Fang Wenhao successfully used the memory of the wolf boy and fooled the soldiers in front of the ruffians. Sure enough, those earth buns were soon fooled by him. For Fang Wenhao, there is more worship and less contempt.

After achieving his goal, Fang Wenhao then announced his "what? We are all soldiers, but we are not here to help build roads? Besides, this time we are ordered to build the mausoleum for the twelve princes, not farmers..."

Immediately, someone was dissatisfied with Wen Hao's proposal, but he didn't dare to speak too loudly. Nevertheless, Fang Wenhao, whose ear power was improved by the virtual lotus pond water, heard it.

"Come on, pull down Fang er's beard and hit the 20th army stick again." Fang Wenhao said coldly.

The lower head was immediately quiet, and no one dared to say anything again. But no one dared to move. After all, the two beards are veterans. They can eat well among these soldiers.

Seeing that no one should be with Fang Wenhao, Fang Er Mazi was a little proud.

At this time, I suddenly heard a Buddha call from the direction down the mountain: "Amitabha, brother Hao'er, my mother asked me to go up the mountain with my younger martial brother as your right arm."

In fact, Tian Yuqiao ordered this. She knew that Fang Wenhao would have trouble if he wanted to establish Wei this time, so she asked the two brothers Eryuan to go up the mountain to help. By the way, Caicai also came with me for a rainy day.

Tian Yuqiao himself hid in the virtual environment to study a new drug. It's called slippery pill. As the name suggests, as long as you eat one, whether you've been stubborn constipation for 20 years or you can't pull out what you eat that doesn't digest. This slippery pill can make you faint until you can't straighten up.

Er ~ however, with Tian Yuqiao's current skills, she can only refine this slippery pill. In other words, the effect of slippery pill is in the hands of her "rookie", and the medicine has weakened a lot. That's why she plans to sell this pill as a pill for constipation.

If it is really according to the effect recorded on the danfang, it is estimated that once this thing is taken out, it will pull people alive and die in the pit.

Tian Yuqiao is rarely proud of his poor skills. Look, sister, how powerful it is! It just turned the poison into a laxative!

Although she thinks the medicine of this pill should be able to treat constipation, for the sake of insurance, it's best to find someone to experiment before selling it to Ji Ren Tang.

After thinking about it, she decided to let gold try. Gold strongly opposed it, saying that Tian Yuqiao would give it to Cai Cai to eat. Gold doesn't want to be a white mouse. Is it OK if someone else is a little golden mouse?

Tian Yuqiao was helpless. He could only frown and think about the object used to test the medicine.

After thinking for a long time, I didn't think of a suitable candidate. Suddenly, Tian Yuqiao thought that his family was so close to Dr. Lin that he could take the medicine to him first and ask him to help identify it.

Tian Yuqiao went to Doctor Lin's house next door in the evening.

Fortunately, Dr. Lin is old and doesn't like to go to bed too early every day. At present, he is holding a roll of bamboo slips at home. It is said that it was a printed medical skill left by a miracle doctor in those years. I don't know whether it was true or false. Anyway, the old man began to read it as soon as he had a chance.

"Oh, it's girl Joel. What's the matter with you here? Come on, is your mother uncomfortable again?"

Tian Yuqiao immediately shook his head: "no, everyone in our family is fine. By the way, Grandpa Lin, could you please look at this pill for me? It is said that this thing can cure... Er, that, that's the kind of disease that can't pull things out."

Dr. Lin was stunned and couldn't pull anything out. What's the disease?

"Oh ~ I thought of it. You mean laxative? Show it to me." Dr. Lin put down his medical book with a smile and made room for the table in front of him.

Tian Yuqiao carefully put a milky Pill on the table and let Dr. Lin watch under the oil lamp.

The old man cut the pill with a small tweezer and a small knife, then cut it in half, put the quarter pill into the water and melted it, and observed the change of color.

Then he ground a quarter of the pills into powder, pinched some, and smelled them under his nose.

"Strange, how can you be colorless and tasteless?" Dr. Lin could not help frowning.

Tian Yuqiao said in his heart, "cut. If it's colored and tasteful, it's estimated that it's not good for people."

Dr. Lin didn't even see the clue, so he swallowed the last quarter of the pills directly into his stomach.

When Tian Yuqiao tried to stop him, his Adam's apple squirmed up and down. With the sound of "Gudong", the quarter of slippery Dan had completely entered his stomach.

You know, that's the secret recipe in the medicine King's treasure book. Almost all the pills refined by the method there are instant in the mouth. Even if you can't pull them out.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help worrying and asked nervously, "Grandpa Lin, why did you eat it? It's something that can make people have diarrhea."

Dr. Lin waved his hand, blushed and said, "Hey, girl Qiao, to tell you the truth, I'm just getting angry and constipated recently. Your pill is very strange, so I decided to test it by myself."

Well, looking at Dr. Lin's face, Tian Yuqiao was speechless.

However, before she came out of Dr. Lin's house, she heard a murmur, and then came Dr. Lin's trembling praise from the room: "God, this medicine is really powerful. It works really fast."

Then Tian Yuqiao turned his head in the yard and saw a white shadow like a ghost. It must have been Duan Yu's Lingbo micro step. It's estimated that it's such a speed?

Then I heard that the door of Dr. Lin's cottage was kicked open. Listening to the voice, it was estimated that it was too urgent to go. Maybe it broke the door of the cottage

After the "avalanche" was over, old man Lin bent down and bent back to his house.

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