On the side of the mountain village, because the whole village shares a large stone mill, everyone is reluctant to take out other white flour except some corn flour.

The millstone is so big that there are still many things left in the gap. Everyone is reluctant to give up.

Like Tian Yuqiao's family, they can afford grinding. There are few in the whole village.

Originally, Wang intended to buy some frozen tofu to eat, but now that he has a stone mill, he might as well make some tofu himself.

The little guy loved the little donkey, so he went up the mountain with the two brothers Eryuan to release the donkey. Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao went to the home of an old widower in the east of the village and bought a cart of forage. After paying 200 Wen, the little donkey should have enough forage for one winter.

When Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao led the old widower to the meeting with forage, they happened to meet an acquaintance.

"Strange, isn't this Zhu Rongrong from Ningguan village? What is she doing here?" Tian Yuqiao whispered in some confusion.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be young, but you're quite gossip." Fang Wenhao looked rather flat.

Tian Yuqiao helplessly turned a white eye to him. Now she feels more and more that the wolf boy's brother is not the warm man at the beginning, but a hateful black belly. I always feel that his whole temperament is different from that before. Is it because he also crossed over? The original wolf child is dead?

"Why do you look at others like that? Although I know I'm handsome and handsome, don't be too crazy. This is the street." Fang Wenhao was very complacent.

"Sister Rong, why did you come to our village?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

Seeing that he met an acquaintance, Zhu Rongrong put down the big bamboo basket on his back, smiled and said to Tian Yuqiao, "sister Qiao, I'm going to your house now?"

Tian Yuqiao was stunned. Is Zhu Rongrong coming to their house? She should be talking about the old house, right?

"Well, I'll go with you now." Tian Yuqiao said, turning his head to Wen Hao and said, "you take the old man to send things back, and I'll go there with sister Rong first."

Fang Wenhao had no choice but to lead the old widower to the end of the village with a black face.

"Hehe, it's thanks to meeting you. I've inquired about others before. They said that there are many families in the village whose surname is Tian. I'm not easy to inquire about your fourth uncle, so I can only tell them that I'm looking for sister Qiao. Do you mind?" Zhu Rongrong explained with some embarrassment.

"It's all right. It's the same with us anyway. It's just that our family is separated from the old house. We really don't live together." Tian Yuqiao said.

"What, separated?"

"Well, only our family was separated, ha ha."

As they said this, they came to the gate of the old house. Now, since the old house got the silver, Li also asked people to buy some new year goods. The atmosphere in the old house was quite good. It was rare to hear any noise.

When he came to the yard, Gao recognized Zhu Rongrong at a glance and quickly greeted him with a big grin: "Oh, Miss Rongrong, are you coming to see our scholar? He is still reading in the house and can work day by day."

Tian Yuqiao can understand the implication of her words. That is, you can study hard. If you don't work, you can read books. In the end, don't you still fall on the ground every time you take the exam?

In Zhu Rongrong's view, these are her secret love for the little husband, who is a very progressive man. The thought of this made her even more nervous. A pair of big hands trembled. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao helped ease the atmosphere.

"Aunt, why did you stop people outside? You should let sister Rong in."

Gao suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the money given to the old sow by others was six Liang silver, while he only gave Li five Liang. If Zhu Rongrong came over this time and leaked the matter, wouldn't he be unlucky?

Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, she doesn't want to find bad luck. So I thought, how can I get Zhu Rongrong away.

Tian Guihua also heard the movement in the yard and exclaimed: "ah, mom, wasn't that the sister who gave us a pig leg last time we went to the market?"

When Li heard the speech, he immediately walked out of the main room. Seeing that the visitor was indeed Zhu Rongrong, her old face suddenly blossomed. The Zhu family is rich and lives in the big brick house. Zhu Rongrong doesn't have time to come this time. He must have sent meat to the family again?

"Oh, Miss Rong, come and sit in the house quickly. What, the third daughter-in-law, pour water for the guests."

Li politely greeted Zhu Rongrong, but turned a blind eye to his own granddaughter Tian Yuqiao. Honda Yuqiao was going to leave, but she felt that Gao seemed to have something to do and looked cautious. She immediately decided to stay and watch the fun. She didn't want to go back so early, so she didn't have to face someone's ice face.

As soon as Li entered the house, he took Zhu Rongrong's hand and praised others without conscience. Even Gao Shi could hear it. Li Shi said the opposite, and Zhu Rongrong was boasted that he couldn't find the north.

In her heart, the old woman in front of her may be her own mother-in-law in the future. Mother-in-law is so kind to herself now. After that... Is it possible for her to talk to shushulang?

Her body was a little stiff. After taking out the things in the basket behind her, she smiled and said, "aunt, this is the New Year gift I sent you. It's hard to buy pigs during the new year. Thanks to the pig you sold to us, it didn't break our goods."

Inside the bamboo basket is a large piece of pork with 30 Jin and half a fan of pork ribs. In addition, a large piece of turquoise silk and satin with dark green dark bamboo patterns was put on it, which was used by scholars.

There are also four bags of snacks with a dark blue purse. There are ten liang of silver there.

"Ah, Miss Rong, are you?" Li was a little silly.

Zhu Rongrong smiled and said, "nothing, nothing. These are for... All for ~"

Tian Guihua was worried for her, so she said, "Mom, it seems that sister Rong gave it to brother four. This material can be worn by scholars. Who can wear it when working?"

Li smiled and accepted the things, holding the purse tightly in his hand.

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