Gao's ignorance of one or two silver coins was so quickly known by Li. It can be said that he has done evil and can't live.

Li shipang beat her up and asked Tian Guihua and Jiang Shi to search the house over there.

"I don't believe it. You took so much money and must have bought a lot of good things? Hua Hua, take people and dig out the brick seams for me. Be sure to find out the silver and things for me." Li gasped and ordered.

Gao's face was black and blue. Tian Dajiang didn't face her at this time.

In Tian Dajiang's heart, he is very depressed. Because her mother-in-law took so much money and didn't say what to buy for him. It's really hateful. Does she want to take her mother's house?

Seeing that his men didn't speak to him, Gao Shi could only sit on the ground and wipe his tears, and let Tian Guihua turn their house upside down.

As a result, when Tian Guihua opened Gao's dowry box, she almost disgusted her to death. There are several dirty and unwashed underwear on the head... There is still a sudden shit on the head!

Finally, I found the silver or two in the Kang cave. Gao was found before he could spend it. Not to mention that, all the belongings she had saved before were confiscated.

Tian Dajiang was angry. He also saved the private money with him. It was reserved for him to drink outside when he was greedy. That's good. All of it was taken away by his sister. I'm really a sister. I didn't leave him at all.

Gao held Tian Dajiang's leg and said, "the head of the family, my mother's family gave me subsidies. That's ours."

"Pa!" a loud slap hit Gao's face. "Shut up, you black sheep. If you don't let me divorce you this time, you'll have to burn incense and worship the Buddha. You're so bold and fat that you dare to take your mother's money."


Tian Yuqiao doesn't care about how to punish Gao at the old house. Seeing that Zhu Rongrong came with these little guys dejectedly, at this time, the lunch of their family had been prepared by the Wang family.

"Sister Rong, hurry in. My mother has just finished her lunch. Come in and have a warm meal. Let's have a good chat." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Zhu Rongrong looked a little dejected, but forced himself to squeeze out a smile and half pushed into the dining room of Tian Yuqiao's house.

There were guests at home today, so Wang asked Yuanji and Yuantong to go back to their houses to eat. Today, in order to find Zhu Rongrong, Wang specially cut a large plate of meat skin jelly and a double combination of ham sausage and egg sausage.

The big pot of meat balls and radish soup was hot and just came out of the pot.

Originally, Zhu Rongrong was in a low mood. This time, he didn't have time to talk to shushulang. However, seeing such a big table of delicious food, there were many things she had never seen, and she immediately forgot her troubles.

"Sister Rong, please try this is the meat skin jelly made from the meat skin we bought from you, and this is sausage and egg sausage. Try it first." Tian Yuqiao smiled and helped Zhu Rongrong.

Zhu Rongrong's eyes lit up after eating two pieces of sausage and a piece of meat skin jelly.

"Ah, sister Joel, our family has been killing pigs for many years. I didn't know that the things on the pig can still eat like this. In particular, the meat skin was originally hairy. No one likes to eat. It was basically thrown away. I didn't expect to make such delicious things."

"If it's delicious, you can eat more. There's still a lot after eating." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Fang Wenhao over there didn't say a word. He still maintained his due self-restraint. What food does not speak, sleep does not speak and so on, all showed the acme in him.

Wang had long heard his daughter tell him about Zhu Rongrong, and knew that the old house was going to be noisy again, causing the neighbors around to suffer, so he didn't ask Zhu Rongrong anything.

After dinner, Wang took Zhu Rongrong's hand and comforted her.

"I've heard what joel said. You like the fourth. But he's very angry. He said long ago that he wants to find a girl from someone else in town. Hey, you'd better have a number in mind. Don't put too much money and feelings in it. You'll suffer by yourself."

Zhu Rongrong's eyes turned red, nodded and said, "aunt, I know that. Even if my mother died early, it's not easy for my father to grow us up. I'm still so big and thick. The young men in our village seem to have seen ghosts when they see me..."

Fang Wenhao almost gushed out. He said in his heart that the ugly girl was quite self-aware. However, Tian Yuqiao just stepped on him, and his face suddenly turned red.

"Joe, what are you doing?" Fang Wenhao asked in a suppressed voice, holding back the pain on his feet.

Tian Yuqiao whispered angrily, "let's go out and let my mother enlighten her."

"Oh, then you don't have to step on me. You still work so hard." Fang Wenhao was a little angry.

Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao came to the yard and began to feed the little donkey with the forage just pulled back.

"You shouldn't just look at her appearance. The most important thing is to look at her heart. Take sister Rong for example. Although she looks a little tough, her heart is good. After learning that my fourth uncle doesn't have money to study, he tries to help. Where can I find such a woman?"

Tian Yuqiao said to himself, while Fang Wenhao over there seemed to know something.

He was still young. When he was in the palace, he was used to seeing the concubines of his father and the emperor, who were intriguing there all day. In order to get the holy favor, they do not hesitate to use all kinds of cruel means.

For a man like Zhu Rongrong, even if he is not at the same level as him, it is really rare to pay his heart silently for his beloved man.

Just about these, the little girl in front of her looks much shorter than herself. How can she know so much?

Tian Yuqiao didn't pay attention to Fang Wenhao's strange eyes, but still felt sorry for himself.

"Hey, I wish I could have a heart and a white head. But how many people in this world really love each other? As soon as you men have a little money, you like to flirt outside. In the end, the only hurt is the woman who has paid her heart..."

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