Tian yuqiaoxin said that he had brought back the week's lame from the town. Unexpectedly, there were really many lame people in ancient times. Someone's leg was lame at every turn.

Tian Yuqiao found the broken pot and began to help him make medicine. Fang Wenhao walked around with his hands on his back like visiting tourist attractions, and soon walked around to the backyard.

As if he had an intuition, he came to the grave next to the stone Bodhisattva and looked at it blankly.

After Zhou lame drank the medicine, he immediately felt that his injury seemed to be much better. Who asked Tian Yuqiao to help him boil the medicine with the empty lotus pond water?

"OK, you can make do with it here first. Later, I'll ask Yuanji and Yuantong to come and send you some food. When the spring comes next year, it will be rebuilt. Then it won't be so hard." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Yes, I can live anywhere. As long as there is a tile covering my head, it's very good. It's very good here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard two barks.

"Thor, come here. I'll introduce you to a new friend. He will live here with you in the future." Tian Yuqiao smiled and pointed to Zhou lame and said to Thor.

Zhou lame, a big and thick man, his legs softened after seeing Thor. Tian Yuqiao felt funny, so he touched Thor's big head and comforted him. Thor no longer looked at Zhou lame with that hostile eye, which made Zhou lame less trembling.

The house was soon packed out, barely enough to live. With Thor here with him, there's no need to worry about the wild animals in the mountains.

Tian Yuqiao was a little tired after he went down the mountain. Wang has prepared some food for the cripple that week, including sorghum rice and rice, and steamed two pots of white flour steamed bread for him.

"He's a big man. I don't think he can make pasta. I won't give him the white flour. Just send him steamed bread directly. These grains should be enough for him to eat all winter." Wang said with a smile as he sorted it out.

"Niang, he used to be a gangster and hunted in the mountains. Don't worry. He will never die of hunger. Besides, Thor will go out hunting every day. He must have meat to eat." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"I have to bring him some radishes and potatoes. Don't always let him grab food with Thor." Wang frowned and said.

As a result, her words immediately amused several children at home. Even Fang Wenhao, who had always been calm, showed signs of cracking in the cold corners of his mouth.

"Hehe, it turns out that my mother is worried about Thor! Don't worry. He was so scared that he almost peed his pants when he saw Thor today. It's funny. He can't rob Thor, otherwise he must suffer."

After listening to her daughter's words, Wang also smiled.

He planned to deliver food to him the next day, but the two little monks seemed to be very interested in the new temple wish, so they went up the mountain with steamed bread on their backs all night.

When they all came back, the little guy inserted his own door with a thief look on his face, and then said mysteriously to Tian Yuqiao, "sister, I haven't taken out the things you bought for my mother today. I've locked the door. Give them to my mother quickly. She will be very happy."

Eryuan and his brothers also washed their faces. Everyone came to Wang's room with a smile.

Wang originally planned to sew a suit of cotton padded clothes for the cripple that week according to Tian Yuqiao's description. Unexpectedly, the children came so late. She thought something had happened and immediately put down the needle and thread in her hand.

"Joe, what's wrong with the you? Why have you come to my mother?" Wang asked stupidly.

Tian Yuqiao took out a long small box, put it on the Kang with a smile and pushed it to Wang's front without saying anything more.

With some curiosity, Wang picked up the box from the Kang and opened it with the faint light of the oil lamp. Unexpectedly, he saw a beautifully carved hairpin.

"Ah, this is silver!" Wang's face was shocked.

Take out the hairpin and put it on her hand. The expression on her face solidified.

"Qiao'er, this is a full silver hairpin. It's quite heavy. Did you buy it?" Wang's eyes widened and asked.

Several children brushed their heads together, and Tian Yuqiao stepped forward and said, "Mom, you have worked hard to raise us these years. Now we have surplus money in our hands. This is what we do together to be filial to you during the new year."

"God, Joe, how much money will it cost?" Wang was still worried.

"Hehe Niang, it's not expensive. Please put it on quickly and see if it looks good." Tian Yuqiao said as he pulled Wang down the Kang and let her sit in front of the dressing table.

The little guy brought the oil lamp, and Yuantong also brought the oil lamp in his house.

Under the irradiation of two oil lamps, the silver hairpin on Wang's head actually emits a little silver light, which is very beautiful.

"It's really nice for my mother to wear this hairpin. No wonder they always say they want to buy Silver hairpins." the little guy looked curiously around Wang.

"Little brother, can you speak? It's obvious that my mother is good-looking, but it has nothing to do with the silver hairpin. The silver hairpin just makes my mother's beauty more obvious." Tian Yuqiao corrected with a smile.

"Well, before, Shuozi Niang always wore a silver hairpin. At that time, I thought it was very nice. I didn't expect that our Niang has it now. It's nice." the little guy said with a smile.

Wang's eyes are red. He even has jewelry.

In recent years, after the sophomore left, they let their mother and son live and die, and the old house didn't even want to give the cost of soup and medicine. Or did she pawn all her dowry and jewelry to bring up her two children.

Now she has a wooden hairpin on her head, which was cut by Tian Dahe before. Now with the silver hairpin, she put the wooden hairpin in the box, carefully put it in the Kang cabinet and locked it with a lock.

Wang Shi was so moved that Tian Yuqiao was speechless that he led several people out.

He took off the silver hairpin on his head. While touching the silver hairpin bought for her by the children, Wang touched the wooden hairpin cut by Tian Dahe, and tears fell down one by one.

"Elder sister, it's obviously a very happy thing. Why did my mother cry? Is it another cry of joy?" the little guy asked with a frown.

"Silly brother, my mother is moved by our filial piety."

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