After Zhu Rongrong was enlightened by Wang, she wanted to open a lot. Fate is something that God decides, not yours. It's no use forcing. If only my mother were still there? Then a mother told her these words, but now she wants an outsider to teach her these words.

After thanking Wang, Tian Yuqiao sent Zhu Rongrong out of the village, and then returned home.

Originally, Li was going to the old house to help make sticky bean buns, but Li forgot to plan for the second room because Gao didn't know how to make money, so no one came to them.

Tian Yuqiao also thinks it's good. Finally, he can have a safe and stable year.

There was a heavy snow that night. It was the so-called auspicious snow that heralded a good year. Although the heavy snow has brought inconvenience to people's travel, farmers still like the snow very much.

On the morning of new year's Eve, everyone cleaned their yard and the snow on the road in front of the door. Fang Wenhao was also stuffed with a big broom by Tian Yuqiao and asked him to sweep snow in the yard.

He waved his broom reluctantly, but Fang Wenhao saw that the donkey seemed to have a problem with him. As long as he approached, the donkey would shout "ah ~" endlessly.

"Hum, it's really a tiger falling flat and the sun being bullied by a donkey." Fang Wenhao muttered angrily.

"Oh, this young master is angry with our donkey?" Tian Yuqiao came from behind with a bucket of water.

After being heard, Fang Wenhao didn't feel embarrassed, but continued to sweep the snow in the yard. Fortunately, today is a sunny day. The weather is dry and cold. The sun shines on the snow and the reflected light is a little dazzling.

Wang cooked the paste, and several children surrounded her, shouting to help paste the Spring Festival couplets.

We all know about Fang Wenhao's literacy. Unexpectedly, his handwriting is so good.

The front door, small door, side door, back door of the house, and the door of the barn... Anyway, there are couplets for each door. Such auspicious words as making every day's progress and prosperity of six animals will rot in the street.

Holding a pig hair brush, everyone carried a paste bucket and happily pasted Spring Festival couplets. Tian Yuqiao is sticking a window flower on the window. It was cut by Wang with red paper before. It is an auspicious pattern of magpie heralding spring, and it also has the word blessing.

"Sister, the couplets have been pasted. Come and paste a blessing." the little guy shouted with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao flattened the last corner of the window flower in his hand, then put on new cotton padded shoes and went down to the ground to paste the word Fu.

I didn't expect this guy's handwriting to be so beautiful. She couldn't believe it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

Tian Yuqiao pasted the blessing word upside down. The little guy immediately corrected, "sister, you pasted it wrong. You pasted the blessing word upside down."

Tian Yuqiao said to everyone with a smile, "this is what happiness means. Think about it carefully, isn't it?"

When Wang heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Joe still has an idea. Yes, the blessing word is inverted. Isn't it a blessing to our family? In the future, our blessing word will be turned over and pasted."

"Ha ha, good luck, good luck." everyone agreed with Tian Yuqiao. Only Fang Wenhao on one side thought that the little girl could not read and could find such a good reason to cover up.

But why hasn't he met such a clever little girl in the palace before? She's really special! If you were still the high prince, you could marry her as a concubine. But now I'm nothing. Hey, it's hard to stay with her forever!

The culprit of all this is his half brother. Hum, this revenge will be rewarded for everything.

Everyone was not in the mood for breakfast, because the next lunch was the main meal. As we all know, there will be delicious food next noon, so we'd rather be hungry than eat.

"Look at these skinny monkeys. They all have stomachs waiting for good food." Wang smiled happily.

This year is the first year she can eat enough. Seeing that the children have new clothes and have a lot of meat on their faces, Wang's heart is as sweet as honey.

The big steamed bread was steamed the night before. Although he was not ready to stick bean buns, Wang made a pot of bean sandbags. The white flour is wrapped with the rotten little bean stuffing and a lot of white sugar. At the thought of the soft and waxy taste, everyone can't wait to get over the time and hurry to eat.

Wang began to work early in the morning, and the little guys helped. Even Tian Yutang tied a red rope to the tail of the little donkey.

Caicai and Jin's neck were hung with a red bow by Tian Yuqiao. The two little things seemed to be celebrating a lot.

"OK, you guys should all play in the yard. My mother is going to start working." Wang said with a smile.

"No, I want to help my mother watch the stove." Yuanji said very wisely.

"I also want to help my mother." Yuantong also hugged Wang's waist.

Tian Yuqiao squinted at someone and saw Fang Wenhao's face embarrassed.

"I... I'd better go out to help chop firewood and carry water." Fang Wenhao said and went out with a bucket.

After Tian Yuqiao gave him a look of "you know", he helped Wang start picking and washing vegetables.

The new year's Eve dinner for only six people doesn't have much trouble. In fact, Wang can do it alone. However, Tian Yuqiao didn't want Wang to be too tired and didn't want the children at home to become lazy young masters, so he led everyone to help work together.

A poor prince can only be caught as a coolie, blowing a cold wind and chopping firewood outside.

Seeing the wind blowing outside, Wang said to Tian Yuqiao, "qiao'er, go and get Hao'er a dress. Don't let others freeze."

Tian Yuqiao answered, ran to the house, took a cotton padded robe and went out. Came to Fang Wenhao's back, directly put the robe on him, and then went back without saying a word. It was too cold outside. The cold wind poured in along her neck, so she didn't bother to stay much longer.

In Fang Wenhao's opinion, this is a shy little daughter state.

Is she... Shy because she's embarrassed to dress me? Ha ha, she would be shy, too. It seems that she just doesn't forgive people. In fact, she still cares about me in her heart.

Thinking of this, Fang Wenhao felt that the cold wind was not so cold, and the axe in his hand was more powerful.

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