weighs hundreds of kilograms. And also put a basket of meat skin and those firecrackers.

Wang was reluctant to give up his donkey, so he also mentioned some things. The children were very sensible, and everyone had no time to start. Some also helped Tian chrysanthemum's family get some things.

The old man driving the donkey cart saw it and immediately smiled and said, "Oh, there are many children in this family. It's good. If everyone takes a little alone, it doesn't seem that there are so many."

Both Zhuzhu and the old man got out of the car and led the animals, because their own weight was about 100 kilograms, all in order to "reduce the burden" on the animals.

As soon as I went out, I heard the noise in front of me. I saw an old sow with a rope hanging on her body. It was like crazy and ran around all the way, which frightened the people who came to the market.

Isn't that the big fat pig with black flowers on the white body the one over there? Wang's family had a face-to-face meeting with him this morning.

At the back of the pig, the two brothers Tian Dajiang, who were running out of breath, took a Gao.

These people were walked by the pig and were sweating all over, especially Gao Shi, who sprained his feet and was limping behind.

If the pig is lost, Li will have to kill her to sell pork when she goes back?

As soon as Gao thought of this possibility, he tried his best to catch up. Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu lake are even more so. That pig is the lifeblood of the old house. If you keep it, you can exchange money for old four to study and test his fame.

Once the fourth is admitted to the scholar, then his family can live a rich life.

The old sow cried as she ran, and ran in the direction of Tian Yuqiao. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help rolling his eyes. He said in his heart, why is sister so unlucky? At the beginning, the original owner was knocked down by the pig, and then broke his head. Only then could he go to hell.

Now, seeing the pig again, she naturally has a psychological shadow.

In an extremely urgent situation, a pair of strong arms suddenly hugged her in his arms, followed by a jump, and even carried her to a big tree nearby.

The pig had no direction, so he continued to run blindly towards a crowded place.

Fortunately, there is the butcher shop of the Zhu family at the entrance of the village. Zhu Rongrong and several eldest brothers of the Zhu family are also there. Because they are busy at this time, they are afraid that their little sister can't be busy alone.

Far away, I heard someone shouting over there: "no, the pig is crazy and is going to hit the dead..."

Zhu Rongrong went up directly with the pig killing knife, drank loudly, and directly rode on the pig's neck in a very inelegant way. Then he hit the old sow on the neck with a knife handle, and the pig fainted.

"Oh, oh, my mother. Oh, thank God. By the way, sister Zhu, we all rely on the mountain village. My mother asked us to sell the pig. Do you know if your family will accept it? It's to collect money for the old four, otherwise we won't sell it."

Gao said this on purpose and specially mentioned Lao Si, which Li explained before.

Before coming, Li Shi specially asked her to say so. I knew that the girl of the Zhu family seemed to have a special feeling for her scholar, so Li wanted to take advantage of it.

Now when Gao saw Zhu Rongrong's exposed hand, he was ready to open his mind. The heart said, wouldn't it be bad if this woman who is bigger than herself entered the gate of the Tian family in the future? Who can beat her? It was so easy to subdue a crazy old sow.

Zhu Rongrong was supposed to protect people from being hit by pigs. Unexpectedly, this pig belongs to their family

The beautiful and white face of shushulang suddenly appeared in his mind, and Zhu Rongrong's face "Teng" turned red.

Gao's eyes turned and his heart said that his mother's teaching was indeed right. The girl really fell in love with old four.

For shushulang's sake, Zhu Rongrong, the pig, was bought at a loss and gave Gao's sixty liang of silver directly.

Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu are tired and paralyzed. Sitting aside to rest, naturally, they don't know how much Gao sold.

Seeing that neither of them knew, Gao decided to leave one or two silver and teach Li the remaining five Liang silver. Anyway, even if you give her five Liang, it's a lot. It's almost catching up with the price of normal pork.

"Oh, it seems that the second sister-in-law passed us just now?" Tian Dahu asked Tian Dajiang with a frown.

"I didn't pay much attention, but it seems that there is a mule. It should belong to Zhu family." Tian Dajiang looked irrelevant.

Looking carefully at the official road, they were sure that it was definitely a two bedroom family and a Tian chrysanthemum family. But there is a donkey cart behind. I don't know whose it is.

"Oh, I said to be the head of the family. Why are you two still resting here? My mother is still waiting for us to send money back. Let's go quickly." Gao urged.

Helpless, the two brothers could only stand up from the ground with their teeth grinning and their legs covered. After running all the way, they are not tired to death.

Tian Yuqiao was frightened by the pig. Wang was worried about her, so he deliberately walked slower. Unexpectedly, he was caught up by Gao's several people.

"Oh, my second brother and sister, you really hired this donkey cart? Why did you buy these old good things? Tut Tut, you bought a mill. It's too rich." Gao began to sneer.

"Aunt, our mill doesn't have as much silver as you get from selling pigs from Zhu family." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"You little girl, you know how to play tricks with me. If you have spare money to buy this useless thing, you don't know how to help the family raise money to study for the fourth brother. Hey. When the fourth brother gets fame in the future, you can't think of sticking up." Gao smiled proudly.

"Don't worry, aunt. We're not the kind of people who worship the high and trample on the low. I think fourth uncle hasn't been admitted after reading for so many years. I don't know if our jade hall will be a scholar at that time. He's still a child."

Wang did not expect Tian Yuqiao to say so, and Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu were stunned. Yes, I haven't improved after studying for so many years. Isn't it a waste of money?

Thinking of this, both brothers were a little silent.

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