After Fang Wenhao negotiated with Lao Jiu, he received twenty liang of silver from the mountain the next day. Since they learned that the boy was covered by the ninth master and was still the man favored by the leader, the attitude of the big soldiers towards Wen Hao changed immediately.

It was a 180 degree turn, which made Fang Wenhao wonder if his true identity had been found?

The old nine is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Since he gave Fang Wenhao twenty liang of silver, he naturally asked him to help him speak in front of the senior official. Otherwise, it is impossible to withdraw twenty Liang silver at once. Even if a person dies, the pension is so much.

"By the way, little guy, I haven't asked your name yet. What's your name?" Lao Jiu asked with a smile.

"My mother calls me Hao'er and my name is Tian Yuhao." Fang Wenhao starts to lie directly.

"Yes, it's a good name. Now that you've received the money from the army to support you for the elderly, you can't do nothing at this time. Why don't you just leave it to you based on the investigation of the mountain village? What do you think?"

Fang Wenhao nodded and agreed without thinking.

"Good boy, you really have courage. I'll take you to pick your ten men and horses later."

They talked about some useless things. Then Lao Jiu took Fang Wenhao to a large collective tent. The soldiers here are all recruits, so they have not been arranged.

Fang Wenhao picked ten people who looked good to his eyes. They were not very old. Then he received new military uniforms and weapons, and took them down the mountain with him.

When Wang watched a large number of officers and soldiers come again, she was frightened.

"Mom, brother Hao'er is back. Look, this is his official dress and big knife." the little guy held a big knife and said with a smile.

When Wang was so frightened, he hid far away and said to Tian Yutang with a frightened face: "Yutang, put down the knife quickly. It might hurt yourself."

Fang Wenhao took the knife in the little guy's hand and put it in the hand of a soldier next to him. He smiled and said to Wang, "Mom, don't worry. These are all for me. I'll change them in the house later and see if they look good."

It's rare to see Fang Wenhao smiling. Tian Yuqiao's heart missed a beat. It seems that this ice faced guy also looks good with a smile, but he always likes to show that everyone owes him a mountain.

When he went in to change his clothes, the ten soldiers selected by him lined up and stood on the side of the gate of the Tian family, just like a human wall.

Wang was embarrassed and asked several children to pour water for them. Naturally, those people did not dare to eat and drink at the centurion's house, so they all shook their heads, and no one dared to drink the water in front of them.

When Fang Wenhao came out of the house, Tian Yuqiao immediately burst out laughing.

She mended her brain. In the journey to the West she had seen in her previous life, when the monkey king first became Bi Mawen in the heavenly palace, as a monkey, he wore clothes much larger than his own body. Now Fang Wenhao looks like this.

"Hao'er, your clothes are a little too big. You'd better take them off and change them for you." Wang frowned.

Fang Wenhao went back and changed into the clothes Wang had made for him before, while Wang returned to the house and helped Fang Wenhao make his clothes smaller.

"Mom, I can stay at home for a long time. I'm not in a hurry. And the boss is very nice to me. Take these twenty Liang silver. I'm filial to you." Fang Wenhao gave Wang twenty Liang silver.

"No, boy. You may need to do something in many places in the military camp in the future. You can use the money. Mom is not short of money. You don't have to worry about me. Besides, Joel will make money. Keep the silver yourself."

Fang Wenhao still insisted that if Wang didn't accept it, he would always kneel on the ground and couldn't get up. Wang had no choice but to lock up the twenty Liang silver with tears in his eyes.

"My Lord, our brother should go back, or he will be punished if he goes back late. When tomorrow morning, we will go down the mountain on time and go on business with adults."

Fang Wenhao waved his hand and said, "let's go. Just come back to me tomorrow. Oh, by the way, when you see my family in the future, remember to take care of it more."

"That's that. The little ones will."

Those were teenagers of fifteen or sixteen years old. They were all very energetic and had tendons and flesh on their bodies. And they are all very clever. Naturally, they understand that it's inconvenient to disturb more here.

Tian Yuqiao thought Fang Wenhao's vision was pretty good. He chose so ten teenagers as his men.

Wang was a little embarrassed and decided to leave them for dinner here.

At first, everyone refused, but they also had to listen to Fang Wenhao, didn't they?

"What's the time for dinner in the barracks?" Fang Wenhao asked with a frown.

"It's not time to return to adults," said a young man with big eyes.

"Oh, it seems that you have delayed dinner when you come back with me. Then stay and leave after dinner." Fang Wenhao said.

Wang has been busy with several children for a long time. There are ten more mouths to eat at home. This is not fun.

Stewed a big pot of turnip bone soup and stewed two rabbits sent by father Zeng. This made Fang Wenhao frown. Unexpectedly, his mother was so enthusiastic about her men. She couldn't bear to eat that rabbit. Now it's cheap. These big soldiers, alas~

Those soldiers, who can't even touch the meat star at ordinary times, immediately ate up regardless of the image as soon as they saw the meat, which is also packed in large pots.

After eating, they went up the mountain with their stomachs. After this meal, even if you are punished for being late, it is worth it.

Before the next day, the ten teenagers came to Tian Yuqiao's door on time to report for duty.

As a result, I saw a sneaky figure next to Tian Yuqiao's house.

When Fang Wenhao came out wearing the official clothes changed by Wang, he saw Tian Dahu.

He had heard before that there were no good things in the Tian family's old house. Also learned from the mouth of Eryuan brothers that Tian Dahu wanted to sell Tian Yuqiao again and again.

This time, I've committed a crime in my own hands. I'll just catch him as a spy.

"Go and catch that man. I don't think he's a good man."

At Fang Wenhao's command, the ten men shouted and went directly to surround Tian Dahu.

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