Under the banner of checking the cause of death for the twelve princes, the people of the eldest prince began to recruit soldiers everywhere in order to prepare for their accession to the throne at that time.

Fang Wenhao actually knew that his eldest brother sent someone to kill him, so he kept this revenge in mind. At last, there is a chance to get close to the prince. How could he miss it?

But Wang's side cried very sad. Especially when Fang Wenhao called her "mother", he felt that this was his own son. What a poor child. I'm going to be a soldier in a place that kills people without blinking an eye.

Wang still refused to let Fang Wenhao go, but Fang Wenhao said, "Mom, don't you want my father to come back early? At least I've been noticed by the leader now, and I'm sure he won't embarrass my child. As soon as I have time, I'll find a way to find out my father's whereabouts. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Wang cried all night. The next day, his eyes were swollen like two peaches. She stayed up all night and made two new clothes for Fang Wenhao all night.

Although she didn't make less clothes for the family during this time, her mother was worried. Wang always felt that Fang Wenhao's clothes would not be enough.

When she took a pile of newly made clothes, Fang Wenhao's tears immediately came down.

This calloused woman treated him so well and sincerely. How can she not move him?

Thinking of this, he cried and ran out of the gate, leaving Wang outside crying and shouting his name.

He ran to the mountain in one breath and was stopped by the officers and soldiers on the way: "boy, what are you doing? Now the government has imposed martial law here. Get out of here quickly."

"What kind of thing do you dare to talk to me like that? I'm looking for Lao Jiu." Fang Wenhao looked full of momentum, which startled the little man.

"It's for our ninth master. Wait a minute, and I'll report." the soldier said to the other people next to him, "take care of this boy, and I'll go back."

After less than a cup of tea, I didn't expect that the old nine took it out in person.

"Oh, little brother, I didn't expect you to think so soon?" Lao Jiu smiled at Fang Wenhao.

"Not yet, but I have something to talk to you about." Fang Wenhao still had a cold face.

The old nine didn't expect that a child brought up by a wolf should have such boldness of vision. No wonder scar would like it so much.

He greeted Fang Wenhao with a smile and went into his own tent. Now he has hundreds of people under his hands, which is not a small official. After all, he rebelled from the twelve princes, so the eldest prince didn't dare to entrust Lao Jiu with a heavy responsibility.

"Little brother, please sit down, come and have tea. Come on, what do you want to talk to me about?" Lao Jiu was still smiling, but he found that he couldn't see through the hairy boy.

"I don't want to leave right away. There are still some things that haven't been arranged at home. What's more, I hope I can advance some military expenses to my mother. What's more, I hope uncle can help me find someone. That's my godmother's man. He was conscripted and left a few years ago. If you can promise, I'll promise to join you in the army."

Lao Jiu said with a smile, "ha ha, there are no problems with these. We originally planned to come here to investigate the case this time. Whether we investigated it or not, we won't leave soon and have to stay here for a long time. We need to build a mausoleum for the noble man. Alas, if we say this, the noble man is really poor..."

Fang Wenhao saw a bright light in Lao Jiu's eyes. Is that tears?

Who is Lao Jiu? That's a man cultivated by the boss and them together. This time, the twelve princes were killed. Whether they were guilty or not, all the guards except Duke Xu were to be buried from beginning to end.

This time, the Emperor gave the Grand Prince two orders: one was to investigate the murderer who really killed Fang Wenhao, and the other was to build a mausoleum for Fang Wenhao directly on the south mountain, that is, where Fang Wenhao died.

The old Emperor didn't want his son's bones tossed back and forth, so he gave such an order.

Fang Wenhao thought that he was just an illusion. After all, Lao Jiu betrayed himself and didn't die like other bodyguards. How could he sympathize with himself?

Hehe, the heart is really separated from the belly. Now fortunately, he has another body and a completely different look. This is undoubtedly not the best cover for revenge.

"I promised. I'll apply for twenty liang of silver for you first, and you can come and get it tomorrow. I'm sure the boss will approve it. Besides, you can stay at home with you and fuck them more during this time."

While Lao Jiu was talking, he patted Fang Wenhao on the shoulder with his big hand.

Naturally, his strength was not small. Unexpectedly, Fang Wenhao still stood there without moving his silk.

"Good boy, I'm really practicing my family. I'll follow your ninth uncle in the future." Lao Jiu loved the young man in front of him again.

Fang Wenhao ignored him, but went to see Zhou lame and Thor, and went down the mountain.

With Fang Wenhao's care, Zhou lame's life was not disturbed, but more people chatted with him.

I don't know whether those people were trying to make a story out of his mouth or what. Zhou lame liked to boast. This time, he met a "confidant" and immediately began to boast all over the world.

What? He had seen the old lady bathe when he was three years old, and he knocked the widow door next door at seven, and shovel at the age of nine, and so on.

With the same character as a ruffian, he quickly became one with those officers and soldiers. No wonder at that time, the people said that the officials and bandits were a family. Tut Tut, it seemed that it was so interesting.

After Fang Wenhao returned, he told Wang what had happened today. During this time, Wang has been persuaded by Tian Yuqiao not to shed tears, but his heart is still reluctant to give up Wen Hao.

"Mom, now you don't have to worry about being bullied. In the future, I'll be a small leader in the army, with ten adults under my control." Fang Wenhao deliberately began to sell Meng.

He had already revealed his true colors after his rebirth. He was not a real dandy, and he was taught by a famous teacher. The reason for pretending to be cynical is just to confuse the brothers.

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