With the help of Yuanji and Yuantong brothers, Wen Hao at the top of the mountain soon suppressed the discordant voices. As for the square two beards who took the lead in picking things, they were held down by Yuanji and Yuantong, and beat them with a stick.

The pain made the guy show his teeth, and the ass was beaten to blossom. It is estimated that he can't get down in half a month.

After subduing all the people by force, the next morning, the soldiers all assembled on the mountain and began to pick up the small stones on the mountain according to Fang Wenhao's previous orders. Before Chenshi.

In fact, you can choose to pave the road with bluestone slabs, but in that case, you will waste a lot of money. Anyway, these soldiers are idle. It's better to make use of the waste, let them do it by themselves, help build a road in the village, and let the people take a high look at them.

Sure enough, when they carried broken stones and began to pave the road to the village from the foot of the mountain, the villagers saw it.

Now it's spring ploughing time. Everyone goes to the ground early. It's hard not to meet those soldiers.

When everyone heard that the officials were helping the village to build roads, the village head and the elders were flattered one by one, followed by tears of gratitude and tears.

The village head called on the women of all families not to let the officials suffer! So at noon, these soldiers had a blessing in the mouth. Those big girls and little daughters-in-law carry baskets one by one. Some baskets contain corn flour, while others with good conditions contain some boiled eggs. What's more, the village head was asked to help inquire to see if the soldier had a daughter-in-law

Tian Yuqiao's family was the first to benefit. After all, the road was built from the foot of the mountain to the head of the village. In other words, now they are here in front of their house, so they don't have to worry about being muddy when it rains in the future.

Wang steamed a large pot of meat filled steamed bread. In fact, it was rougamo made of steamed bread. After the steamed bread is cooked, cut the middle and stuff some chopped meat foam into it.

When Wang sent food to the soldiers who were busy building roads in front of his house, he just saw the thin figure in the crowd.

"Hao'er, come here. Let's stop first, eat some steamed bread and drink water." Wang called with a smile.

Fang Wenhao smiled and asked everyone to stop and let everyone sit by the side of the road to eat.

The villagers brought a lot of food. If they can't finish eating, they can take it to the mountain for the soldiers who dig and pick up stones on the mountain. Among the people responsible for road construction at the foot of the mountain, there are naturally the ten "confidants" of Fang Wenhao.

"Hey, there's meat to eat with brother Hao." big head ate while he didn't forget to flatter Fang Wenhao.

"Oh, big head, can you see the true color of your socks?" a young man nearby joked.

Big head blushed a little, but he still smiled and said, "that's not true. I actually love cleanliness."

"It's good to love clean. Clean boys are most popular with girls," said a woman who was not familiar with Wang in the village with a smile.

Wang couldn't help frowning. Then he heard the woman ask, "officer, forgive me, a wild woman. I'm going to ask, officer, have you got a wife?"

The big head's face immediately turned red, while the other soldiers around him showed a look of watching a good play.

"Ha ha, big head, this is good luck."

"I think it's good for a big head to be a door-to-door son-in-law. There are beautiful mountains and rivers here, and a small head will be born next year."

Big head's face turned red and immediately ran up the mountain. He couldn't stop it.

He can be laid off and sloppy, but he can't listen to others as a matchmaker. This time it was because his mother wanted to marry him in his hometown that he escaped and became a soldier.

"Look at this boy, ha ha, how honest he is." Wang said awkwardly.

The old woman said, "no, it's hard to find such a simple and honest young man. Hey, I don't know what he means."

Tian Yuqiao suddenly patted his forehead and shouted "no", then spread his two short legs and ran towards Dr. Lin's house.

She was really worried that the only barefoot doctor in the village would be drowned in her own hut~

Fortunately, when she arrived at Dr. Lin's house, she heard a faint hum.

"Ouch, ouch..."

It may be that the door of Dr. Lin's house was not locked because he had to toss the thatched cottage often. Tian Yuqiao pushed the door and entered the house. He saw that Dr. Lin had lost a whole lot of weight that night. At this time, he was lying on his Kang, groaning powerlessly.

"Grandpa Lin, how are you?" Tian Yuqiao asked with concern.

Dr. Lin raised his hand weakly, which barely opened his eyelids. Seeing that the visitor was Tian Yuqiao, he said with a bitter smile, "Joe, the effect of your medicine is unspeakable. It's just that the medicine is a little strong. If you don't pay attention to the dose, it will kill people."

Tian Yuqiao recalled in silence that Caicai enjoyed it very much when he ate the slippery pill yesterday. Hey, I don't know if Caicai will pull out the antidote after taking the slippery pill?

In the past, wealth did not excrete when it ate human fireworks. After the meat was eaten in Caicai's stomach, it seemed to evaporate and could not be turned into an antidote.

"Grandpa Lin, how are you feeling now? Shall I go to town and invite a doctor for you?"

"No, I don't have to. I can't afford to lose my face. Hey, I have a feeling that the effect of the medicine is for a while. It'll be all right when the blockage and everything else in my stomach are discharged."

Tian Yuqiao is curious. In that case, why are you still lying on the Kang? But she was embarrassed to ask. After all, the initiator of this time was himself. Unexpectedly, Dr. Lin became the "white mouse" who tested her medicine.

After asking Wang to cook a bowl of white rice porridge for Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin really got better.

After returning home, Tian Yuqiao directly pulled Caicai into the virtual world. Holding its tail, let Caicai chrysanthemum face up: "Hey, you stole a whole bottle of slippery pills from me yesterday. Why don't you have diarrhea today? Oh, no, even if you pull out some shit."

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