Fang Wenhao let people beat Tian Dahu. Who made him want to harm Tian Yuqiao's family? He deserved it this time. However, what he didn't expect was that the people of the Tian family's old house not only didn't repent, but also hated the Tian Yuqiao family after learning the reason.

"Hum, it's no wonder Wang supports so many wild children. It's not good. Indeed, there is one who can beat her up. Well, it's against heaven to let them beat people. I'll go and argue with her now. I think she dares to let people beat me?"

Li Shi said that he was going to put on his shoes and go down to the ground, planning to put on the posture of being a mother-in-law.

Mr. Tian also calmed down at this time and quickly stopped Li's way: "just be calm. Now the wild child is still in their house. When you go over at this time, aren't you touching a stone with an egg?"

"What do you say? When the boy leaves, he can't tell when." Li said angrily.

In fact, it was just an excuse for her to ask for an explanation for the third child. Her real idea was actually to take care of Wang's request for the silver hairpin. Joke, her mother-in-law hasn't worn gold and silver yet. She may be a widow with a dead husband. Why should she wear that silver hairpin?

During this time, Fang Wenhao apparently led people to investigate in the village, but in fact he did a lot of good things for the villagers. Five or six gangsters were arrested. These people are usually sneaky bullies in the village. Now I can't get up when I meet officers and soldiers.

One by one, they were all taken to the mountain to help the twelve princes repair the mausoleum. The village suddenly calmed down a lot. The village head came to the door with a young gift to thank these officials.

Wang was made a little sad and laughing, but he still gave back to the village head's house. Originally, there was no man in her family. Although the village head was very nice to her family on weekdays, she couldn't send annual gifts to her in the past.

It's different this time. It's not rude to come but not to go. So it's natural for Wang to bring back some meat and sausage to the village head. Naturally, he doesn't have to worry about being chewed.

Tian Yuqiao had a large template made into a blackboard and hung it directly in his study. Let Fang Wenhao seize the time to teach Eryuan and the little guy to read. She herself was scribbling beside her, with a cynical look, which made Fang Wenhao very depressed.

But the little guy is the most diligent in learning, because he doesn't want to be tested by his husband when spring comes and he doesn't have a little foundation.

From learning to write his own name to learning the Three Character Classic, a hundred family names and a thousand character script, the little guy's progress is far ahead. Tian Yuqiao was the kind of auditing student who was not valued by the teacher. At first, Fang Wenhao asked her more or less, and then decided to "give up treatment" to her.

Tian Yuqiao is also happy. As long as she has an excuse to read in the future, otherwise it will arouse others' suspicion.

Naturally, it's rare for those soldiers to follow such a good boss. If they can be lazy, they don't want to move. If they have nothing to do, they compete with Eryuan in Tian Yuqiao's yard.

During this period of time, the little guy can be said to have both civil and military cultivation, and he has not relaxed in both aspects. The Eryuan brothers made much faster progress in Kung Fu than Tian Yutang. In terms of culture, Fang Wenhao was a little disappointed.

During this time, Fang Wenhao spent most of his time like this. He led people around the village every day, and then he was lazy and hid at home to teach everyone to read.

Books are for the Enlightenment of the village head's grandson and some sent by Dr. Lin. they are enough anyway.

There is a sand table on everyone's desk. It is made of sand. Practice writing on it with a wooden stick, which is much cheaper than practicing writing on paper with a brush.

Fang Wenhao taught on the blackboard with a white lime pen. At first he was not used to it, but later he fell in love with this teaching method.

Although she was speechless about Tian Yuqiao's lazy character, she was proud that she could come up with such a method.

The little boy still doesn't know. Now he has buried a love in his heart and can't extricate himself.

This warm life lasted directly until the beginning of spring. The so-called seven nine rivers open and eight nine wild geese come.

Now the land has melted and can be ploughed in spring. Tian Yuqiao's family still doesn't have too many fields, only the two Mu mountains on the mountain and the slopes at the foot of the mountain.

The investigation of the cause of death of the twelve princes over there has gradually faded away. After all, it was a case that could not be investigated clearly. No one could find out anything unless the eldest prince was willing to turn himself in to his emperor's father and said he was the murderer who killed his own brother.

According to the emperor's will, construction on the mountain is about to start. But the boundary divided by the mausoleum also includes Tian Yuqiao's Nanshan Temple and her two Mu mountain.

The whole mountain is the scope of the mausoleum. This makes Tian Yuqiao a little depressed, which is equivalent to her moving there.

Originally, officers and soldiers don't have to worry about whose territory it is. Anyway, it's the king's land in the world. However, with Fang Wenhao's relationship, there is room for relaxation.

Scar reported the matter of Nanshan Temple. Master Huiyuan was an eminent monk. Even the emperor asked him to count his breath, so the eldest prince didn't dare to take it lightly, so he continued to report the problem of Nanshan Temple to the emperor.

The old emperor heard that his beloved son actually died in Nanshan Temple, which is really what master Huiyuan said at the beginning. But the master only said that Hao'er was not really dead, but was reborn in another form, and said that their father and son would have a chance to meet in the future.

Now the old Emperor didn't dare to doubt it. He made an order all night to let the eldest prince not destroy the buildings of Nanshan Temple when he was building the mausoleum, but also help rebuild Nanshan Temple. For nothing else, this is a respect for the Buddha.

The eight hundred mile express horse soon brought back the secret edict written by the emperor. Naturally, the eldest prince didn't dare to ask him, so he called scar over and explained to him. After that, he shook hands with the shopkeeper and went to enjoy the fish and water with the concubines dressed as men he brought.

Scar knows that the old nine was originally the servant of the twelve princes, and now he is building a mausoleum for his master, so he doesn't care. After all, there is a lot of oil and water in the mine over there, so he secretly handed over the building of the mausoleum to the old nine.

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