After Gao returned, he really only gave Li five Liang silver. Nevertheless, it was much higher than Li's expectation, and she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

"With this money, the fourth year's shuxiu can almost scrape together." Li smiled and locked the silver.

"Mother, guess what I saw?" Gao deliberately betrayed.

"What can you see? Don't play charades with me here and speak quickly." Li was a little impatient.

Gao said mysteriously, "I met people from the second room. They bought a lot of things and hired a small donkey cart to pull them. Do you think they are free? There is a stone mill at the head of the village, and they actually bought a small one."

"Hum, these money losing goods, white eyed wolves, are all wolf hearted things. I saw that there was a scholar at home who needed money urgently. They didn't help, but they bought that useless thing. When the scholar was promising in the future, I don't think they should regret that their intestines were green." Li's face was resentful.

Tian Yuqiao's family returned home. They were too tired to move. However, when the two brothers saw that there were so many firecrackers in the bamboo basket at the top of the donkey cart, as well as that kind of firecrackers and a bunch of fancy firecrackers that could go to heaven, they couldn't calm down at once.

It was like gold seeing delicious food, and his eyes were shining.

"Yutang, can I have one of these at that time?" Yuantong took a channeling monkey and loved it all over his face.

The little guy nodded and said, "well, of course. My sister specially asked me to choose things for everyone. We put them together. I didn't say I wanted to eat them alone."

"Oh, that's great. I'm so happy. I can't wait to celebrate the new year." Yuantong immediately began to jump in place.

Fang Wenhao seemed to be infected by their interest and smiled foolishly around the pile of firecrackers.

The old man over there soon helped press the stone mill with the column. In fact, it's just to build a stable platform at the bottom, using the green bricks left by Tian Yuqiao's family.

Wang felt a little embarrassed, so he planned to leave the old man to eat at home.

"Bula Bula, there are a large family waiting for me. Our village is a little far from here. I'll walk back. It's getting late now, so I have to hurry back." the old man refused with a smile.

Wang still warmed him two white noodles, brought them all over his head, and wrapped him a small packet of sausage for him to keep on the road.

This time I forgot to eat all the pancakes I brought. After buying the donkey, everyone was so happy.

The dinner was hot, the big cake was hot, and we got some cabbage and big bone soup. We ate together with pickles.

After dinner, Zhu and his daughter-in-law came together.

"Sister-in-law, let's help you set up the animal. By the way, I'll let Zhu explain how to raise the donkey." Zhu's daughter-in-law said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you so much. I've been tired all day and I'm still worrying about our family. By the way, have you eaten? Stay and have another bite?"

"We didn't come until we had eaten. My mother was tired and had slept. I was worried that you wouldn't feed the donkey, so I came here specially."

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao had reserved her own barn before. At the beginning, she left it according to the specifications of the carriage. Now the little donkey is inside, which looks very spacious. There was also a place for the car cover at the back. When the column saw it, it nodded frequently.

"Well, yes, it's well arranged here."

Then he fed the donkey several times a day and explained what kind of forage he liked to eat. Then the couple went home hand in hand.

Tian Yuqiao saw that Wang Shi still had several children. Although he was very tired today, he felt that his life had reached the peak.

The little guy couldn't help but want to take the little donkey out for a walk. Wang said, "it's so late. It should be very tired today. Take it up the mountain tomorrow."

"But... He didn't eat forage at night." the little guy was a little distressed.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and comforted: "don't worry, let's give it some water later. If we're hungry all night, we'll be fine."

The little guy listened to Tian Yuqiao's words most, nodded, then ran into the stove and brought a bucket of water in the big water tank.

The sink has been fixed long ago. The mountain is short of everything, but there is no shortage of stones. This was made by the craftsmen when they built the house. I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

This is the water from the virtual lotus pond. After drinking it, the little donkey immediately snorted. Then the little tail shook and the big ears moved. It looked very clever.

"Ha ha, elder sister, he is really smart. I just fed him water, so say hello to me." the little guy looked excited.

Yuanji and Yuantong were also very curious and revolved around the little donkey. After drinking the aura water once, the donkey had no strange feeling here and began to have fun in the shed.

Wang Shi also smiled happily: "Hey, at first, my mother was worried that it would not adapt when it just changed places. Now it seems that it agrees with us. In the future, we should treat it well, just like wealth and gold."

Two little things were named, and immediately ran out of the house and wandered around outside the barn.

When the little donkey saw Caicai, he trembled and was afraid.

"Caicai, look at you frightening others. Don't get close to it in the future." Tian Yuqiao said in his heart.

With disdain on his face, Caicai shrugged his tail high and ran back to the house to sleep in.

"Elder sister, why is this little donkey so afraid of money?" the little guy asked in some confusion.

Tian Yuqiao didn't know how to explain, so he could only perfunctorily say, "Caicai almost killed the wild boar at the beginning. Do you think it's fierce? It often contacts other wild animals in the mountain, so it has a smell. It's like pigs are naturally afraid of people who always kill pigs. This is called feeling."

The little guy nodded his head: "Oh, that's right."

Wang was too excited to sleep. He kept looking at the little donkey for a long time before he came in to have a rest.

Tian Yuqiao was already tired. At this time, she had rested on the small bed in the virtual environment. Wealth and gold remained in their nests outside, belly up and sleeping soundly.

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