Fang Wenhao became a ten captain, which is the so-called three fires when a new official takes office. And his first fire burned directly on Tian Dahu. He was also blamed for his bad luck this time. He just hit someone else's muzzle.

Originally, he heard Gao say that Wang bought a silver hairpin and wondered if he could get the silver hairpin on Wang's head. At that time, if you sell the money, you can take it and gamble.

As a result, I didn't expect to be pressed on the ground by a group of officers and soldiers like wolves.

No matter how many young people there are, if the boss speaks, they will fight.

Originally, these people were not so easy to get together, but Wang's meal yesterday completely captured their stomach. Fang Wenhao's popular practice directly let them catch people, which, to a certain extent, also made Fang Wenhao build a certain prestige in the hearts of these people.

Originally, they were still dissatisfied with the young man who was younger than themselves. Now it seems that looking at the great efforts of others, they are a big pot of meat at once. And the efficiency of this popular order. I caught a suspicious person as soon as I came up. No wonder even the leader admired him very much.

"I, I, I am wronged. I'm really not a bad person. I just happened to pass by. You caught the wrong person, officer. I'm really a good person." Tian Dahu struggled on the ground.

The young man's four or two size official boots had stepped on his big cake face and stepped half of his face into the soil. Even his voice became similar to that of a pig.

Fang Wenhao made it clear that he wanted to vent his anger on Tian Yuqiao this time, so naturally he would not give him a chance to refute.

"Sneak around people and say you're not a spy? Come on, whose socks stink the most? Plug his mouth and beat him first." Fang Wenhao ordered with a straight face.

"Ha ha, big head's feet stink the most, so use his."

"No, we can't sleep every night."

The boy named big head shook his big head. Fang Wenhao noticed that this guy's head was really two times bigger than people's.

He took off his shoes and took off his socks. Good guy, his socks were thrown in front of Tian Dahu and stood directly in the snow without bending.

Fang Wenhao was also drunk. He covered his nose and stepped back a few steps, which made people give the sock a ball, and finally stuffed it into Tian Dahu's mouth.

There was no need to fight at all. Tian Dahu was fainted directly.

After everyone punched and kicked, they threw the man back to the yard door of the Tian family's old house.

The big head also yelled at Jiang: "This man belongs to your family, isn't he? Take care of him in the future. Don't let him wander around, especially don't walk around at the door of our family. Otherwise, he will be punished as a spy. Next time, it's not just a meal. Oh, yes, the pair of socks in his mouth belong to Uncle Ben. Wash them for me and send them to the Tian family at the end of the village."

The big cow was so angry that Jiang almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang shook twice and found that Tian Dahu was still unconscious. Seeing that Erlang and Sanlang were still standing there, Jiang said angrily: "you two unfilial sons, don't come quickly and help your father into the house?"

When Erlang and Sanlang heard the speech, they hurried forward to give a hand. It took them a long time to help Tian Dahu back to the house.

"Mom, Dad's mouth is so smelly. What's that stuff?" Erlang sucked his nose and immediately looked disgusted.

"Second brother, I remember that soldier said, let my mother wash his socks. Where did he send them?"

Jiang remembered that, yes, his man's mouth was still stuffed with things.

When she wet a large area of the two hard socks with the saliva of Tian Dahu, she saw clearly that they were actually two smelly socks.

But why are these socks so hard? Jiang Shi doubted whether they were coated with oil?

Tian Dahu was awakened by Erlang with cold water in his mouth. He immediately began to vomit. He wanted to vomit all the next year's rice.

Jiang's side didn't dare to neglect. Seeing that her man woke up, she had to wash her socks for the official. Otherwise, if the evil stars came back later and asked for their socks, if they didn't wash them well, her man would be beaten again.

Jiang Shi washed the socks again and again. It was not until he washed them for the 13th time that the socks showed their original face. It was still a pair of white socks. It was really difficult for the young man to wear this color.

"Mom, the third brother was beaten, and the third sister-in-law even helped the man who beat the third brother wash his socks." Tian Guihua said angrily.

As soon as Li Shi heard this, he immediately became angry: "what, why did the old three get beaten? Who was beaten?"

"I don't know. I just heard what Saburo said. He said that the third brother was going out for a walk, but he didn't know how, so he was carried back by the group of officers and soldiers." Tian Guihua said.

"Hey, this careless thing really annoys me. Didn't I tell them all that? There are officers and soldiers in the village these days. Let them all settle down. Go and call them all to me. I'll explain it again." Li Shi was a little angry.

When Tian Dahu was also held by Jiang, Li beat the edge of the Kang with a broom and earnestly advised his sons, "what bad things do you usually do? My mother always keeps one eye open and one eye closed. Now there are officials in the village, can't you give me some peace?"

Mr. Tian also said, "if any of you dare to go out easily in the future, especially when walking up the mountain, don't blame me for using the family law. Hum, I'm old, and I can't speak well as a father, can I? Third, tell me about you. How many baskets have you poked during this time?"

"Dad, I didn't mean it this time. I just thought about going to my second sister-in-law's house. I heard that she was wearing silver jewelry. I'm going to see if it's true..." Tian Dahu still argued cunningly.

"What, you said that the second daughter-in-law still has silver jewelry? This bloody white eyed wolf, hum. I told her so low years ago that she wouldn't study for the second daughter-in-law, but she had money to buy jewelry. Who did she show her when the second daughter-in-law was not at home?"

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