Fang Wenhao thought he had taken a very arduous task. Unexpectedly, after being analyzed by Tian Yuqiao, he thought he had taken a beautiful job this time. For a moment, he felt full of energy.

"By the way, in order to transport things from outside to inside, I think we'd better repair the roads in the village first. If you can ask the soldiers to repair it, I'm sure the villagers will appreciate you very much. Oh, no, it should be you." Tian Yuqiao suggested with a smile.

"It's easy to do. As long as I help take over this important task, I believe the old nine will agree to such a small request. After all, those soldiers have nothing to do now. If the villagers are entrusted with cutting trees and picking stones, the soldiers will do a good job in building roads." Fang Wenhao said with reason.

"Amitabha, little monk once heard that when soldiers fight, they should often dig ditches or build roads. It shouldn't be a big problem." Yuanji little monk explained his point of view.

Wang naturally didn't know what to say, so he just said one word: "eat."

Everyone remembered that they had just patronized and talked, and the food was going to be cold. The sound of chopsticks colliding with bowls came from the room, as well as the sound of everyone chewing food.

The meal was particularly satisfying and solved a big problem. Fang Wenhao naturally relaxed a lot.

But now he is also very tangled. Actually let the reborn self build a mausoleum for the former self. Should the Lord do this to him?

At the thought of this, he was relieved again. After all, it's to build a mausoleum for yourself. When the time comes, you'll cut corners in it. Naturally, you won't have a guilty conscience. Anyway, what lies there is just an empty shell. The real him has continued his life on others.

The next morning, Fang Wenhao ran to the mountain to find Lao Jiu.

Now Nanshan Temple has been regarded as the temporary office of Lao Jiu. Naturally, it has been renovated. Zhou lame and Thor were also arranged in a separate tent.

After Fang Wenhao came to the renovated Nanshan Temple, he said to Lao Jiu, "I promised, and my mother agreed that I would help Uncle Jiu do this great thing."

Old nine was a little surprised. He said that the village woman was really easy to fool. She actually took such a difficult task.

"But I also have one condition." Fang Wenhao's eyes flashed slightly.

When Lao Jiu heard this, he came again. "Well, you can say what conditions you have. As long as I can do it, I will promise you."

"The roads in the village are a little muddy when we transport things from outside. And now it's busy farming season, I'm afraid we don't have much time. Let's wait until the busy farming season is over, and then let the villagers help build the mausoleum. What's more, we can ask our soldiers to help build a road from the village to the mountain. It's also convenient for transportation."

Listening to Fang Wenhao's words, Lao Jiu naturally had no reason not to agree, so he agreed with a smile. "Well, I'll leave everything here to you. Just report to me before you make any major decisions. You can dispatch the more than 500 people I have."

When Lao Jiu finished, he gave Fang Wenhao a square token made of brass. "This is a talisman. You can use it to dispatch these soldiers."

Fang Wenhao narrowed his eyes and said in his heart, do you want to lead the five hundred man-made rebels? But this idea is only fleeting. Although he wanted to avenge his eldest brother, his wings had not hardened and the time was not ripe.

Then he, who has "died" once, naturally understands what it means to be a man with his tail between his legs.

Carefully put away the talisman, and then went to the back camp and began to exercise his rights.

"Ladies and gentlemen, during the busy farming period, the ninth leader gave me the right to be the leader. I hope you don't think you want to make trouble in front of me because I'm young. This is a token, and I can kill first and then play!"

When he said this, the soldiers began to pay attention. At the beginning, they didn't take this little fart child seriously. Unexpectedly, he was so young that he could do such a good job next.

Most of these people are veterans. They are usually the best at dying on the battlefield to avoid the enemy. They have all kinds of ways to survive. It is naturally none of their business whether the battle is won or not.

For things like this, they can't get so much power anyway. It's the same who is in charge. But what they never expected was that Lao Jiu would choose such a hairy boy.

Suddenly, some people were about to coax, but they were stunned by the cold air released by Fang Wenhao.

"You may not know my identity very well, so I'll tell you all..."

Fang Wenhao then made public that he was raised by wolves. However, he kept searching in his memory for the desperate struggles that wolf boy had experienced before.

What wolves fight bears, wolves fight tigers and so on!

The people who listen are stunned one by one. When they looked at Fang Wenhao again, their eyes changed.

At the beginning, in their eyes, the boy was just very decent, so he was appreciated by his boss. What's more, they even began to doubt whether the top executives were paedophiles~

Fortunately, Fang Wenhao didn't know what others were secretly guessing, otherwise he would be angry and want to kill.

When people learned that he grew up with the wolf, they immediately had more respect and awe for him, but also less contempt and speculation.

Especially when he talked about his strange battles vividly, the people under his head opened their mouths.

The experience of the little boy soon spread among the 500 or 600 people. The news was like wings. Soon even Lao Jiu knew about it.

Tian Yuqiao also knew that this guy was bragging about his achievements with others.

"I didn't expect that he would use this way to stand up in such a complex place as the army. It's really rare."

Tian Yuqiao was talking to himself in the empty environment, but there was no pause in the alchemy movement in his hand.

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