After the big prince installed the big tail Wolf for a few days, he no longer cared about the twelve princes, but found a group of beautiful women and began to enjoy the emperor's treatment in advance. Now he has sealed the imperial concubine or something privately. Fortunately, the old emperor doesn't know, otherwise he will be angry to death.

He entrusted the building of the mausoleum for the twelve princes to his right-hand assistant, that is, the guy with a scar on his mouth. And scar also served as the chief supervisor of the mine, so after weighing the pros and cons, scar decided to go back to the mine. After all, there is more oil and water there.

As for the construction of the mausoleum, he handed it directly to Lao Jiu. Lao Jiu was not familiar with the place of life here, so he paid special attention to Wen Hao. He even asked Fang Wenhao where to go for quarrying and where to get wood.

Fang Wenhao inherited all the memories of wolf boy in his mind. Although he didn't know much about the prices of the outside world, he was very familiar with the terrain here.

"Uncle Jiu, I used to hunt on the mountains around here with the wolves. I'm not really familiar with things in other places, but my mother and brothers should be familiar with them."

Fang Wenhao deliberately wants to accept the job, because he usually knows the bending of his head here. Everything related to purchasing is profitable. The reason why he didn't tell Tian Yuqiao was that he didn't want to involve her.

The old nine said with a sad face, "well, if you can really help me do this thing well, I believe the spirits of the twelve princes in heaven can rest in peace. The amount of silver allocated by the top is very large, but there should not be much left after being stripped off by layers. I hope you can buy the best things at the lowest price. Can you do it?"

Fang Wenhao immediately had a feeling of being "pit". This guy, why didn't you say it earlier? If you had said that you would take this job whoever you like, I wouldn't be rare.

Seeing Fang Wenhao's face, Lao Jiu immediately smiled. Patted Fang Wenhao on the shoulder and said, "Hao'er, if we do things well this time, promotion and wealth are just around the corner. This will test your personal ability. Hey, uncle Jiu, I have no way. I'm not very familiar with the prices here, and the emperor also issued a decree to prevent us from bullying others, or I'll let my men pretend to be bandits to rob..."

Fang Wenhao's face was covered with circles. Unexpectedly, when the old nine usually followed him, he looked honest and honest. How can you become a bandit once you are with your big brother?

Look at the way he talks. What's the difference between him and the bandits? He really didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to pull the Tian family in this time.

Sadly, he returned to Tian Yuqiao's house. Wang had already prepared hot and fragrant meals for him.

Seeing that the boss was in a bad mood today, all the ten young men under his hand slipped away one by one. They didn't even dare to eat at Tian Yuqiao's house.

"Brother Hao'er, what's the matter with you? Has someone bullied you in the army?" the little guy asked attentively.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help looking at his brother. It was said that the girl was my mother's intimate cotton padded jacket. Unexpectedly, Tian Yutang was still Fang Wenhao's intimate shorts. Alas, it seems that I shouldn't have deified that wolf boy's brother too much.

Fang Wenhao remained silent. Finally, he couldn't stand the questioning of the "little Tang Monk", so he sighed and said, "Hey, I'm to blame this time. Originally, he thought he could help the superior undertake some tasks. At that time, he could get some oil and water to supplement the family. As a result..."

"What's the matter with the result? Is it that stealing chicken can't eat rice?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Fang Wenhao didn't say anything, but nodded silently.

Wang asked with some worry, "Hao'er, what did you promise others?"

Fang Wenhao told everyone what Lao Jiu had told himself before. When they heard it, they were all silent.

Others may not understand, but Tian Yuqiao is not surprised at this kind of thing. The big prince must take a large amount of money, and then exploit it layer by layer. It is estimated that there is nothing left in Lao Jiu's hand. And Lao Jiu can't work for nothing without getting paid. After he searched again... When he came to Fang Wenhao, there should be no more hair left.

As long as you don't take money in, how can you make money?

But fortunately, there are stones on the mountain, and the wood is all over the mountain. Tian Yuqiao carefully calculated the things that Lao Jiu asked Fang Wenhao to buy. It seems that there is still some oil and water to make here.

Not only that, you can also take this opportunity to benefit the countryside. For example, let the villagers go up the mountain to cut wood, and then give them part of the labor cost. They can also be asked to pick stones. At that time, they can collect money according to the quantity or weight.

This part of the money is much cheaper than buying ready-made ones directly. The account that Lao Jiu calculated with Fang Wenhao before was calculated according to the bricks, stones and wood purchased from finished products. The price would be much higher, so naturally there was no profit.

When Tian Yuqiao told everyone what he thought, there was no gasping in the room. Especially Fang Wenhao. Although he knew that Tian Yuqiao's head was different from others, he didn't expect that she could be so fine.

"Let me give you a detailed analysis. For example, it is estimated that the strong labor of the whole village may not be able to go up the mountain to cut down the wood needed this time. Maybe we should cooperate with other villages. But fortunately, there is no time limit, we can only let the people in our village cut down slowly. In addition, we should let them go to a far place to avoid the wood of the people in our village There is not enough wood. "

Everyone nodded and agreed with Tian Yuqiao.

"Also, isn't that stone all over the mountains and fields? Let the villagers collect large pieces at that time, and find a group of masons to knock the stone into standard stone bricks at that time. Isn't that enough?"

"It makes sense, you go on." Fang Wenhao can't wait to hear her below.

"Then let me say? When recruiting workers, you can choose from other villages. If you want to help build tombs here and want to get this job, why don't you show it to you?" Tian Yuqiao smiled.

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