Tian Yuqiao bought a silver hairpin with full weight for Wang in the jewelry building in the town and a butterfly hairpin for himself. When I went out, I didn't see the two brothers. As a result, looking for the voice, I found that there was a containment incident at the gate of Jisheng Hall of Yao's fourth family, Yao's fifth brother.

The man who was beaten on the ground by the guys and apprentices in the shop looked familiar, but he couldn't remember for a moment.

"You are so careless about human life. In order to harm the boss of Jiren hall, you hurt me and poisoned me, which almost killed me. You haven't given me the silver you promised to give me. You're too much."

The corners of the man's mouth and nostrils were bleeding. After listening to what he said, Tian Yuqiao remembered that when he first went to Jiren hall, he met a man who went to see a doctor and was about to die.

At the beginning, she thought the man was wrong. Unexpectedly, he was hurt by man. Thanks to the wound, it was like being caught by a wild beast. It's really dangerous. It turns out that the man negotiated with the jishengtang people to pit Yao Laowu, and then he got paid.

I didn't expect to cheat people. I was still half disabled and couldn't do heavy work. He asked for it. Such a person is really not worth pitying.

However, the two brothers were kind at this time. It seems that they want to help the big man.

After the group had had enough, they threw the man to a place where sundries were stacked across the road so that he wouldn't block the patient's door here.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao was coming, the two brothers said, "sister Qiao, this man is so poor. Although he did something wrong at the beginning, he shouldn't have been beaten like this. Now his wife ran away with others and took his only son, ah, Amitabha Buddha."

Yuantong also said: "sister qiao'er, our temple also lacks a helper. Now this man just doesn't have room. Let him go to the mountain to help us watch the temple. First, it provides him with a place to live, and second, it can make him atone in front of the Bodhisattva, isn't it?"

Tian Yuqiao suddenly felt that these two small bald heads had a potential to do MLM. I can't believe I'm right. I'm really good at brainwashing.

At the thought of rebuilding Nanshan Temple in the future, it really needs manpower. It's better to accept this man.

"Miss, I remember you. You are a good man. When I was injured and was about to die, you took out a panacea to save me." the man took Tian Yuqiao's leg and immediately began to kowtow to her.

Tian Yuqiao is speechless. Now it seems that he has to accept it if he doesn't accept it.

I've been beaten badly, but fortunately I didn't hurt my muscles and bones. Compared with the fatal injury last time, it's light this time. After all, it's hard for them to account for the death at their door.

When he came to Jiren hall, Yao Laowu looked at the man in silence and said, "I said you were lame this week. Who beat you? You can't let me stop day by day?"

"Hehe, uncle Yao, we saved this man from the gate of Jisheng hall. Now I have accepted him and asked him to be a temple wish in Nanshan Temple. I will help Yuanji and Yuantong to carry forward Nanshan Temple together."

"Oh? If so, it's still good. But this guy is not a good stubble. If he doesn't obey in the future, tell Uncle and I'll make him." Yao old five said, threatening the lame Zhou with his eyes.

This week, the lame was originally a gangster in the town. He had a lot of strength. At first, his family was a hunter, but later he began gambling and met some no three no four people. This is what happened before.

"Boss Yao, I am willing to change my evil ways and make atonement in front of the Bodhisattva."

"Well, your life was saved by others. If you still have half human nature, you should listen to his busy words and never be contaminated with that gambling, otherwise you will be ashamed." Yao Laowu continued to threaten.

"Yes, the villain knows that he will no longer associate with those no three no four people."

Seeing that the beating was almost over, Yao Laowu gave him some medicine. Tian Yuqiao wanted to give money, but he refused to say anything.

"Qiao'er, you said you wanted to plant medicinal herbs. I happen to have some seeds here. I'd better give them to you and take them back as a gift in return. Your uncle and I often have free clinics here, and there's nothing valuable and good." Yao Laowu has another attitude towards Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "OK, OK, it's better than anything to give me some medicinal seeds."

After giving her more than ten packets of seeds of common herbs, Tian Yuqiao went back with a smile.

In fact, she doesn't have any medicinal seeds in the virtual world. She just wants to cover people's eyes and ears with this method. Otherwise, it will be difficult for her to make money in the future. After all, she can't say that she earned money from going up the mountain every day, can she?

When I went back, in addition to the return gift from kandashan, there was another living man Zhou lame in the donkey car. Worried that their little donkey would get tired, several boys said nothing and refused to take the donkey cart. They only let Tian Yuqiao sit on it. Eryuan and Tian Yutang followed under.

Fang Wenhao is a little lucky. Fortunately, he can catch the car. Otherwise, wouldn't he have to follow him? In fact, he is not lazy, but because he wants to sit closer to Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao sat next to Fang Wenhao, blocking the cold wind from the front with his back. Between Tian Yuqiao and Zhou lame, there are two big bamboo baskets, which are full of gifts.

The donkey cart walked very slowly. Along the way, Yuqiao Nakata found that the little guys really improved their physique. They didn't feel cold or tired. Every little face is red.

After returning to the mountain village and unloading all the things on the car, the little guy took out the forage with a distressed face and began to feed the donkey. Yuantong carries a small wooden bucket to add water to the sink. Yuanji uses a brush to clean the hair of the little donkey.

After Tian Yuqiao and Wang said hello, he took an old mat and a set of bedding from home with Fang Wenhao, and led the cripple up the mountain.

When Zhou lame saw the poor little broken temple, his face twitched a few times. But fortunately, such a house is better than nothing. He doesn't dare to be picky.

Fang Wenhao can't help him clean up the mess, so he can only start cleaning up by himself.

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