Zhu Rongrong was at the market that day when Gao said that there was no money at home, and the shushulang's repair became a problem next year. So she was a little softhearted. After discussing with her father and brothers and sisters, she decided to take the opportunity of the new year to send some silver to Xuelang.

Knowing that shushulang was going to take the exam in the spring, Zhu Rongrong and her fourth brother went to help choose the material. As for the ten Liang silver, it was collected by father Zhu and the fourth brother's son.

Originally, Li Shi also thought that Zhu Rongrong looked a bit like a yecha ghost reincarnation, but when she saw these old things and silver, she immediately felt that Zhu Rongrong was not so ugly. Looking carefully, I thought she was beautiful.

"Hua Hua, go and call your fourth brother. There are guests at home. He shouldn't always read in the house. It's boring," Li said with a smile.

Zhu Rongrong's heart is about to jump to his throat, my God! She was going to be able to meet him. Does this mean that the kind aunt in front of her also agreed with them? Do you want to take this opportunity to tell your mind?

Tian Guihua went to the East chamber to find shushulang. When Shulang heard this, his mother asked him to be a decent scholar to meet a butcher's daughter, which was immediately the boss's displeasure.

"Fourth brother, you can't underestimate the Zhu family. As you saw before, in a village as big as Ningguan village, the old Zhu family is doing well. How greedy the big house is? And this time they sent us things and silver, saying they were reserved for you to study. Even if you don't like it, it's better to go out with others for the sake of silver See you. "

Reading Lang also knew the current situation of his family, so he had to harden his head and linger to go to the room.

God knows, how many times did Zhu Rongrong's heart turn over during this period. She was excited and thought about what to say when she saw him later. There are also some worries. I'm afraid that others don't look down on me and don't come to say hello. What can I do?

Tian Yuqiao saw her restlessness and shook her hand. This brought some courage to Zhu Rongrong. She nodded gratefully to Tian Yuqiao.

Soon the scholar Lang came, and Tian Guihua took Tian Yuqiao out. There were three people left in the house, Li Shi, the scholar Lang and Zhu Rongrong.

Zhu Rongrong's heart had to pick up his throat, but he didn't dare to look up at the scholar.

The scholar Lang is also stiff. He doesn't want to see the face worse than his sister-in-law.

"Old four, Miss Zhu came all the way here, especially for your business. Now she sent ten liang of silver, saying it was reserved for your study in the coming year. You have to treat people well. My mother will go out to cook and stay at home for lunch."

Li Shi said that he would go out, but shushulang said nothing and refused to let Li Shi go. Zhu Rongrong felt even more unnatural and refused to let Li go out. Li had no choice but to stay in the house and watch the two people stare at each other.

"Cough, well... Last time I heard from my sister-in-law that something happened to your family these days. Last time I gave six liang of silver to the pig, but I don't know if it's enough. This time I brought ten Liang. These are my private money, and my father and brothers helped together. If it's not enough, just ask."

Before Zhu Rongrong finished, Li's smile suddenly froze on his face, took Zhu Rongrong's hand and asked, "what, you said that you gave six Liang silver to the old sow before?"

Zhu Rongrong was also a little stunned. It's not right. It's reasonable that their family should be moved?

Tian Guihua and Tian Yuqiao, who were eavesdropping in the kitchen, looked at each other. Tian Guihua went out unhappily and directly came to the West Wing room.

"Sister-in-law, come out for a while. My mother is looking for you and says she wants to re divide the meat for everyone."

Tian Guihua worried that Gao had a ghost in her heart, so she used this method to deceive her in the past.

Gao Shi was also a heartless man. As soon as she heard that there was meat, she immediately forgot what she had done before. Originally, the doors of the house were plugged in. He made up his mind and refused to go out. Now as soon as Tian Guihua shouted in the yard to divide the meat, she wondered whether Li would also share the meat brought by Zhu Rongrong this time?

Gao didn't think any more. For fear of going out late, he was taken advantage of by Sanfang, so he walked out with a smile.

However, after she went to the room, she immediately felt that the atmosphere around her was not quite right. Li's face was heavy enough to drip water, while Zhu Rongrong over there was at a loss.

Tian Yuqiao took advantage of people's inattention, took Zhu Rongrong and whispered, "my aunt should not have given me all the silver for selling pigs. Sister Rongrong, I'll go home first. If there's a fight here for a while, you'd better go first and have dinner at noon. Our family is in the house near the green brick courtyard wall at the foot of the mountain."

Tian Yuqiao said, then slipped away along the root of the wall. After she left, a domestic violence unprecedented in history broke out in the old house.

Before, Jiang Shi also had money, but at best, it was a few words or more. But this time, Gao Shi was so powerful that he immediately lost one or two silver.

The scholar Lang never liked to get involved in these bad things at home, so he frowned and left. When Zhu Rongrong saw that all the scholars had left, he didn't mean much to be here, so he said hello to Li and went out of the yard.

According to what Tian Yuqiao said before, he continued to walk to the end of the village. Sure enough, he saw a distinctive green brick courtyard wall. They happened to meet Tian Yutang again. They put donkeys back from the mountain, so they went into Tian Yuqiao's house together.

Over there in the old house, it doesn't matter that Gao's ignorance of money is revealed. Li's anger is about to rise to the sky.

She doesn't care when or whether it's the new year. First, he locked up the silver and the silk brought by Zhu Rongrong, and then asked Tian Dahu to take the pork to the back and freeze it.

Li had a lump in his head with a broom in his hand, so he was going to start using the family method to Gao.

Old man Tian went out to play chess with others. He just came back. He was going to go out to find the old men after lunch. As a result, he heard a burst of chicken flying and dog jumping in the yard.

"Wow, you are such a black sheep. You dare to lose money, and you lose a silver or two! You are so fat and crazy that I won't let the boss quit you."

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